I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 492 Is everything predestined?

Chapter 492 Is everything predestined?
"Ang~~~" The long dragon chant is like waves stretching all over the world.

The clarity in Bai Suqing's eyes gradually suppressed the endless mist, but the candle in the lamp of innate destiny burned more and more intensely.

In a trance.

She seemed to see a stalwart figure walking from nothingness.

"Zhu Qinglong, why are you still hesitating!"

The Heavenly Emperor's familiar voice sounded, "Kill Nezha, and you will attain the Tao in this life, and enjoy immortal blessings forever in my heavenly court, immortal. From now on, you will no longer suffer from reincarnation, and the five declines of heaven and man. "


Bai Suqing looked at the figure in front of her, and smiled faintly, "The past was prosperous and prosperous, but what does it have to do with me now? You are just a ray of palace spirit in the Lingxiao Palace, and you dare to pretend to be him in front of me? You will enjoy immortal blessings forever, and you will never die." Mie, it’s just something you long for in your eyes.”

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

'Emperor of Heaven' frowned and scolded loudly.

"I said...you should die if you have controlled me for so long." Bai Suqing's expression turned cold suddenly.

that moment.

The ten thousand li void around Liangjie Mountain suddenly became dark.

As if another mysterious world covered this side of the sky, the endless dark colors invaded every inch of the sky like flowing water, 'squeezing' out all tangible substances.

Since then.

A faint and brilliant light shines from the depths of the darkness, like the only light in the world on that side.Like a candle in the dark, faint but dazzling.

"This is……"

"It's reincarnation!"

"What did Zhu Qinglong attract from reincarnation! Why is she involved in the mysterious reincarnation?"

One by one, the immortals exclaimed in disbelief.

On the nameless mountain, Yang Gang couldn't help but frown.

Immediately there was a flash of understanding.

"That trick back then, you really left me behind. If I hadn't transferred the wick to the Sansheng Stone, I'm afraid I would have been entangled by you for lifetimes."

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, as expected, none of the ancient gods was a fuel-efficient lamp.


At the moment when the wick left by the ancient innate destiny lamp on the Sansheng stone illuminates the heaven and earth, Lingxiao Dianling, who is the wick in the current destiny lamp, suddenly let out a shrill scream.

It seemed to enter a terrifying purgatory instantly, and the originally gentle light of life around it turned into fiery magma in an instant.Like the light that drives away the darkness, it burns its spiritual body crazily.

Wisps of green smoke rose, Ling Xiaodian's body trembled and blurred, and was about to dissipate.

"Forgive me!"

It roared horribly.

"It's too late! I will borrow your spirit today to restore my ancient power."

Bai Suqing scolded lightly, a light from the Sansheng Stone in the depths of reincarnation suddenly penetrated from the darkness, and landed on the life lamp in her mouth.


Ling Xiao Palace Spirit's shrill screams came to an abrupt end.

A bright flame blazed in its place.

The powerful aura instantly swept across the Liangjie Mountains like a wave of air.

Nezha's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, staring at Bai Suqing who had completely recovered her previous strength, and there seemed to be a violent flame in her heart eager to try.

Water and fire are opposites, but they complement each other.

Memories of the ancient times flashed back in my mind.

He finally remembered everything in the mountains and seas.

An eternal flame suppressed in Nezha's heart finally began to revive.As Bai Suqing completely recovers the ancient power, he will also fully recover the supreme power of the past.


At this time, Bai Suqing glanced into the distance.

this look.

There is no longer the conflicting heart of the past in the eyes, only the countless complicated emotions brought about by the experience of this life.The wick of the life lamp brought back the power of her previous life, and completely changed Bai Suqing's state of mind in this life.

Her heart is already tired, and she doesn't want to fight with anyone anymore.

Whether it's Red Lotus Underlord, Wang Chen, or Yang Gang who has been entangled for eternity.

A wave of exhaustion welled up in my heart.

Bai Suqing suddenly felt very tired, very tired, her eyelids drooped, as if she was about to fall asleep on the spot.

"No, the five declines of heaven and man!" Taishang Laojun was surprised, "With her realm, how could she meet the five declines of heaven and man?"

"Unless she wants to." Master Cihang said calmly as if he had seen through Bai Suqing's state of mind.

"Let this life end here."

A soft voice came into the ears.

The corner of Bai Suqing's mouth twitched into an open-minded smile.

Abrupt mutation.

The aura in her whole body was rapidly weakening like a firefly, but the life lamp in her mouth was burning brighter and brighter, as if it was going to be sublimated to the utmost in an instant, burning out the most dazzling brilliance in this life.


Yang Gang frowned, he didn't expect Bai Suqing to have such an idea, he just wanted to stop it.

However, it was too late.

All the power collapsed inward in an instant.

Bai Suqing resolutely turned her head back, looked at the majestic Liangjie Mountains in front of her, and raised her head to the sky and chanted: "Ang—" The life lamp in his mouth burst into endless light, and his body rushed towards the ancient remnant without hesitation.

This moment of youth deeply shocked the world.

"Candle Green Dragon!"

In the void, there was an angry shout from the Emperor of Heaven.

The spine between the two mountains collapsed and broke instantly, and the golden talisman of the way of heaven on the top of the mountain continued to emit golden light, but it couldn't stop Bai Suqing's Zhu Qinglong from burning all his own power.

"Ang—" The clear dragon chant was full of sore spots.

But Bai Suqing felt unprecedented relief, and her brisk voice echoed between heaven and earth: "Haotian, I was used by you in my last life. In this life, I almost repeat the same mistakes. But now I am awake... never again, my will will never again. I will not be controlled by you!"

"In this life... I want to be free!"

The gigantic body of the ten thousand li dragon coiled around the Two Realms Mountains like a spirit snake, and suddenly exerted force, breaking the huge mountains section by section.Countless broken stones and plants flew down, and dust and smoke filled the space between the sky and the earth.


The voice of the Emperor of Heaven roared eagerly: "You and I counted 10 years of friendship, how could you treat me like this! Zhu Qinglong, it's still too late to stop now, I can still help you become enlightened. Stop now... If you still recognize me as a father, you will die!" Give me—stop!"


The endless divine light flashed, and the Mountains of the Two Realms roared, shaking the entire world and the hearts of countless people in the Three Realms.


When Haotian and Zhu Qinglong were in ancient times, there was actually such a hidden relationship.


Bai Suqing entangled the Two Worlds Mountains, lightly raised the dragon's head, and said softly: "You are not worthy. In this life, I will never be used by you again."

boom! ! ! ! !
The terrifying power instantly exploded into a circle of air waves.

The incomparably majestic Liangjie Mountain broke inch by inch, turned into countless huge mountains, and suddenly fell towards the ground.Bai Suqing's Wanli dragon body also exploded in an instant, splashing out countless scalding dragon blood.


She looked up to the sky and let out a mournful dragon chant, and her body finally fell from the sky to the earth powerlessly.


The sky collapsed.

ground fissure.

Liangjie Mountain, which stood in the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years in this life, has finally completely followed in the footsteps of the ancient Buzhou Mountain, leaving a mess on the earth.

Liangjie Mountain, Buzhou Mountain.

This ancient sacred mountain standing in the center of heaven and earth, even if the name of "Not Zhou" is changed, it is doomed to an incomplete ending!Just like the ancient candle green dragon, it was doomed to bump its head against Bu Zhoushan.

"Hey~~ My old grandson—come out!"

A golden light shot out from the ruins at the bottom of the mountain, up to nine days, and down into the netherworld.

(End of this chapter)

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