Chapter 477

"The Eastern Emperor Bell is the most powerful shield in the world, and also the most powerful spear. My baby is not as weak as you think." The figure of the Demon Emperor once again condensed in the void.

This clone of him is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, who is not afraid of ordinary attacks at all.

"Stone Monkey King, I have held back the Heavenly Emperor, and I will leave it to you to overthrow the Heavenly Court!"

"it is good."

The Stone Monkey King readily agreed: "You demon emperor, if you dare to lie to me again today, my old grandson will blow your head off!"

The sound of drums was like thunder, shouting to kill and shaking the sky.

Following the order of the Stone Monkey King, the heavenly court once again started brutal killings.Hundreds of thousands of monsters are like harvesters. Under the leadership of the Seven Great Saints of the Monster Race and Nezha, they crazily strangled the heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court.

I don't know why.

Tianting's original main force was missing a lot, and it was still unable to gain the upper hand in this battle against powerful forces such as the Stone Monkey King.

Even if the Heavenly Emperor had no choice but to show up, he was restrained by the demon emperor who added a clone to the body of the Baodonghuang Bell.

"Yang Gang!"

Seeing the Heavenly Court retreating steadily, the Heavenly Emperor finally couldn't bear it and let out a furious shout.

"Sir, here."

A clear and clear response sounded from the Judicial Temple.

next moment.

A ray of divine light broke through the roof of the hall and went straight to the unstoppable Stone Monkey King.


The three-pointed double-edged knife passed down from ancient times collided with the most powerful magic weapon in ancient times, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and the astonishing aftermath wiped away dozens of miles around in an instant.Countless heavenly soldiers and generals, monsters, ghosts and ghosts have turned their backs on their backs.

They all backed away in horror, leaving the terrifying battle circle that appeared again.

"Yang Gang."

The Stone Monkey King's expression suddenly became extremely strange, as if dignified, astonished, and as if he wanted to laugh.

What the hell is this kid doing?

At this point, will he continue to play the role of the good nephew of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Stone Monkey King."

Yang Gang held a magic weapon and wore silver armor, walking towards the Stone Monkey King step by step with awe-inspiring momentum.

He said righteously in his mouth: "Although you and I are brothers, if you want to destroy the Supreme Heaven I created with my own hands, and make all beings in the three realms fall into dire straits, then today you and I, brothers, can only become enemies."

"Yang Gang!!"

A flash of astonishment flashed across the Stone Monkey King's expression.

What he said was so serious that even he almost believed it.

At the same time, these words also shocked the hearts of all the immortals in the heavenly court, including the heavenly emperor, queen mother and others.


He is still him, the upright and upright judicial god who can do nothing for the bottom line of his heart!

Many gods who awakened their ancient memories couldn't help but think of that mythical man back then.That time, he stood on the opposite side of the heaven.For the stability of the Three Realms, for the end of that chaotic catastrophe.

He has no personal feelings in his heart.

Even if it is not understood by everyone, even at the cost of your own life, you must maintain the orthodoxy of the Three Realms.

That time, he fought for the Emperor.

And this time.

He stood on the side of heaven.

Because the heaven in this world represents humanity.

Then a person like him, with such a temperament, would never betray Heaven!Even though he had some small thoughts of his own, everyone believed that that selfless ancient God of War would never disregard the safety of the Three Realms and take the initiative to stand on the opposite side of the Heavenly Court.

Because—what he wanted to protect was never his own interests, but the orthodoxy of the Three Realms.

It's justice!
This is his way.

Wanting to understand these truths, many people can't help but feel a little lucky.

Fortunately, Yang Gang was born in Dazhou in this life, and he was favored by the Holy King. Dazhou has never done anything to apologize to him.At least not on the surface...

Then Yang Gang has no reason to betray the current heaven.

Otherwise, with his talent... the mythical and magnificent past in ancient times is still vivid, and many people have reason to believe that if there is anyone who is most capable of subverting the rule of heaven.

