I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 493 The Sea of ​​Bitterness Appears, and the Great War Begins

Chapter 493 The Sea of ​​Bitterness Appears, and the Great War Begins

A golden light pierced the sky.

Amidst the intense light, a gigantic gold-plated iron rod suddenly appeared, as if a pillar of support had replaced the original position of Liangjie Mountain, lifting up a dome of the sky that was on the verge of shattering.


How could the Stone Emperor kindly help the Heavenly Emperor to stabilize the world of the Three Realms?
I saw that the five characters of Ruyi Golden Cudgel were shining brightly, and its body suddenly swelled to withstand the golden talisman that wanted to escape, and broke through suddenly as if it had resisted the palace nest of the Three Realms.

The sky was shattered piece by piece, and the golden cudgel seemed to have pierced into the sky of another world.The strong space-time storm rolled back, the void thundered for no reason, and the catastrophe of wind and fire kept manifesting.

Countless immortals could not help but feel palpitations.

The scene of the world collapsing reminded them of the memories deep in their minds that could not be erased even after reincarnation.

'God, is it going to collapse again? '

'Entangled for eternity, the world collapsed again and again.Why bother to come, why bother to come? '

At this moment, many of them have a feeling of 'fairy gods fight and mortals suffer'.Compared with Heavenly Emperor, Yang Gang, Shihuang and other existences standing on the top of the immortals, how are these ordinary immortal gods different from mortals?
Even if they are as powerful as Doumu Shenjun and Huode Shenjun, they are in danger of being unable to protect themselves in this battle.

the other side.

Yang Gang and the others looked serious, staring at the broken sky.

The entrance to the sea of ​​bitterness has appeared!
"I can already feel that familiar breath." Taishang Laojun, who died in the sea of ​​suffering in his previous life, said in a deep voice.

Among the ruins of Liangjie Mountain.

Stone Emperor holds a golden cudgel in his hand, his might is uncommon, and his aura surpasses the three realms.

Nezha wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and manifested fire-pointed guns, universe circles and other treasures all over his body, and stood beside him, acting as a Dharma protector.

In the huge ruins.

Bai Suqing raised her head with difficulty, a line was slowly drawn at the corner of Longshou's mouth, as if she was smiling.

Everyone felt the breath of the sea of ​​bitterness.

At the same time, he also felt the powerful aura of the Heavenly Emperor.The breath is getting closer and closer, as if it is about to cross the border at any time.

But there was no worry in everyone's eyes.

After experiencing all kinds of catastrophes and obstacles, they finally worked together to break the power of the Heavenly Dao controlled by the Heavenly Emperor.Now they are full of self-confidence, and they may not be afraid of the Jade Emperor who has the power of the heaven.


A wry smile sounded in the void, seemingly full of infinite disappointment.

at the same time.

The heaven, earth, time and space around Liangjie Mountain were shattered, and countless rays of light and fairy energy emerged, but it was the reinforcements from the Heavenly Court that finally arrived late at this moment.

Hundreds of thousands, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals formed a huge formation, surrounding the entire ruins of Liangjie Mountain.


The desolate horn sounded from afar.

Dust and smoke billowed in the eternal demon domain, and the demonic aura rose.With the arrival of reinforcements from the Heavenly Court, the army of demons hidden in the Eternal Demon Realm finally appeared and rushed to the aid of Liangjie Mountain.

An ancient war is about to kick off!


A stream of light in the sky grew from small to large, piercing through the void in the blink of an eye, and the mighty figure of the Emperor of Heaven emerged from it, standing firmly above the nine heavens.

see his figure.

All the immortals in the heavenly court saluted together and shouted to meet the heavenly emperor.

Then they raised their heads one after another, with unclear expressions.

Rebellion is just around the corner, and the army of monsters is ready to go. Why did the Emperor of Heaven stop this battle?With his existence, plus millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court, is it possible that he is still worried that he will not be able to win this battle?
"You guys... let me down so much."

