I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 479 What the people want, Mr. Yang made the first contribution

Chapter 479 What the people want, Mr. Yang made the first contribution
See the battle is finally over.

All the immortals in the heavenly court did not greet Yang Gang, but surrounded the Taishang Laojun one after another.

"Thank you, old gentleman, for your help."

"The old gentleman has great supernatural powers, it's really my luck in heaven!"

"The Daoist sect hides such amazing soldiers in the fairy mountains outside the world. It's wonderful! Wonderful!"

The Queen Mother, Taibai Shenjun and others congratulated the Taishang Laojun again and again, but they did not mention Yang Gang's contribution in their mouths.

Taishang Laojun said: "This is the work of Yang Jun."

"Tianzun Hongfu, all the immortals are working together, what merits does Yang Gang have?" Yang Gang asked with a smile.

see him come.

All the immortals in the Heavenly Court silenced their voices, except for the Queen Mother and the Supreme Old Monarch, none of them dared to speak.

"If Mr. Yang hadn't informed in advance, and left a breath in this Qiankun bracelet, the monkey king could not touch the defense and approached him. How could the old man get all the power with one blow?"

Taishang Laojun said: "Without Yang Jun's warning in advance, the lower world will undergo great changes. How can I ambush the strange soldiers, set up an ambush behind the monsters, how can I win today's big victory?"

"Hahaha, the old gentleman is full of praise."

Yang Gang laughed heartily, watching the faces of the surrounding immortals change, as if they finally understood the mystery.So he stopped talking, turned around and went to command the ministries to clean up the battlefield and rearrange the defense line of the heavenly court.

"Jun Yang."

Yang Ren, the god of the Tai Sui Department, rushed over and said: "The heavenly court formation is known, we must change the world, otherwise the next time we are robbed, we may be disadvantaged."

"Okay, I will go with the emperor."

Yang Gang nodded immediately.

As the two left.

The rest of the Heavenly Court Immortals and Gods remained silent, and all fell into silence.

They finally got it.

Why did Taishang Laojun work so hard.

That's not because the order of the Emperor of Heaven is working, nor is it that the Taishang Laojun really cares about the safety of the Heavenly Court.

It was his judicial god——Yang Gang.

It's his face.

Let the Xiandao side decide at the critical moment that they will no longer be wise and safe.

Without Yang Gang's attitude, Xiandao would have stood by and watched.

If the Heavenly Emperor is restrained by the Demon Emperor again...then this catastrophe will be really miserable for them!
this moment.

All the immortals standing in front of the Lingxiao Palace felt that they were like waste, not only useless in this catastrophe, but even helpless in the post-disaster reconstruction work.

And that Yang Gang who was rejected by everyone tacitly.

As soon as he was born, he turned the tide.

Even when he was confinement in the Judicial Temple, he foresaw the external situation and eliminated a catastrophe in silence.

Compare the two.

It is self-evident who is the one who has contributed the most to Heaven and the Three Realms.

Don't tell anyone.

They could already feel that many mid-level and low-level immortal gods and heavenly soldiers looked at Yang Gang completely differently from them.

People's hearts began to tilt.

After half a day.

Yang Gang has become the temporary No. 1 in the Heavenly Court, and the government orders are well-understood, so he dare not disobey.While mobilizing all parties to work together to rebuild the Heavenly Court, he asked people to reintegrate the scattered Heavenly Court army.

In just half a day, the entire heaven was completely renewed.

At this time, even if the monsters come again, they will no longer be able to break through the defense line of the heaven as easily as before.

a time.

Yang Gang was in the limelight, and no one dared to comment on what he said in the heavenly court.

Just one day later.

The Emperor of Heaven, who had been separated from the Demon Emperor for 33 days, finally sent back a message.

It was one of the billions of avatars belonging to the Heavenly Emperor.

Different from the previous temple spirits of the Lingxiao Temple, it possesses the great will of the Emperor of Heaven and a part of terrifying calculation strategies.