There is only one name - Yang Gang.

Even the Demon Emperor, who can keep pace with the Heavenly Emperor, has to be ranked after his name.

Even the Heavenly Emperor, who was entangled by the Demon Emperor's avatar, seemed to be secretly relieved.

bang bang bang ~~
While everyone's thoughts were racing, Yang Gang had fought the Stone Monkey King for more than ten consecutive rounds.The two sides are evenly matched, and there is a sense of difficulty in a short period of time.Then Nezha joined the battlefield again.

Yang Gang used one against two, and between the three of them coming and going, Yang Gang gradually began to fall into a disadvantage.


Those flashes of lightning passed by again and again, and no one saw that the Judicial God they trusted so much was secretly winking with the Stone Monkey King and Nezha again and again.

'what's the situation? '

The Stone Monkey King winked, and at the same time, the golden cudgel and Sanjian were ping-pong-pong-pong, sending out bursts of collisions full of peculiar rhythms.

This is a secret word between Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King, which was left on purpose in the last period of ancient times.

The last time the two of them used it at the Yang family, at the feet of the Emperor Shengjing.

But this time, they used it in front of the Heavenly Emperor, and it must be said that they took a great risk.

'Don't worry, although the time has come, it is not the time for us to attack. '

Yang Gang returned a wink, brandishing the weapon in his hand vigorously, as if he wanted to put the Stone Monkey King to death.

And because of his obstruction, the demon side lost the two great powers of the Stone Monkey King and Nezha, and the situation in the Heavenly Court suddenly improved.

'What does it mean when the time is up but not yet, my good brother, don't be a fool! '

The Stone Monkey King winked again, his eyes were a little impatient.

'With our strength, and the Yaozu, it is far from being able to really shake the rule of the Emperor of Heaven.In this life, he is the orthodox of the Three Realms, the supreme humane.It has taken the lead one step, and launching an attack now is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. '

Yang Gang replied with the unique rhythm of weapons.

Just as the immortals thought in their hearts.

In this era, the Emperor of Heaven represents the orthodoxy of the Three Realms, and Yang Gang no longer has the accumulation of his previous life.If he wants to rebel openly, the people below will not support him unless...

'Then why did you let us do this. ’ The Stone Monkey King was puzzled.

'I am accumulating our power background! Yang Gang looked at the Stone Monkey King and smiled meaningfully.

'The background?Could it be... me? '

The Stone Monkey King's heart skipped a beat, and he almost pointed at his own nose and yelled.

Then he waved the golden cudgel angrily, attacking Yang Gang violently.

He got it.

This time, I fell into the schemes of my good brother again!


bang bang bang~~~
The battle was extremely fierce.

While Nezha foolishly brandished a pointed gun to assist, he watched the two flirtatiously.As the closest person to Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King, he knew that with the affection of his uncle, he would definitely not turn against each other.

But now... what are they doing?
"Be more focused when fighting."


The Stone Monkey King kicked Nezha's ass, kicking him into a jerk, and subconsciously rolled to avoid the icy blade passing in front of him.

"Good luck to you."

Yang Gang paused slightly, looked at Nezha and said coldly: "Next time, I won't show mercy."


Nezha subconsciously straightened his body, and then reacted, pretending to roar, "Yang Gang, how dare you bully me like this!"

Among the tinkling.

The situation of the battle began to gradually tilt towards the heavenly court.

Also at a certain moment.

In front of the Tushi Palace.

Tianshi Yuan, the head of Qingyun Pavilion, who had waited for a long time, finally waited for the door to "creak" and slowly opened.

"Uncle Master!"

Yuan Tianshi showed joy and took a step forward.

He took out a metal bracelet from his sleeve, and presented it with both hands, "This Qiankun bracelet has been kept by my disciple for a long time, but my disciple is incompetent, and has never really put it to use. Please take back this treasure and help Heaven."

(End of this chapter)

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