I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 471 Listen to the tune but not the announcement

Chapter 471 Listen to the tune but not the announcement

I don't know at this time.

Li Jin, who had been defeated before, had already gathered the great generals of the four heavenly gates and waited quietly in front of the Nantian gate.


The two of them stopped in their tracks immediately, and their expressions changed.

Hulala tremors came from behind, like a landslide and tsunami, and millions of heavenly soldiers from the six divisions of Tiantingdou, Huo, Thunder, Water, Wen, and Tai Sui swarmed to surround their retreat.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back.

Where will they go in this battle?

"Stone Monkey King!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout from ahead, Li Jin separated from the crowd and sacrificed the Linglong Pagoda in his hand.

"Li Jin!"

Seeing this, Nezha's face was gloomy for a while, and his eyes blazed with hatred.I saw the exquisite pagoda spinning in the air, emitting dazzling divine light.

His face was counted, and he was about to attack.

"Come on!"

But seeing Li Jin yell loudly, holding the Linglong Pagoda in his hand, he crashed straight into the crowd, and immediately tore a huge hole in the battle formation that had been set up from behind.


At this moment, everyone was stunned by Li Jin's actions.The king of Tota, who sold his son for glory, only for promotion and honor...


Li Jin turned around and shouted angrily.

"Let's go." The Stone Monkey King was the first to react, grabbed Nezha, who looked completely dull, and slammed into the Nantian Gate. Anyway, facing the heavenly soldiers and generals who were chasing him, he slammed the golden cudgel on the Nantian Gate.

The majestic Nantian Gate crashed down, temporarily blocking the pursuers behind it.

"Brother Li, take care!"

The Stone Monkey King glanced back at Li Jin, gritted his teeth and waved, carrying the stiff Nezha straight to Huaguo Mountain in the lower realm.


"Li Jin."

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Queen Mother sat on the side of the throne, her eyes fixed on the kneeling figure below.

"Are you guilty?"


With shackles on his body and disheveled hair, Li Jin knelt on the ground and remained silent.

All the immortals gathered around him, all looking at his figure with strange eyes.This King Tota is really...beyond everyone's expectations!


Wu Qu Xingjun took a step forward, "Li Jin couldn't discipline Nezha and the Stone Monkey King, and he has committed a heinous crime. I request an order to put this beast on the chopping celestial platform. Its eternal reincarnation."

"Yeah yeah!"

"This Li Jin is really bold and reckless. As a fairy god, how can he have selfish feelings? This is a serious crime against the rules of heaven! He will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell, and he will never be reborn!"

The so-called wall falls and everyone pushes it down.Hearing Wu Qu Xingjun's words, all the immortals echoed. In their opinion, Li Jin had no chance of turning over.Even if Yang Gang, the god of justice, came in person.

Facing the strict rules of heaven he had set up by himself, he had no choice but to personally supervise and kill Li Jin.

"Tian Tiao~~~"

The Queen Mother sat upright in the sky, her eyes seemed to be lost.

half an hour.

She withdrew her thoughts and murmured, "I still have to wait until the Emperor of Heaven returns to make the decision himself. Put Li Jin in the prison first, disperse the immortal bones, and wait for what happens."


Wu Qu Xingjun is still not reconciled.

But the Queen Mother stared at her beautiful eyes and suppressed his follow-up words.

Although the rest of the immortals didn't know what the Queen Mother was thinking, they also understood her attitude.

When the Queen Mother of Yaochi appeared before, she said that the Heavenly Emperor needs to retreat for seven days, and will not show up until the official opening of the Peach Blossom Festival.Before the emperor returns, she will not interfere too much in the government and affect the rule of the heaven.

This mere Li Jin is not enough to threaten the Heavenly Court.

But now the real headaches for them are the Stone Monkey King and Nezha.

After being disturbed by Li Jin, the two escaped from the Heavenly Court, and it was very difficult to catch them back.The previous encirclement and suppression of Nezha in the South China Sea was a lesson learned from the past, and now there is an extra Stone Monkey King...

