Chapter 481


"The Stone Monkey King is crazy!"

"Where is the Taishang Laojun? He is not refining the stone monkey, why is he missing!"

"Your Majesty, Queen Mother! Something is wrong!"

"Go and invite the God of Justice!"

The entire heaven fell into chaos.No one thought that the Heavenly Court, once again made impregnable by Yang Gang, would be breached from the inside again.

When all the immortals gather, countless heavenly soldiers and generals quickly gather, the Queen Mother, the clone of the Jade Emperor, and all the gods and gods in the heavenly court also meet in the Hall of Lingxiao, watching the upcoming battle together.

"Where is the judicial god? Where is Yang Gang?"

The Heavenly Emperor avatar suddenly spoke.

"I heard that Taishang Laojun was attacked by the stone monkey and suffered heavy injuries. The judicial god has gone to save him." Taibai Shenjun replied.

"Let him return quickly and subdue this monster."

The Emperor of Heaven said with a sullen face.


Taibai Shenjun quickly took the order, turned around and flew out into the sky to look for Yang Gang.

And this moment of delay, the battle in Heaven has already begun.

I saw the stone emperor incarnated into heaven and earth, surrounded by countless heavenly soldiers and generals, but he seemed to be crazy, holding a wishful golden cudgel that turned into a thousand zhang in size, hitting immortals when he saw it, and smashing it when he was a god.

Like the epileptic white-fronted tiger, the mad one-horned dragon.

In just a moment, the numerous heavenly soldiers and generals couldn't find their way to the north, the eight gods vomited blood and flew backwards, the Jiuyaoxing officials stayed behind closed doors, and none of the four heavenly kings dared to step forward.

In a short while, he had reached outside the Tongming Hall and in front of the Lingxiao Hall, and met Wang Lingguan, the head of the five hundred spirit officials, again.

"The dog officer is dead!"

Shi Huang couldn't help but hit with a stick.

In an instant, Wang Lingguan was beaten until his liver and gallbladder were shattered, his limbs were severed, and a ray of immortal soul flew away, reincarnated in the cycle of reincarnation.


The Emperor of Heaven's face was completely gloomy, and he cursed at the fairies.

"Your Majesty~~"

Tai Sui Yang Ren, the only one remaining among the eight gods, stepped forward with a wry smile, and explained: "This stone monkey is so powerful that it has reached the peak of immortality. Although the eight heavenly soldiers are numerous and powerful, but the dragons have no leader, they cannot stop the stone monkey for a moment. "

"Now that His Majesty is not really here, and no one controls the power of heaven, the stone monkey is about to hit the Lingxiao Palace. It is better for Your Majesty to retreat first, and I will wait for Your Majesty to end the queen..."

"Shut up."

The Heavenly Emperor avatar snorted heavily.

How could he not understand this truth.

But he is the Emperor of Heaven, not the real spirit substitute of the Lingxiao Palace.How could he abandon the Lingxiao Palace just because of a stone emperor, and be chased to the sky by others in his own territory?
Although the Lingxiao Palace at this time is not the real Supreme Treasure Lingxiao Palace.

"This... Your Majesty is not willing to give in temporarily, and I don't know how to deal with it. Your Majesty, please forgive me." Yang Ren's face was bitter, and he felt that his life was not as good as it used to be.

"Does Your Majesty have a good strategy?" The Queen Mother asked in a group.


The Heavenly Emperor nodded silently, but did not speak.Looking outside Lingxiao Hall, as if quietly waiting for something.

"Hurry up, surround him, and never let this demon monkey collide with His Majesty again!"

"Brothers, fight!"

"Hurry up, form the eight parts of the Universe Immortal Formation, and no matter what the cost, we won't be able to let it advance any further!"

The sky in front of Lingxiao Palace.

The eight gods commanded the heavenly soldiers under their command, and finally organized a counterattack again, besieging the Stone Emperor.

"You... dare to stop me?"

Shihuang raised his head slowly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.It was immediately covered up by endless violent killing intent.

The golden cudgel was slowly raised, and it was about to deliver a shocking blow forward.

The eight heavenly soldiers were in chaos.

Many heavenly soldiers couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts, thinking of the tragic battles before, they were all desperate.

There is no one in the main line who can compete head-on with the Stone Monkey King. Can they really block this shocking blow?


At the most critical moment, a figure finally came from afar.

He flew over the head of Lingxiao Palace, dropped a limp figure in his hand, and then went straight to the Stone Emperor.


A golden light suddenly burst into Emperor Shi's eyes, staring at Yang Gang's figure.

"Big brother."

Yang Gang was about to say something, when suddenly boundless tyranny flashed in Shihuang's eyes, he held up the golden cudgel and shouted: "Kill!" He went straight to kill Yang Gang.

"Are you crazy?"

Yang Gang was taken aback, and quickly blocked it with a three-pointed and two-edged knife.I just felt an incomparably terrifying force coming from the weapon, and when I couldn't catch it, I was blown away with a stick and slammed into a building in the sky.

All the immortals were in an uproar, dumbfounded.

the first time.

This was the first time they saw Yang Gang in such a state of distress, and they were at a disadvantage after meeting each other.

"Dead! Die! Die!"

"Lie to me! Everyone is lying to me! You are all going to die!" Shi Huang's roar shook the world, and he raised his golden cudgel to kill Yang Gang again in the direction where Yang Gang fell, with no trace of friendship in his eyes.


Amidst the rubble, Yang Gang stood up, narrowly avoiding the earth-shattering stick.

There were bursts of roaring in my ears.

He subconsciously looked back.

I saw that where he was originally standing, the Heavenly Court Palace was completely in ruins, revealing a huge void.The stone emperor's stick actually broke the heavens, and the power could almost destroy the world.

The corner of his mouth twitched.

Fortunately, his physical body is strong, otherwise he would have been seriously injured when he got the first stick just now.

"Are you crazy, you?"

Yang Gang murmured, and he couldn't help feeling a little angry.


But Shihuang couldn't help but kill again.

"Okay! Then we two brothers, let's have a good fight today!" Yang Gang gritted his teeth and immediately shouted.

Boom boom boom!
An exciting battle begins.

But what is unexpected is that Yang Gang has already been sent down in just a quarter of an hour.Facing the berserk state of Stone Emperor, who used to be proud of his physical strength, he was no match at all.

However, his supernatural powers and martial arts had no effect at all on Shi Huang's body.

"Crazy, the Stone Emperor is crazy!"

"Even Yang Gang is going to kill him, he is completely crazy!"

Seeing the scene where the brothers turned against each other, in the Lingxiao Palace, the Taishang Laojun, who was lying on the ground seriously injured, couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Old gentleman, what happened? Didn't the stone monkey have already been refined by you? Why did it improve to a higher level instead?"

The queen mother couldn't bear the panic in her heart, and asked again and again.


The Taishang Laojun shook his head and sighed, "One wrong step, one wrong step. I never expected that the real fire of Samadhi not only failed to destroy his physical body, but instead refined the real gold with fire, helping him to fully stimulate the potential hidden in the stone emperor's womb, refining it out There was an endless hostility in his heart."

"A stubborn stone turns into gold, and the will is unyielding. A stone can produce life, what kind of arrogance is that, how can it be tempered by my true fire of samadhi? Now he is completely crazy, and even Yang Gang will be killed. Your Majesty , Your Majesty, this Stone Emperor is already unstoppable, we'd better figure out a way out as soon as possible!"


All the immortals in the heaven were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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