I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 472 Children, step into the southern sky with my grandson, break the sky!

Chapter 472 Children, step into the southern sky with my grandson, break the sky!
Yang Gang didn't listen to the tune or the announcement in the heavenly court, which swept the Queen Mother's face.

And this time on the other side.

On Huaguo Mountain.

A huge banner fluttered in the wind, and the four characters of "Equaling Heaven and Great Sage" were written on it, openly challenging the heaven.It also made the immortals of the nine heavens and ten earths watch a joke in heaven.

Three days passed.

The flag was still flying on Huaguo Mountain, but Heavenly Court did not respond at all.

However, in the past three days, Huaguo Mountain has been extremely lively.

The Stone Monkey King raised the flag high and waved his arms, which immediately attracted demons from all directions to cast their votes.I don't know how many demons and ghosts are hidden in the Three Realms. In just three days, the entire Huaguo Mountain was full of smog, and the rising mist covered the sky for hundreds of miles.

The Hundred-Eyed Demon King from the southern border, the Bull Demon King from the Flaming Mountain, the Jiao Demon King from the deep sea, the golden-winged roc flying from the depths of the demon realm, the Yu Tamarin King who has escaped the world for thousands of years, and the unicorn from the Nether Cultivation Clan. Horned Ghost King...

There are also the demon king of the world, the black bear spirit, the famous tiger, deer, and sheep three immortals, the jade-faced fox, and the king of Nanshan who emerged from the hidden corners of the three mountains, five mountains, nine heavens and ten places...

They seem to have been prepared a long time ago, in groups, and the momentum is passionate.

A three-year-old child probably wouldn't believe it if there was no one behind the scenes.

In the face of these demons and ghosts, the Stone Monkey King will not refuse anyone.

Even with a wave of his hand, he directly sealed the Great Sage Bull Demon King Pingtian, the Great Sage Overturning the Jiao Demon King, the Great Sage Peng Demon King Hunting, the Great Sacred Lion Camel King Yishan, the Great Sage Macaque King of Ventilation, and the Great Sage Yu Tamarin King who exorcised God. .

Lead an army with him, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and the Seven Great Demon Saints of the Demon Race.

Now that there are helpers, Huaguo Mountain has strong soldiers and horses, but what if the Heavenly Court does not come to attack?
The Stone Monkey King slapped his head.

"Go, counterattack the Heavenly Court!"

that day.

The mist soared into the sky, filled with demonic aura.

The seven demon saints each led their armies to set off a boundless cloud of demons, as if thousands of demons gathered in the eternal demon realm to kill towards the nine heavens.All the immortals of the three realms were dumbfounded, and in front of the newly renovated Nantian Gate, all the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court were even more stunned.

"what is that?"

"It seems to be... a monster! Monsters overwhelming!"

"Not good! The army of monsters is coming! Hurry up, tell the Queen Mother!"

"The sky is turned upside down!"

The god guarding the Nantianmen's scalp exploded, and suddenly he raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly.

However, it was too late.

The boundless army of monsters poured into the Nantian Gate, breaking through the defenses of the defenseless guards, rushing into the heavenly court to start a frenzied killing.




The Stone Monkey King wears a golden armor with locks and a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on his head. He steps on lotus root silk and walks on cloud shoes. He is majestic. He steps on the plaque of the Nantian Gate and shouts:

"Would you like to step into the southern sky with my old grandson and smash the sky. Overturn the heavenly court and pull down the old emperor who is high above the throne?"




Roar! ! !
Hundreds of thousands of monsters roared up to the sky, with excitement and excitement on their faces.Once upon a time, they thought that one day they would be able to counterattack the Heavenly Court and wantonly trample this newly established eternal immortal dynasty?

If today's battle can be successful, it will definitely create the supreme glory of the Yaozu.

And they... will be the masters of this heaven in the future!
Regardless of whether it is ancient times or today, the Heavenly Court should belong to the Yaozu!
"Not good!"

"The momentum of the monsters is like a rainbow, and the vanguards from all walks of life are so powerful that they are almost unstoppable! Retreat three thousand miles quickly and reorganize the defense line!"