The Emperor of Heaven shook his head and sighed, and stood with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.This sentence seems to be addressed to everyone, but it also seems to be deliberately aimed at certain people.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

Everyone is waiting for the follow-up words of the Emperor of Heaven.

"At this time, you still haven't shown up?" The Heavenly Emperor said lightly.

Many people suddenly seemed to realize something, and turned their heads to look in the direction the Emperor of Heaven was looking at.

There was an unspeakable silence.

On the nameless hill.

Yang Gang stepped into the void and walked towards the ruins of Liangjie Mountain step by step.

"Let's go."

"it is good."

Taishang Laojun plucked up his heart and resolutely followed in Yang Gang's footsteps.

The moment has finally come.

They will officially tear their skins apart with the Emperor of Heaven, and it is time to test whether he is right or wrong in this time of his life.

Immortal Cihang's expression changed several times.

After hesitating for a while, he finally followed the two of them.

At this point, she seemed to have no reason to retreat.Compared with following Buddhism, Yang Gang, the last victor in the previous life, seemed to be more trusted by her.

"Chen, Yang Gang."

"I have seen His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven."

Yang Gang flew over, his regular uniform had changed into a silver armor cloak at some point, and a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand was also leaning beside him.It has been a long time since the immortals in the heavenly court have seen this outfit.

All the immortals were in an uproar.

The mastermind behind all this is indeed him!

Only he has the ability to set up this situation, gather Nezha, Zhu Qinglong, Shihuang, Taishang Laojun and others around him, and play with the forces of heaven, demon world and other forces in his hands.


In this life, the Emperor of Heaven has great talent and supreme virtue, and has never treated Yang Gang any less.Well, at least on the surface.What reason did he have to betray the Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Emperor?

If it was only because of the grievances in the previous life, then Yang Gang's situation would be too small.

If he acts like this, he will lose righteousness, and he will completely stand on the opposite side of all beings in the three realms, becoming a rebel in the eyes of everyone, and no one will support him anymore.

"Have you all planned so hard just to overthrow the Two Boundary Mountains and take a look at this boundless sea of ​​suffering?"

The Emperor of Heaven looked at Yang Gang with a look of disappointment.

Yang Gang was silent for a while.

The same is true of the Taishang Laojun and the real Cihang behind him.

The three of them stared at the gradually opening entrance of the sea of ​​bitterness, and listened to the sound of waves getting closer and closer, but did not answer the question of the Emperor of Heaven.

But the people around couldn't help it.

Several gods will shout and ask:

"Yang Gang, you betrayed the Heavenly Court and set up this situation, which can be called treason. Tell me, what is your reason!"

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven treats you well, but you conspire to overthrow the Two Realms Mountains, indulge the demon boy Nezha, Stone Emperor and other demons to do evil, leading to a catastrophe, what else do you have to say?"

"Yang Gang, the Heavenly Emperor is here, so hurry up and kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"Huh?" Yang Gang raised his head suddenly.

A sharp divine light flashed in his eyes.

The god general who made him kneel suddenly froze, without any strength, he only felt a bang in his head, and his sea of ​​consciousness fell into chaos.

next moment.

The god exploded his head, and was stared to death by this stare.

In front of the two mountains.

Shi Huang silently retracted the golden cudgel that was about to be thrown, and said with a sneer, "I don't know how to write the word "death" if you dare to make my brother kneel down." At the same time, he was secretly surprised: his immortal will is getting stronger and stronger!

The scene was silent for a while.

All the immortals in the heaven looked at the Emperor of Heaven, wanting him to uphold justice.It's too arrogant for Yang Gang to kill people in front of the Heavenly Emperor and the power of the entire Heavenly Court!
Right now.

The sky pierced by Ruyi's golden cudgel, and a boundless ocean finally appeared before the eyes of the world.

However, the scene presented in it shocked everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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