I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 474 Anger shatters the sky, the monkey king is domineering

Chapter 474 Anger shatters the sky, the monkey king is domineering

The resoluteness of the Demon Emperor back then is still vivid in my mind.

That all-powerful blow not only disintegrated half of the power of the Heavenly Dao controlled by the Heavenly Emperor, but also completely disintegrated the power of the Heavenly Dao controlled by the Demon Emperor himself.

Yang Gang didn't believe that with his heart, he would do such unnecessary things.

"Today, it is different from the past..." The Demon Emperor looked at the Queen Mother in the arena, and his words were somewhat meaningful.

"Don't be too tight-lipped."

Yang Gang interrupted: "What exactly do you want?"

The Demon Emperor's expression hidden in the mist could not help but flash a little color.

The advantage of poor information made him feel that he had the upper hand in this invisible battle.

"I can only tell you, the sea of ​​bitterness, the other side." The Demon Emperor's voice was filled with sobs.

Fight through the ages.

Countless strong men and great masters entrusted reincarnation, took charge of fate, and searched hard for the authenticity of Tao, but finally fell on this road to find the other shore.Only him in ancient times and the current Emperor of Heaven have become the only two reefs in the sea of ​​suffering.

The creation of heaven is not an end, but a means to them.

But he failed in the end.

Whether the Emperor of Heaven can succeed this time depends on his good fortune.The so-called road to enlightenment is difficult and dangerous, hundreds of millions of catastrophes are created out of thin air, he is the obstacle on the road to enlightenment of the emperor of heaven, and Yang Gang is the sharpest weapon in the world.

In this life, they are still the protagonists of the world.

But now the world can't stand the toss, if they fail again this time, I'm afraid they won't have another chance.

The boundless sea of ​​suffering will be completely hidden in the dark side of the world, and will completely merge with the great world.

"What is the other shore? Why are you so persistent?" Yang Gang looked puzzled.

"I have no idea……"

A trace of confusion flashed in the Demon Emperor's eyes.

"I really don't know." Looking at Yang Gang's expression of disbelief, he shook his head and said, "In ancient times, when I was at the top of the world, I must have known this. But now... I have completely forgotten."

"Perhaps, only the two of them know something about the world today. They have already come ahead of me." The Demon Emperor's expression was extremely serious.

"Well, I believe you."

Yang Gang couldn't help showing a wry smile when he heard this.

He doesn't even know what he's after, yet he fights time and time again for the world to shatter and mountains and seas to collapse.The persistence that seems to be deeply rooted in life is really moving.

This is the former Emperor of Heaven!
Possessing eternal life and supreme power, what is it worth them to be so desperate?
Yang Gang didn't ask again how the ancient heaven fell.

Because this is destined to be a question that cannot be answered, I really want to know, maybe the only way is to give a Red Dust Fish to the Demon Emperor, and go to that ancient world in person for another pilgrimage.

It's a pity, can the Demon Emperor agree?
He fell into a long silence.

At this time, in front of the Temple of Judiciary, there was no response from Yang Gang for a long time, and the faces of the Queen Mother and the others also completely sank.

In the end, he shook his hand and left in anger.

"After watching the play, I should go too." Yang Gang said.

"It's a pity." The Demon Emperor glanced at the direction of the Lingxiao Palace, shook his head and said, "It's still impossible to force Haotian that old tortoise. After three days, let's take another look."

"Three days, are you sure you will come?" Yang Gang stopped, tilted his head and smiled.

"Could it be that Your Excellency will sell me for credit?" The Demon Emperor also tilted his head imitatively, with a slight smile in his voice.

"Okay, then see you at the Pantao Festival in three days."

Yang Gang nodded, and turned into a ray of light, and went straight into the backyard of the hall.

The Demon Emperor stayed in the void for a while, leaving behind an inexplicable laugh, and then disappeared in place.

for three consecutive days.

The heavenly court is full of flames of war, which are extremely fierce.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters defeated millions of unorganized heavenly soldiers and generals, and had to retreat step by step.Fortunately, those monsters only fought fiercely, and the real loss of the Heavenly Court side was not too great.

After all, the hard power gap between the two sides is there.

As long as Heavenly Court is given some more time, victory will come sooner or later.

The Stone Monkey King also understood this. He sharpened his gun and flipped through the second half of the "Book of War" given to him by someone, while commanding the army of demons to capture various places, all the way to the Lingxiao Palace.

His goal is very clear.

This battle does not seek to destroy the Heavenly Court.

I just want to severely disgrace the Jade Emperor, one is to cooperate with Yang Gang's plan, and the other is to vent the sulking that I have suffered in the heaven during this period.

"Children, follow me to kill!"

The Stone Monkey King hit Shenjun Huode on the back with a stick, causing him to stagger and vomit blood.Then he repelled God Doumu with a stick, and when he raised his eyes, the majestic and magnificent Lingxiao Palace was finally in sight.

"Heavenly Emperor, how dare you come out and fight my grandson!"

The Stone Monkey King suddenly shouted loudly, put on a stance, and openly challenged the Supreme Heavenly Emperor of the Three Realms.


There was silence in Lingxiao Hall.

Looking at the empty throne, the Queen Mother and all the immortals fell into silence.

This stone monkey king is so domineering!

Tianting was completely humiliated by being bullied to this extent today!
"Hahaha, old Heavenly Emperor, come out and fight! You come out!" The Stone Monkey King waved his golden cudgel and kept clamoring outside Lingxiao Hall.Surrounded by gods of the eight tribes, heavenly soldiers and generals, there is nothing they can do about him.

"Monster, dare you!"

The majestic voice suddenly sounded.

Suddenly, a circle of light appeared on the throne beside the Queen Mother, manifesting the majestic figure of the Emperor of Heaven.


"Your Majesty, you are finally back!"

All the immortals turned their heads one after another, and were overjoyed.The face of the Queen Mother changed slightly at this moment.


The Stone Monkey King was overjoyed, and then suddenly shouted, leaping high under the horrified gazes of all the immortals in the heavenly court, and slammed his stick on the Lingxiao Palace.

"Elder Emperor of Heaven, eat my grandson!"

Shi Potian's shocking stick directly blasted a big hole out of Lingxiao Palace.

The majestic and majestic 'Emperor of Heaven' froze in place, his vest soaked in cold sweat.

"Hahahaha, my grandson is here too!!" The Stone Monkey King saw a golden light flash in his eyes, glanced at the sky, and was not surprised at all. He laughed and rushed into the Lingxiao Palace
The golden cudgel went straight to the head of the Emperor of Heaven.


"Hurry up and escort!"

All the immortals exclaimed again and again, flustered.The Emperor of Heaven even changed his face, and then under the incredulous eyes of countless people, he was so frightened that he knelt down on the spot and hid under the table in front of the throne.


Everyone froze in place, except for the indestructible Ruyi Golden Cudgel.


The Queen Mother gave the 'Emperor of Heaven' under the table a hard look, and secretly cursed in her heart that the failure was more than failure.


The stone monkey king's eyes turned cold, and the golden cudgel suddenly exploded with boundless golden light, like an ancient celestial pillar fully revived and exerting its supreme power, it slammed fiercely on a plain white palm that suddenly appeared.

The dull knocking sound was like a muffled thunder, hitting everyone's hearts heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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