The berserk and bloody momentum shocked all the immortals in the heavenly court to retreat again and again. The scattered formation could not stop the attacking steps of the demons, and the so-called millions of heavenly soldiers could not even gather in time.

After all, no one can imagine that the Heavenly Court of the Megatron Three Realms and their stronghold will be invaded one day and night.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Nezha, armed with a pointed gun, bravely killed the enemy, and rushed to the forefront of the team alone.Three days ago, Li Jin desperately created an escape route for him, and since returning to Huaguo Mountain, the Stone Monkey King told him all the secrets.

The remorse in his heart was like water in the world, and he wished that he could kill the Heavenly Court alone and rescue his father who was trapped in a cage.

"Daddy... From today onwards, Nezha will protect you!"


Nezha roared and attacked fiercely, pierced the hateful Wuqu Xingjun through the chest, nailed it to the stone pillar in front of the Tongming Hall, and then turned around to kill Wang Lingguan, the head of the Heavenly Court Lingguan.

a time.

The majesty of the red lotus karmic fire dominates the heavens, and it is invincible.As if Nezha had become the strongest gun, he made a breach in the defense line that Heavenly Court had barely organized, and headed straight for Lingxiao Palace.

"evil creature!"

"Nie Yi! Where are the eight righteous gods, where are all the gods!"

"Quickly suppress the monsters, and kill all these rebellious monsters!"

The queen mother's angry voice spread throughout Lingxiao Palace.

At this time, the immortals and gods in the Lingxiao Temple are scattered, and most of the gods, generals and immortals go to support the front. Only Taisui Yang is left in the eight departments, and the rest are civil servants and celestial masters. It may be possible to fight alone.

It can be talked about the way of battle...

All the immortals were silent when they heard the Queen Mother's words.

In this shocking battle with a base of more than a million, letting them face the violent and bloodthirsty demon army is tantamount to delivering food.

"Your Majesty, all the gods and generals that can be dispatched have already gone to battle. However, the demon army is coming fiercely, and there are Nezha, the Stone Monkey King and the Seven Great Demon Saints. We really have nothing to do."

Taibai Shenjun looked bitter, stepped forward and said: "It is not easy for all the immortals to maintain the current situation."


The Queen Mother snorted coldly, "Where is the Supreme Lord? Where are the Eight Immortals? Hurry up and invite them."


Taibai Shenjun's expression became more and more bitter, "Yesterday at noon, there was a demon catastrophe on Penglai Xiandao. The Eight Immortals have now passed the East China Sea and went to suppress the evil. As for Taishang Laojun..."

"Didn't Your Majesty make an agreement with him before that he would just be a loafer in the Tushita Palace, only concocting alchemy and not needing to care about worldly affairs?"

The queen mother's face was ugly when she heard the words, and she remained silent.

Lose your face!

What a shame!
At this most critical moment, apart from the eight righteous gods, there is not a single general available in the Heavenly Court!
Even if Heavenly Court returns today and suppresses all Xiaoxiao evil generations with supreme power, Heavenly Court will lose all face.

Taibai Shenjun looked carefully at the Queen Mother's face, and lowered his head helplessly.

Now I think of them when I need the immortal way. When I suppressed the immortal way in order to gain the support of Buddhism, have you ever thought about today?It is really that the Heavenly Court did too hard before, leaving no room for it.

Otherwise, the Eight Immortals of the Immortal Dao, the Taishang Laojun, etc. would not avoid seeing them at this time.

"What about Buddhism? When will the reinforcements arrive?" The Queen Mother asked again.

"I've already asked someone to invite them. However, the Buddhist gate is located in the far west, and it will take at least three or four days for the army to catch up." Taibai Shenjun replied.

"Three or four days..."

The Queen Mother couldn't help gnashing her silver teeth secretly.

Wait another three or four days, and half of the Heavenly Court will probably fall.When the time comes their plan...


Taibai Shenjun hesitated for a while, and said: "For the current plan, only one person can take charge of the overall situation and turn the sky around."

(End of this chapter)

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