The first order of his return is to order Yang Gangjian to kill the Stone Monkey King, and he will be in charge of everything in the heavens for the time being.But the Emperor himself went deep into the Nine Heavens to hunt down the clone of the Demon Emperor, vowing to let him take the blame and win the ancient treasure 'Eastern Emperor Bell'.

This seems to be a condition.

As long as Yang Gang personally supervises and kills the Stone Monkey King and eliminates a major disaster for the Heavenly Court, he will completely gain the trust of the Heavenly Emperor and take full responsibility for the affairs of the Heavenly Court.

Then there was a bang.

Under everyone's astonishing eyes, the majestic Lingxiao Palace rose from the ground, pierced through the void and disappeared.

Many people know this.

This Lingxiao Palace, which has always been on the bright side, turned out to be the most powerful treasure in the Heavenly Court.

"Yang Gang, you must die!"

"You framed my brother! You can't survive a hundred deaths!"

"Ahhhh—let go of my grandson!"

On the chopping platform.

The stone monkey king was ashamed, his pipa bone was pierced by the escort, and he was pressed to the ground, yelling in his mouth, his face full of grief and indignation.

Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the immortals in the heavenly court were quite happy.

How arrogant and powerful the Stone Monkey King was before, but now they see how refreshing he is to punish him.


Without any nonsense, Yang Gang directly ordered the execution.


The classic scene that shocked the world finally appeared.

One by one, the Heavenly Soldiers and Divine Generals slashed at the Stone Monkey King with knives, axes, spears and swords, but they couldn't break through his body, and those with weaker cultivation could hardly even leave a little white mark.

Although the immortals knew that the Stone Monkey King was sanctified physically and had extraordinary power, they never expected that he would have such defensive power after being captured.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother's complexion changed slightly.

Going directly past Yang Gang, he ordered the God of Fire Virtue to take action himself.

The God of Virtue of Fire ordered to lead the gods of the Ministry of Fire to set the fire on fire for three hours, but they still couldn't do anything to the Stone Monkey King.Another righteous spirit from the Thunder Department came out and blasted with boundless thunder for half a day, but still couldn't kill the Stone Monkey King.

"Huh? Hehehe, hahaha, come on, come on, burn my old grandson to death! Come on, come up, hahaha..." Seeing this, the Stone Monkey King was overjoyed, scratching his ears and cheeks on the stage of chopping immortals, so happy .

"how so?"

The Queen Mother looked at the Taishang Laojun who was at the side.

"Returning to your mother, the Monkey King ate countless flat peaches, elixir, spiritual fruit, and fine nectar, and stole countless elixir in the old palace. At this moment, there is a cloud of five-element immortal energy in his belly, which is in line with his innate immortal conception."

"This is the combination of the five elements of heaven and earth, and it is endless. I am afraid that ordinary methods will not be able to damage its roots."

Taishang Laojun explained.

"Does Laojun have a way?" The Queen Mother asked immediately.


Taishang Laojun subconsciously glanced at Yang Gang, and suddenly his heart moved, and said: "This monkey king has committed a lot of crimes, so let him die easily and cheaply for nothing. Why don't you let the old Taoist take it away and put it in the gossip furnace for later?" After simmering for 49 days for [-] days, the medicinal properties and five elements in the body can be refined, and a peerless elixir may be obtained instead."

"You can also... let him burn himself in a raging fire, and die tyrannically."

"it is good."


All the immortals agreed one after another.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother may not have no doubts in her heart, but she has no choice but to follow her words.After all, the current Taishang Laojun is a hero in the heavenly court, and he is afraid that Yang Gang will speak up and exonerate Nezha like last time.

He simply agreed to his request.

On the 49th day of July [-]th... the real body of the Emperor of Heaven should also return, right?
At that time, with his eyesight, no matter what tricks Yang Gang and others try to use, they will not be able to escape his eyes.

"Let's go."

Taishang Laojun pulled the fairy-binding rope on the Stone Monkey King.

Pulling him staggeringly, he went to Tusita Palace.

"You old man, how dare you train me? Good, good, don't blame my old grandson for being ruthless, and will definitely overturn your Tushita palace!!" The stone monkey king's voice of cursing gradually faded away.

(End of this chapter)

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