I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 488 Red Lotus Underlord and Candle Green Dragon

Chapter 488 Red Lotus Underlord and Candle Green Dragon
"The entrance to the Sea of ​​Bitterness is at Liangjie Mountain?"

In Tushita Palace, Taishang Laojun sat cross-legged in front of the gossip stove, raising his head in surprise.


Yang Gang said solemnly: "Journey to the West is just a cover, a cover to attract our attention. The purpose of the Emperor of Heaven has always been in the sea of ​​suffering. If I guess right, he wants to cross the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore."

"In order to achieve all this, he has planned for countless years. The establishment of a heavenly court that unifies the three realms and the power to control the authority of the heavenly law is the most critical point to accomplish all of this."

This world is not quite the same as the other.

Since the Great Zhou crossed the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms and other dynasties and directly entered the Tang Dynasty, he should have noticed the abnormality.

History has long deviated from its proper track.

And he believed in his own experience too much, so he didn't realize it until this moment.

Yang Gang overestimated his own wisdom and underestimated the grand ambition of the Emperor of Heaven.

He wants to be the No.1 who transcends the Three Realms through the ages and reaches the other shore, not a supreme emperor who only rules the Three Realms.

"How can this be good?"

The Taishang Laojun suddenly became anxious, got up and walked wildly, and said: "So, everything we do is not in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven? The reason why he indulges us is because he has a greater ambition in his heart. For the time being They don’t want to use us to cause turmoil in the Three Realms.”

"If he waits for his plan to succeed, wouldn't it be..."

Speaking of this, the Taishang Laojun turned around abruptly, and said decisively: "No, we can't sit and wait for death. Immortal Dao and Buddhism can't be played as two pawns for the Emperor of Heaven to balance the Three Realms!"

"Yes, it's time to fight back."

Yang Gang nodded slowly.

"What is Yang Jun's plan?" Taishang Laojun immediately asked.

"It's simple."

Yang Gang said softly: "The Heavenly Emperor wants to use the Liangjie Mountain as a pillar, as the entrance to the boundless sea of ​​suffering. Then we will break the Liangjie Mountain and completely destroy his plan."


Taishang Laojun couldn't help but pause in astonishment.

After a long while, he smiled wryly and said, "How can this be done? Now the two world mountains are suppressed by the power of the power of heaven, and even the stone monkey king's innate power of stone fetus can't be lifted, but I, a monk of the immortal way, am not good at strength. And you ..."

He glanced at Yang Gang, hesitated to speak.

Not to mention the consequences of the complete break between Immortal Dao and Heaven after the success of this matter.If this fails, they will surely receive a thunderous blow from the Heavenly Emperor.Who will be able to face the wrath of the Emperor of Heaven?

"Although I am physically sanctified, my cultivation level is still low, and I really can't become the main force in this battle." Yang Gang nodded simply, without denying his own powerlessness.

Then he said:

"But there are two people in the world, whose strength is comparable to that of the Stone Emperor at his peak."

"Who?" Taishang Laojun.

"The Red Lotus Lord and Zhu Qinglong in ancient times. The Nezha in this life, Bai Suqing." Yang Gang paused every word, and said with a confident attitude: "With the strength of three people, we will be able to break the two realms." Mountain, open the entrance to the boundless sea of ​​suffering."

"Good! Where are they now?"

Taishang Laojun immediately regained some confidence and asked in a hurry.

"Nezha was hunted down by the Heavenly Court, and he has been hiding his whereabouts for a while. Bai Suqing's whereabouts are elusive after leaving Shengjing, and I don't know." Yang Gang shook his head slightly, "But Nezha molded my body with twin lotus flowers, borrowed Luojia mountain lotus The water of the pool gives life, and your requiem elixir gathers the soul."

"As long as we find Daoist Cihang, the three of you and I will work together to summon that peerless devil boy."

"But there is still one person missing." Taishang Laojun said.

"We don't have much time left. Let's find Nezha to help him restore his ancient abilities. If it doesn't work, I have to do it myself. I hope Mianqian can take Bai Suqing's place."

Yang Gang said, looking at the location of Liangjie Mountain in the lower realm.

At the same time, I silently added in my heart, "Moreover, I believe in the power of fate."

After half a day.

Yang Gang and Taishang Laojun secretly left the Heavenly Court, and each left a clone that could hide from most people to sit in town.

The two rushed all the way and flew outside the capital of Tang Dynasty.


Yang Gang found the real Cihang who was cutting rice in the farmland outside the city.


Seeing Yang Gang coming, Cihang couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment.

She quietly put her muddy hands behind her back, and asked softly, "Why is Mr. Yang here?"

"There is an important matter, I want to ask real people to help." Yang Gang said.


Seeing Yang Gang's solemn words, Master Cihang immediately climbed up to the field and stood beside Yang Gang, completely forgetting that he is a fairy god, "How does Yang Jun want me to help?"

"No hurry, please come with me."

Yang Gang pressed the palm of his hand, and then slightly saluted the old man in Tanaka.The old man nodded with a smile, watching Yang Gang take the real person Cihang and Taishang Laojun away slowly.

After a while.

The three of them regained their immortal appearance and stood on an ordinary hill outside the city of Shengjing.

Yang Gang stretched out his hand to hold the two people on the left and right, and the strength in his body gushed out.All of a sudden, the situation above the heads of the three changed, and a strange phantom of a lotus flower fell into the void and disappeared.

After a while.

Suddenly the sky was covered with red clouds.

A fiery red figure pierced through the clouds and rushed towards Yang Gang.

"Uncle Yang!"

Nezha threw himself into Yang Gang's arms, crying very sadly.He raised his head, his dirty little face was covered with scars and blood, one can imagine that this period of time has not been good.

"Uncle Yang, it's all my fault. I can't beat the Tathagata Buddha, and I can't save my father. What's more, Uncle Hou was crushed under the mountain of two realms. Huh, huh, it's all my fault..."

"Silly boy."

Yang Gang gently rubbed the back of his head, sighed, "I should be blamed for all this."

"No. I should be blamed!" Nezha cried, "If I hadn't been ignorant and wrongly blamed my uncle and father, things wouldn't have turned out like this. I'm a scourge, the lone star of the evil spirit, destined to bring trouble to those around me. Woe!"

Taishang Laojun and Daoist Cihang stood aside, looking at the child who blamed himself for everything, he couldn't help being slightly moved.

"Then do you want to find your father and rescue your monkey uncle?"

Looking at Nezha's face, Yang Gang lowered his head and asked.

"miss you!"

Nezha's eyes lit up, "Uncle, do you know where father is?"

"of course I know."

Yang Gang nodded, "After we rescue your Uncle Monkey and overthrow the rule of heaven, we will rescue your father. Don't worry, although his life is difficult now, he does not have to worry about his life."

"However, if you want to save that monkey, you still need your help, the peerless little devil!"


Nezha couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Immediately, his complexion turned bitter, and he said miserably: "But in the battle of Heavenly Court, the Linglong Pagoda was destroyed, and my strength is not as good as before due to the involvement of my soul... Now even a few earth immortals can't do anything, they are hunted and killed XZ."

"Ha ha ha ha"

Yang Gang, Taishang Laojun, and Master Cihang couldn't help but look at each other, and then laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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