I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 480 Escaping from the Great Sage in the Eight Hexagram Furnace

Chapter 480 Escaping from the Great Sage in the Eight Diagrams Furnace
"Don't make trouble, Monkey King."

Taishang Laojun said lightly, then untied the rope from the Stone Monkey King, and took the torture instrument that penetrated the lute bone.


The Stone Monkey King couldn't help feeling suspicious, and was about to attack.Suddenly, Taishang Laojun pushed him into the gossip furnace while his strength had not yet recovered.Immediately, the Taoist who watched the stove and the boy who fanned the fire were dismissed, and they started the fire by themselves.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh what's this fire that is so hot!"

However, the gossip furnace is the most precious treasure of the Taishang Laojun's enlightenment. It contains the eight trigrams of Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui. The eight gates also contain the world's Taoism.

At this moment.

The scene of the Stone Monkey King in the furnace is completely different from what Yang Gang encountered in the gossip furnace of the Flaming Mountain. Countless strange Taoism and supernatural powers followed one after another. The supernatural powers and spells used up his strength and fell into a state of being unable to extricate himself.

"Ahhh—let my grandson go out!"

The Stone Monkey King was suddenly furious.

Let alone one Taishang Laojun in the outside world, ten Taishang Laojuns together are not his opponents in a head-to-head confrontation.But in the gossip furnace, he couldn't use it even if he had the strength, it felt really uncomfortable!
"Don't worry, don't worry, wait for me to practice your Qi Qi for 49 days, and I will get Jin Quangong, and the Monkey King will be free from trouble." The Taishang Laojun was neither slow nor slow, showing his superior demeanor.


Just as the Stone Monkey King was about to ask a question, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the 'Xun' position, and then flames surged from the 'Li' position, instantly covering his whole body in boundless flames.

"Ah—" The Stone Monkey King could no longer care about the doubts in his heart. He was so burned by the wind and fire that he couldn't open his eyes in the gossip furnace.

Time flies like an arrow.

Blink seven seven 49.

During this period of time, under the leadership of Yang Gang, the heavenly court regained its peace, and began to conquer the four directions with heavenly soldiers to rule the three realms.Under his majesty, anyone who dares to take the lead in the nine heavens and ten places will be suppressed by thunder.

For a moment, none of the evil spirits of the Three Realms dared to raise their heads, and Yang Gang's voice became very powerful.

At this moment, while many people in the Heavenly Court were silently watching the movement of Tushita Palace, they were also waiting for a person to return.They were still not at ease with Yang Gang in their hearts.

It's just because he is too upright, and he only cares about the laws of heaven.And it is precisely this that has harmed the interests of many people and made them subconsciously put Yang Gang on the opposite side.

Tusita Palace.

In the gossip furnace.

The Stone Monkey King had been completely refined at this time.

The flames of the gossip furnace were indeed powerful. They burned the stone monkey king's five-element immortal fetus, turned upside down the universe in his body, and gradually refined the supreme body that could not be destroyed by ordinary means into a sleeping innate stone fetus.

'I'm going to die.? 'A consciousness slowly rotates in the stone womb, as if a dead stone has gone through millions of years before finally giving birth to a trace of consciousness, rigid, stagnant, and slow.

The surrounding flames obliterated the stone monkey king's essence, spirit, and spirit, gradually showing the color of the real fire of samadhi, burning more and more violently.

But the Immortal Embryo of the Stone Emperor is like real gold refined by raging fire, gradually shrinking and refining in the real fire of samadhi.

'Yang Gang.'

'Too much. Hurt me'

The stone monkey king's rigid consciousness is no longer as flexible as before, and he can no longer think about the karma. The fiercer the surrounding flames, the purer his pure consciousness.

Gradually, a hostility grew in the sea of ​​consciousness, turning into a berserk heart ape.

'Overthrow. Gossip revenge. Revenge! '

Finally in a certain one.

The pure consciousness transformed by the heart ape gave birth to endless indomitable intentions, like the most unruly will in the world, bursting out with dazzling fire like gold and stone.

The gossip furnace buzzed and vibrated, as if it was about to explode.


Taishang Laojun stood up suddenly and looked at the Bagua stove in front of him in surprise.The scene in front of him was completely different from what he had imagined!

A loud roar came from the gossip furnace.

The gossip furnace suddenly opened.

I saw a stone fetus rising from the sky, shattered suddenly, and a monkey covered in golden hair jumped out. Its eyes flashed with golden light, as if it had condensed the most unyielding will in the world, full of endless hostility.

"I—the Emperor Stone, I'm back!"

The Stone Monkey King raised his head to the sky and howled furiously, his voice was full of joy, anger and endless hostility.

Taishang Laojun took a few steps back in horror, completely shocked by the explosive momentum of the Stone Monkey King.

He originally wanted to use his own means to refine the Stone Monkey King into its original body, go back to its origin, and then re-attract it with supreme magical powers.Only in this way can we cross the sea and deceive everyone including the Emperor of Heaven.

But I never thought it would cause such a situation!
Looking at the stone monkey king's eyes full of endless hostility, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Taishang Laojun didn't know.

The samadhi real fire of the gossip furnace can obliterate the supreme body of the Stone Monkey King, but it can never obliterate his unyielding will.That unruly will to live a wonderful life even if it is a stone without any life.

It is incomparable to any creature in this world!
Gossip stove.

Shihuang lowered his head slowly, his eyes staring at Taishang Laojun with a pair of dazzling golden eyes.

"What do you want?"

Taishang Laojun backed away in shock, feeling more and more uneasy.


Shi Huang grabbed Ruyi's golden cudgel from his ear, with a murderous look on his face, he kicked it over with a 'bang', leaped, and slammed the golden cudgel towards the Taishang Laojun's forehead Call to go.


The old gentleman let out a mournful cry, turned around and fled.

But in the face of the stone emperor who has fallen into a state of rage, has fully exerted his potential, and reached the realm of emperor with pure physical strength, how can he escape?
Just for an instant.

Shihuang appeared behind Taishang Laojun and hit him hard on the back with a stick.

The old gentleman's body suddenly fell like a meteorite, and suddenly penetrated through the walls of the Tushita palace, and was thrown into the sky without knowing his life or death.


Shihuang holds a golden cudgel and screams up to the sky.

The earth-shattering sound shocked the entire heavenly court, and countless gods raised their heads and looked into the distance, showing horror in their eyes.

"It's him!"

"It's his voice! He's back!"

"No, something happened!"

A huge and unparalleled golden stick rose out of thin air, turned into a giant pillar of Optimus, and fell heavily.Immediately, a large number of Tiangong buildings were smashed into pieces, and all the heavenly soldiers and gods who had just heard the news were bloody and bloody, and their vitality was shattered.

Compared with the Taishang Laojun just now, they have no life at all, only reincarnation.

next moment.

All the immortals saw a huge golden violent ape rising from a distance, holding a thousand-foot giant stick, smashing everything in sight one by one like crazy.Seeing that berserk aura and terrifying violent aura, all the immortals were frightened and frightened, not daring to show their sharpness.

(End of this chapter)

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