Chapter 487

In this way, Avalokitesvara lived in the Earth Temple outside the city of Shengjing.

Although he was reluctant, he did not dare to disobey that great and mysterious old man. He walked around the streets and alleys with his ordinary clothes every day, raised his trouser wrists and farmed the fields, doing all the most ordinary tasks in the world.

If the gods of the Three Realms saw this scene, their eyes would pop out.

The buddhist monk who stayed by Guanshiyin's side only persisted for three days, and he no longer wanted to do those dirty jobs.The old man didn't force it, he just said with a smile, "The fate has not come", as if he was a little regretful.

But Avalokitesvara did not dare to resist, so he had to follow behind him without complaint.After just a few days, she no longer has the elegance and detachment of a real person outside the world, just like a rural peasant woman gradually blending into this ordinary and real bottom society.

She seemed to have forgotten that she still had mana, and that she had forgotten the long-lived life, and the long-lost fulfillment and joy filled her plain and empty heart.It seems that at the beginning of attaining the Tao, the satisfying sense of happiness after every improvement in cultivation.

'ordinary' 'equal' 'fair'

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked at the scenes in the world, looked at the ordinary smiling faces, and looked thoughtful.

"Master, is this the way of equality he has been pursuing?"

She asked curiously behind the old man.

"Do not."

The old man shook his head, put down the sickle in his hand, and said with a smile: "He once told me that this is the way of the people's hearts."


Avalokitesvara was puzzled.

"People at the top are called people's livelihood. People at the middle class are called civil affairs. People at the bottom are called equality. Only those who go beyond this horizon can see through the hearts of the people," said the old man.

"I don't understand." Avalokitesvara shook her head honestly.

"I don't understand either." The old man smiled openly.

"Is there anything in this world that you don't understand?" Guan Yin was a little disbelieving.

"So, I'm here to learn."

The old man bent down again, and cut the rice in the field with one sickle after another. "Perhaps he has seen through the changes in the future and knows what kind of order is really suitable for thousands of people. That's why he proposed this way of people's hearts."

"We have also seen the observation during this period of time, and personally confirmed the existence of this principle. 'It' is not put forward by a certain person, but exists in every corner of the world and in the hearts of the public."

"This principle may be more suitable for this world than the rules of heaven, the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and the principles of Buddhism. It is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth that can truly transcend the three realms and reach the other side of the heart."

"One of the most ordinary truths that exists between heaven and earth."

The old man rambled on.

Avalokitesvara followed behind him, cutting the rice silently, her clean and flawless face was smeared with mud, but she didn't care, as if she had sunk into a state of ecstasy.

"A reason beyond everything?"

"Can you reach the real other side?"

"The great road leads to the same goal through different routes. The Emperor of Heaven has his way, I also have my way, and Yang Gang also has his way. All the avenues seem to lead to the other side, but... who can reach the end?"

She raised her head, facing the newborn.

A relaxed smile suddenly appeared on his face.

this moment.

The pure and elegant Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has completely lost the aura of the immortal Buddha, completely like a mortal woman, and suddenly has a woman's smell on her body.

She is a fairy, a Buddha, and a human being.

But first of all, she has to start as a mortal person in order to understand what a real immortal Buddha is.

Only then are you qualified to take a look at the end of the other shore.

In a trance.

A long illusory river flashed before his eyes.

At the end of the long river, she seemed to see an ocean that was closely integrated with the world...


The extreme northern wilderness.

Li Jin is like a wave among the waves of the ocean, sinking and floating among millions of soldiers.

He watched the living beings wither away one by one.

Watching the powerful and ferocious beasts die suddenly, like a flower from the other shore that blooms and withers in an instant.

Duckweed in the world is involuntary.

He finally chose to survive with difficulty and save himself.Ignored the sound of the disappearing lives.

Because he knows.

With my current ability, I can't beat the black hand behind the scenes.

Time goes by.

Half a month later, Li Jin's strength gradually recovered by [-]%.His ability to protect himself in battle became stronger and stronger, and he even became a well-known member of the generals of the Tang Dynasty.

And under the pseudonym 'Li Yaoshi', he gradually gained a foothold in the extreme northern wilderness.

And some soldiers with extraordinary talents around them got the power after the disappearance of the beasts, and gradually became stronger, enough to compete with some weaker beasts.

The losses on the battlefield were much smaller.

But not long after.

Li Jin discovered that everything has a price.

The inconceivably rich life force cannot make those who have gained the power live longer. Even after many people's power reaches the peak... their hair turns black and white, and their faces wither.

In the end, he rushed into the black hole like a madman, blooming the most dazzling afterglow in his life.

Seeing this scene, Li Jin was shocked.

Many people's strength is obviously not as good as their own, but they have already stepped into the 'return to the ruins'.

My own strength has far surpassed most of the people here, isn't it possible that one day...

"I'm running out of time."

Realizing this, Li Jin felt an urgency in his heart.

"I want to take everything I saw back to the Heavenly Court and tell everyone that this is a conspiracy! The Emperor of Heaven has changed, and he has no kindness at all in his heart. All beings in the Three Realms are just tools used by him..."

"Even if it is death, I will let everyone know the truth!"

"Heavenly Court—it's not as good as a ghost!"

at the same time.

Above the distant nine heavens.

Strange things also happened quietly in Heaven.

Many familiar faces disappeared silently from the Heavenly Palace.

The God of Fire Virtue, the God of Water Virtue, and the powerful and immortal gods who ascended from the Great Zhou Dynasty... In the end, until Yang Gang visited the Taisui Department, he found that Yang Ren, the god of the Taisui Department, had not shown up for half a month.

He finally discovered the abnormality of Tianting.

Under the covert investigation.

It was discovered that apart from the Heavenly Emperor, the Queen Mother, and the Taibai God who conveyed the instructions from the Holy One, many elites from the Eight Divisions of the Heavenly Court had long since disappeared, and no one knew where they had gone.

It seems that a huge secret is brewing.

"Not right."

"It's so wrong!"

Yang Gang walked repeatedly in the study, his mind running rapidly.

But I always feel that an important "key point" is missing in my heart, resulting in a lot of information that cannot be connected together.

"The Emperor of Heaven is too abnormal."

"Could it be..." He raised his head abruptly, staring at the void in the sky, "The so-called Journey to the West is simply a cover?"

His heart shook.

For a moment, there seemed to be a thunderous explosion, piercing through layers of fog.


He quickly flipped through an ancient book, his eyes flicking over the lines of writing.

Finally, he paused.

Stay on a line.

【... Buzhou Mountain originally used the ancient name.To avoid the taboo of the Holy King, it was renamed Liangjie Mountain.The word not two means incomplete. 】

"Da Zhou...not Zhou..."

He couldn't help taking a light breath.

(End of this chapter)

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