I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 478 Immortal cable tied monkey, the plan of the Supreme Master

Chapter 478 Immortal cable tied monkey, the plan of the Supreme Master

"Oh~~~Why bother?"

Taishang Laojun looked at Yuan Tianshi in front of him and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

He originally thought that he could avoid all disputes by living deep in the Tushita Palace.But the Stone Monkey King led an army of monsters to kill the Heavenly Court.

He had no choice but to let the power of the immortal way go dormant in advance, and send all the great immortals away from the heavenly court to avoid catastrophe.So as not to be in a dilemma in the general situation of both sides.

He thought that everything would be over when Yang Gang came back.

But the Emperor of Heaven sent Yuan Tianshi to ask him to come out of the mountain to subdue the demon.

"I'm afraid that my disciple of the immortal way will suffer in the future..." Taishang Laojun shook his head and smiled wryly, took the Qiankun bracelet handed over by Yuan Tianshi, and slowly floated in the direction of Lingxiao Palace through the clouds and fog.

I have already made a plan in my heart, this time I will fish in troubled waters, and try my best not to offend either side.

But he heard a sentence from behind, "Uncle, I lent this bracelet to Yang Gang once, and I don't know if it works well."


Taishang Laojun paused slightly, then nodded slowly.

"I already know."

"Respectfully, Uncle Master, come out of the mountain." Yuan Tianshi fell behind, and bowed deeply to the back of the Taishang Laojun.When he raised his head, a slightly deep smile appeared on his face.

'Bracelet', 'Yang Gang', 'Is it good?'

His words were deeply imprinted in the heart of Taishang Laojun like a sharp arrow.

After a few thoughts in his mind, he understood what Yang Gang meant.He needs to create momentum for him, but he must not harm the life of the Stone Monkey King.As for how to operate, it depends on Taishang Laojun's own means.

thought here.

There was a smile on Taishang Laojun's face, but his heart felt relieved.

As the originator of immortality, he is naturally confident enough in his own methods.

"Everything in the world is like chess, and I am a pawn. Today I would like to be a pawn in Yang Jun's hands, just for a piece of incense. See whether the future shore in my heart or the shore in front of you is the real other shore."

After a moment.

Taishang Laojun reached the Heavenly Palace.

Then I saw Yang Gang fighting with the Stone Monkey King and Nezha, which was extremely fierce.If he didn't know the root cause, he might think that the three of them had really turned against each other and wanted to fight for life and death in this vast heaven.

"Old Lord, you are here!" Taibai Shenjun saw Taishang Laojun, as if he saw his own brother, and excitedly stepped forward to grab his hand, "Quick! Quickly help the Heavenly Court and bring down the Huaguo Mountain demon monkey! "

"God, don't panic."

Taishang Laojun has a calm demeanor and is not in a hurry.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Taibai Shenjun nodded repeatedly.

Regardless of his high status and status, he is also a trusted confidant of the Emperor of Heaven.But in the face of the Taishang Laojun who is backed by the immortal way, has countless factions of disciples under his sect, and himself is a true power with extreme ability, he has to lower himself to intersect with him.

At this moment.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Emperor no longer know which piece of void they entered, and they are entangled in it. I am afraid it will be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

The battle between Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King and Nezha became the most critical point in this battle.

Now that the Taishang Laojun is finally willing to make a move, they seem to see the hope of a complete victory, and they don't have to be as aggrieved as before!


This time, Tianting must use a big victory to show its strength.Otherwise, there will be countless hidden dangers, and the high-level officials of the Heavenly Court will lose the face of the Heavenly Court, and they will be held accountable by the Heavenly Emperor one by one.

"Please take action, old gentleman."

The Taibai God and the Queen Mother bowed their hands one after another, and paid great respect to the Taishang Laojun.

"Don't dare to do it, this old man will help the judicial god to subdue this demon."

Taishang Laojun looked at the field and pondered for a moment.

As if suddenly remembering something, he took out the Qiankun bracelet from his sleeve and said, "I have a treasure, which was destined to be with these two people. It is called the Qiankun bracelet. It was made of mixed steel, and it has gone through 600 years in the Bagua furnace. Calcined, it can change in size, water and fire will not invade, and it can be used to store people and store things, and it can subdue a demon."

"What about the other one?"

Queen Mother said.

"After subduing the Stone Monkey King, there is the god of justice, so why should Nezha be afraid?" Taishang Laojun smiled, and suddenly dropped the Qiankun bracelet in his hand.I saw the bracelet turn around, across the sky, and land directly on the back of the Stone Monkey King's head.


The Stone Monkey King was fighting Yang Gang hard, and with Nezha at his side, he was besieged by several gods of the Eight Divisions.In the chaos of the battle, I suddenly felt a foreign object flying towards the back of my head, and I was startled when I turned my head to see it.


Yang Gang smiled slightly, and suddenly spit out a word.


Just as the Stone Monkey King was about to dodge, he was surprised that Yang Gang would use such a small move as the 'fixing body' in the battle, and he couldn't reach his body. He paused for half a minute, that is, he couldn't dodge the extremely fast attacking universe anymore. bracelet.

Was hit right in the forehead.

The Stone Monkey King was dizzy and his eyes were filled with stars.

He fell to the ground on the spot.

As soon as he was about to get up, he ran, but Yang Gang chased him and kicked him on the calf.Then, from some unknown corner, a goddamn big black dog rushed out, and bit the Stone Monkey King's ass ruthlessly, threatening to bite into the vitals.


The Stone Monkey King screamed miserably on the spot, turned his head and was stabbed on the neck by Yang Gang, and screamed miserably: "Yang Gang, you are bullying me!"

"Brother Monkey, I don't want to."

Yang Gang shrugged, looking helpless.

"Come on, lock him up!"


Immediately, all the heavenly soldiers and generals swarmed up, tied the stone monkey king tightly with the immortal rope, pierced the lute bone with the prison torture tool, and temporarily controlled his divine power.

"Let go! Let go of my grandson!"

The Stone Monkey King struggled hard, but he could no longer use his strength.Immediately, he was like a deflated ball, disheveled and frustrated.


No one thought that the Stone Monkey King, who was still invincible just now, would be easily surrendered by the Taishang Laojun with a bracelet.

Isn't his attitude always ambiguous, unwilling to intervene in the disputes of the Three Realms?

Don't wait for the immortals to react.

Yang Gang has already led the eight righteous gods to launch a full-scale counterattack.

a time.

The momentum of the demon side was greatly reduced, and they retreated steadily.

next moment.

A group of immortal soldiers from the Taoist sect suddenly came from the lower realm, all of them were superb in immortal art and advanced in cultivation.Like a sharp bayonet, it pierced deeply into the demon army from behind and killed them all in pieces.

Nezha was chased by Yang Gang and had no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go down to earth. In the end, two of his eight arms were cut off with a knife, and he finally escaped. He rushed out of the Nantian Gate in a panic and fled towards the lower realm.

After half an hour.

The demon side was completely defeated and frantically fled towards the lower realm.

"Don't chase after the poor, clean up the mess."

With Yang Gang's order, countless heavenly soldiers and generals immediately ordered to stop, and began to clean up the dilapidated heavenly court.But the terrifying execution ability made many people's hearts tremble.

This man, known as the Sage of Soldiers, has awe in awe of his control over the heavenly army.

It is precisely because of this.

Whether it is the Queen Mother, Taibai, or some of the eight gods, they can't help feeling a little hazy in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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