Those top powers haven't made a move yet, I'm afraid no one in the lower realm can do anything to them.

But if this evil disaster is not put down before the return of the Heavenly Emperor, wouldn't it appear that the immortals in the Heavenly Court are incompetent?

Everyone looked at the Queen Mother, waiting for her will.

"Pass down my will."

The Queen Mother stood up suddenly, her posture was majestic, and the atmosphere was overwhelming.

"Order Yang Gang, the god of justice, to eliminate his closed-door punishment, lead the army to select generals, and set out to pull Huaguo Mountain immediately, and must capture the Stone Monkey King and Nezha within seven days."


All the immortals responded in unison, but looked at each other in blank dismay.

Asking Yang Gang to capture the Stone Monkey King and Nezha, I have to say that this idea is brilliant.The Stone Monkey King and Nezha were born rebellious and rebellious.But Yang Gang is the god of justice in the heaven, and he has always been upright and upright, so that all beings in the three realms are in awe.

Even today's rules of heaven are made by him.

Use your son's spear to attack your son's shield.

Isn't it wonderful?

As for whether Yang Gang can win these two people, no one has ever thought about this question.The God of War of the Three Realms who has created miracles time and time again, Qingyun Conferred the Gods, suppressed the East China Sea, established Netherworld... In the eyes of the immortals, there seems to be nothing he cannot do.

As for whether this move would force Yang Gang to rebel, no one even thought about it.

In this huge Three Realms, the Heavenly Emperor is powerful and supreme, and his existence is a symbol of invincibility.If Yang Gang dares to rebel, the only thing waiting for him is death.

But... who is going to preach this decree?In the end, all the immortals looked at the Taibai God in the corner tacitly.

"Ah~~ My old bones."

Taibai Shenjun had a bitter face, only feeling that life is so helpless.Why does this kind of thankless thing come to him every time?
After a while.

Taibai Shenjun led the Queen Mother Yizhi and stood in front of the Judicial Temple.

He hesitated for a long time.

Finally mustered up the courage, shouted: "Judicial God is here, please see Taibai!"


The two columns of guards on the left and right of the gate are standing straight like sculptures.

And there was no response from the hall, as if there was no one there.

"The god of justice is here, Taibai please see me!"

"The god of justice is here, Taibai please see me!"

Taibai Shenjun called out three times in succession, his complexion became more and more bitter.

The queen mother's decree is as important as the five mountains, so she has to announce it.But Yang Gang also has a high status and authority. Since the establishment of Youming and the writing of Tiantiao, it is no longer a simple word 'status' to describe it.

No matter how much he Taibai Shenjun is the confidant of the Heavenly Emperor, the other party can completely ignore him.

The Empress Dowager, who was born out of nowhere, doesn't seem to matter enough to Yang Gang.

"It's over, this old man is really going to lose his life this time!"

Taibai Shenjun groaned in his heart.

He did not know.

Yang Gang is now traveling in the Three Realms in real body, and he is not in the Judicial Temple at all, so how can he come to see him?


Taibai Shenjun was in a dilemma, so he had no choice but to release the Queen Mother's edict into the Temple of Judicial God, and slapped his ass and left.

He has delivered the decree.

As for Yang Gang's acceptance or not, it depends on whether he is willing to give the Queen Mother this face.

Return to Lingxiao Palace.

Taibai Shenjun had a bitter face, and only said that the Judicial God had a special status and had the right to 'listen to the tune but not to the announcement', and refused to meet, so he shrank in a corner and refused to make a sound even if anyone called and asked.

All the immortals were in an uproar.

The Queen Mother's expression was serious.

The atmosphere in Lingxiao Palace was as stiff as dry mud for an instant.

Yang Gang.

Judicial God.

The number one God of War in the Three Realms.

The founder of the Underworld, the commander-in-chief of Ascension to Heaven.

Just relying on this series of titles is a heavy weight, which makes people breathless.

In this huge Three Realms, except the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, who can move him?

Who dares!

(End of this chapter)

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