I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 473 The Boat of Heaven, the Demon King Appears

Chapter 473 The Boat of Heaven, the Demon King Appears


The queen mother subconsciously asked the question, and immediately responded.

"Judicial God, Yang Gang."

Sure enough, Taibai Shenjun said the name she was least willing to face.

"But ordinary people can't invite him now..." Taibai Shenjun's words seemed to imply deep meaning.

When the Queen Mother heard this, she fell silent.

Yang Gang didn't listen to the tune or the announcement, which greatly refuted her face.But the Emperor of Heaven entrusted the Heavenly Court to her, and if there is a trouble now, if she can't settle it...


The Queen Mother was silent for a long time, then got up suddenly, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, since the Judiciary God doesn't want to come, I'll invite him in person."

Say it.

Get up and leave directly, and move to the Judicial Temple.

Immortals, envoys, and female fairies flocked up, shouting for escort, and sent the Queen Mother all the way to the gate of the Temple of Judiciary, as if they were afraid that the Queen Mother would regret halfway and would not go.

After a while.

The immortals stood still in front of the Temple of Judiciary, but everyone suddenly fell silent.

Who opened the mouth first?this is a problem.

Their coming here today is tantamount to giving in to Yang Gang, thinking of all the deliberate targeting in the past, they just feel a little ashamed to face it.

Between the two sides is a battle of factions.

The immortals in the Heavenly Court are essentially the promotion bodies of the powerful and officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the past.Before they had the support of the Emperor of Heaven, they let Yang Gang retreat in the Temple of Justice for many years.Now he has to lick his face and beg someone to come forward to save the situation...

Whoever it is, I'm afraid they don't want to, right?

Feng Shui took turns, this time it was Yang Gang who won.So who opened the mouth to get into trouble?

Everyone subconsciously looked at the Queen Mother, and then moved away one after another.

"Yang Gang."

The Queen Mother took a deep breath and shouted loudly to the Judicial Temple.


The audience suddenly became very quiet.

The two rows of guards in front of the main hall watched their eyes, their noses, their noses, their noses and their hearts. As Yang Gang's personal guards, even if the Queen Mother came, they did not have the slightest stage fright.They kept in mind Yang Gang's previous explanation, no matter who came...no one can let go without his order.

When you meet anyone and face any inquiry, you must not open your mouth to answer any questions.

After a long time, there was still no response from the Temple of Justice.

a time.

The atmosphere became very awkward.

Standing in front of the main hall, the queen mother was a bit helpless.


She didn't dare, and the immortals behind her would also stop her, for fear of completely offending Yang Gang.


Today, her face is completely lost.

'This Yang Gang really doesn't save the Queen Mother any face!I don't know when she offended him..." Taibai Shenjun is a fine person, consciously sees through everything, and said silently in his heart.

In front of the Temple of Judiciary, all the immortals were also in an uproar.

He didn't even give the queen mother any face, what was going on in Yang Gang's mind?
"Yang Gang!"

The Queen Mother spoke again, with a hint of anger already hidden in her tone.

She originally thought that as long as she put down her face, Yang Gang would definitely take action to save the crisis, but now...

'What the hell was he thinking?Do you really think that two evildoers with some abilities can shake the rule of heaven?If it is ancient times at this moment..." A gloomy glint flashed in the eyes of the Queen Mother.

'no.Arranged for so many years, I can't let go! ’ The Queen Mother thought silently in her heart: ‘It’s really not possible, so I went to find Hou Yi to make a move.In ancient times, I was kind to him, as long as I can get on the "boat of heaven", I can accept any price! '

I don't know what happened in these 10 years.

The temperament of the Queen Mother at this time seems to be completely different from that of the Queen Mother of the West in ancient times.

thought here.

The queen mother said again, "Yang Gang, the heaven is at stake. As the god of justice, you should perform your duties and go out to preside over the overall situation. In this way, I will reward you on behalf of the heavens and order you as the marshal of the three realms."

"How?" The voice kept echoing.

The Queen Mother stared straight ahead, secretly swearing in her heart.This is the last time, the last chance she gave Yang Gang.

'Wait until I get back her past divine power...'

All the immortals in the heavenly court stared nervously at the gate of the Temple of Judiciary.

Such a reward is already the top of the list.

Neither Yang Gang's Grand Marshal of the Great Zhou Brigade nor Li Jin's Heavenly Court Marshal are as powerful as this 'Three Realms'.


The hall was still silent.

Yang Gang didn't seem to intend to show up at all.

"He...is he really so decisive?" A civil official asked in a shy voice.

His words immediately ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and the immortals could no longer hold back the anxiety in their hearts, filled with righteous indignation and accused Yang Gang of being selfish and disregarding the safety of the Three Realms for the sake of their own interests.

They didn't understand that the Heavenly Emperor was only leaving temporarily, not dead.Is it really so difficult to let Yang Gang go out to quell the war?

But no one thought about it.

At this time, Yang Gang is actually in the Judicial Temple.

This round of empty city strategy can be described as unintentional, like a slap in the face of all the gods in the heaven.

And this time.

Where is Yang Gang?
In fact, he has already returned to the heavenly court, and at this moment, he is watching everything silently with another figure in the boundless void above the Judicial Temple, especially paying attention to the queen mother who met for the first time in this life.

And the reason why he didn't show up was because of the people around him.

"That's her?"

Yang Gang spoke softly, and slightly tilted his head to look at the human figure beside him who looked like an illusory light and shadow.

His face was blurred, and his body was covered with a circle of gray halo like an eggshell, ignoring all the light and matter around him, as if he was in another time and space outside the Three Realms and Five Elements.

"It's her." The phantom nodded lightly.

"Do you have any hatred?" Yang Gang asked curiously.

"Yes, there must be." The phantom's voice was calm, but it seemed to be deliberately suppressing something.

'affim? '

Yang Gang let out an 'oh', as if he was missing something.

The meaning expressed by this sentence is a bit strange.

"Yaohuang, you stopped me for a few days just to let me watch this scene? The Heavenly Emperor is not here, why don't you take the opportunity to seize the Heavenly Court and hide yourself instead? What exactly do you want?" Yang Gang said in a deep voice.

Not bad.

A few days ago, on the way to the Heavenly Court, the person who stopped Yang Gang was the extremely mysterious Demon Emperor in this world.

And this moment.

Standing beside him is also a clone projected by the Demon Emperor from the distant Eternal Demon Realm.As for where his real body is, it seems to be as mysterious and unknowable as the emperor of heaven.

Compared with the Donghuang Taiyi who was just going through the motions in ancient times, the Demon Emperor in this life seems to have many more unusual changes, which makes Yang Gang feel a little bit incomprehensible.

He understands.

The reason for everything lies in the so-called 'beyond the sea of ​​bitterness'.

Just like the Jade Emperor, like the mysterious Queen Mother.

If you can't figure out their purpose, you will never be able to guess the direction of thinking of these people.

"The Heavenly Court is just a stepping stone for the Heavenly Emperor to become enlightened. A Heavenly Court without a Heavenly Emperor is nothing different. Why should I do such thankless things?" the Demon Emperor said calmly.

"You didn't think so before, let alone do this."

Yang Gang exposed his words mercilessly.


The Demon Emperor stood calmly in the void.

He knew that Yang Gang was talking about the fact that he shattered the void before, and used his own power to control the heavenly way to block the ascension of the heavenly court from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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