I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 489 Vulcan revives and hits 2 Boundary Mountain

Chapter 489 Vulcan revives and crashes into Liangjie Mountain

"Don't worry. Don't forget who shaped your lotus body!" Yang Gang said gently.


Nezha was taken aback when he heard the words.

Taishang Laojun also gently touched Nezha's head, and comforted him: "My good boy, this time, we will definitely shape you into the strongest invincible God of War in the Three Realms!"


Nezha nodded ignorantly, but his eyes gradually lit up.

a few days later.

Southern Xinjiang.

The land of thousands of miles fell into silence overnight.

The evil heretics hiding in the southern border seemed to be dead one by one. There were ruined caves everywhere in the mountains, forests and swamps, full of hideous corpses.

They were originally sinful people, and no one cared about life or death.

But who caused all this is somewhat intriguing.

However, the entire southern border seems to be surrounded by a huge barrier at this moment, and not even a mosquito can fly out from the sky and the ground.In the panic-stricken southern border, the insects and beasts were silent, and all creatures shrank in dark corners and did not dare to look up.


In a huge abyss in the depths of southern Xinjiang, endless fire suddenly erupted, like a volcano erupting, and endless flames filled the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun.

The long fire is filled with rich crimson, like the endless karma of the world of mortals.


The terrifying heat wave dissipated, as if collapsing inward in an instant.

The crimson flame gradually glowed with black and white brilliance, without any temperature, giving people a kind of extreme coldness in the world.

The flames of karma filled the sky for [-] li, rendering the sky of the entire southern border.

next moment.


A huge roar resounded through the sky.

"My Nezha——I'm back!"

A figure rushed out of the abyss and went straight into the Nine Heavens. He was wearing a Huntian Silk, stepped on a hot wheel, and his weapon was magnificent. A long spear with monstrous flames pointed directly at the sky, as if he was going to enter the Nine Heavens and fight with all the immortals in that court. Fan.


The barrier covering the southern border shattered like an eggshell.

Nezha's figure soared into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

"Good Nezha!"

Yang Gang's voice sounded softly.

"That's right, that's right. With such power and power, he can compete with the Stone Emperor at his peak. He is indeed the reincarnation of an ancient god!" Taishang Laojun and Daoist Cihang showed a satisfied smile.

"Let's go."

Yang Gang turned around and flew towards Nezha.


Taishang Laojun said.

"Two Realms Mountain."

"Go directly, don't wait?"

"Time doesn't wait for me, it's time to tear our face apart. Without Bai Suqing, then we will fight at the time when Nezha's spirit is at its peak!"


Datang border, Liangjie Mountains.



bang bang bang ~~
Bursts of roar spread all over the place.

The ground trembled and sand and stones flew.

It seems that there is a giant holding the earth ring in his hand, and he wants to lift the whole land to the sky, turning this piece of heaven and earth upside down.

"Old Tathagata, let me out!" Accompanied by a huge roar, hoarse and angry roars resounded through the sky.

Liangjie Mountain shook wildly, and was almost torn apart by the huge force.

Exactly at this time.

A bright golden light suddenly lit up on the distant mountaintop.

A golden talisman transformed from the power of the heavenly power was shining, and it suppressed the entire Liangjie Mountain with its supreme power.


Shihuang was so crushed that he vomited blood, and was seriously injured immediately.

He looked up at the golden talisman on the top of the mountain, and couldn't help thinking of the scene where he was deceived by the demon emperor's envoy and suppressed here many years ago. He was upset and irritable, and he raised his teeth to the sky and roared angrily: "Jade Emperor! You must die! Sinister villain, Die badly!"

The sound echoed layer upon layer in the Liangjie Mountains.

"Great Sacred Lord, don't struggle, you disturb the purity of the brothers for nothing. This golden talisman of the Dao of Heaven is ordered by the Emperor of Heaven, how can you break free even if you have supreme divine power? Hahahaha"

A yin and yang strange voice came.

In the sky, there are many phantoms of immortals and gods.

They are the Five Fang Jiedi, Four Seasons Gongcao, Liuding Liujia, and Guardian Jialan sent by the Heavenly Court and Buddhism to guard the Stone Emperor.


Shi Huang snorted angrily, ignored him, and struggled desperately.

Ben has been trapped in Liangjie Mountain for many years, but he still hasn't given up for a moment.He wants to leave this place to help his brother and defeat the seemingly invincible enemy.

In this life, he will never let Yang Gang bear the burden of despair alone again.

"You bloody monkey, don't you eat fine wine when you toast?"

A guardian, Jia Lan, came out and said angrily: "Calling you the Great Sage is to give you face, do you really think you are someone? Come on, serve copper juice iron balls, today I will take good care of this monstrous monkey! "

As he spoke, his face was full of anger and he landed in front of the Two Realms Mountains.

He scooped up an iron spoonful of copper juice and poured it into the stone emperor's mouth.

face this scene.

Shihuang was full of disdain, raised his head as if ignoring it, and looked at the sky defiantly.

He had already experienced this kind of method before when he was suppressed by the monster clan. At that time, he was a little scared when he was not physically mature, but now... hehe.


The guardian Jialan couldn't help being even more angry.

About to do it.

Suddenly, a puff of blue smoke rose in front of him, and an old man with a stooped figure appeared.

Holding a wooden staff, he flinched and said courageously, "Guardian Garan, this... he is the brother of that lord after all, so it's better not to use some tricks."

"Just him?"

Unexpectedly, the protector Jialan didn't listen at all, instead he pushed the land god away, and said with a wicked smile: "That person can't protect himself now, my Buddhism is in full swing, and the Buddha's magic power is boundless, so why be afraid? Go away!"

"Guardian." The land god looked bitter.

"If you keep shouting, I'll hit you!" Dharma protector Jialan was full of impatience, and kicked the ground onto the stone wall with one kick. Looking at the stone emperor with cold eyes, he couldn't help but feel even more angry.

The big iron spoon slammed on Shihuang's face, pouring copper juice all over his face.

Shi Huang remained motionless, with the hot copper juice still dripping down his cheeks little by little, but his gaze became extremely serious.

This time.

It didn't hurt him one bit.

But the strong sense of humiliation reminded him of some bad memories in the past.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Seeing this, Gujiao Jialan laughed triumphantly.

There were also bursts of laughter in the sky. The immortals and Buddhas sent here by the heavenly court and the Buddhist sect seemed to feel that it was an extremely honorable thing for an unattainable power in the past to be humiliated by him.

"Enjoy it, Monster Monkey, no one can save you today!"

The land god stood aside silently, not daring to speak again.He also didn't understand what kind of hatred these gods and Buddhas had with Emperor Shi, why they humiliated and tortured him like this.

I couldn't help but sighed a long time in my heart.

The sound of heavy breathing created gusts of wind.Shihuang lowered his eyes, staring at the face of the protector Jialan.

The setting sun in the sky was gradually setting, illuminating the faces of the two of them red.

I don't know when.

The whole sky is already red.

However, the immortals and Buddhas who were immersed in the jokes did not notice this somewhat unusual celestial phenomenon.

"Open your mouth."

He pinched the stone emperor's mouth, scooped up a large spoonful of copper juice,

The Stone Emperor stared at Dharma Guardian Jialan indifferently, and remained silent throughout.


The fire clouds in the sky suddenly thickened.

"Hahahaha, give me—eat."

The copper juice fell from the sky, and Dharma Guardian Jialan laughed wildly.

"Bastard, how dare you!"

An angry voice tore apart the heavens and the earth.

A huge flaming spear suddenly pierced through the void and headed straight for the Two Boundaries Mountain.Like an angry ancient dragon, it is about to knock down the majestic mountain in the middle!
(End of this chapter)

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