I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 504 Fight against the heroes alone, the power of Tathagata

Chapter 504 Fight against the heroes alone, the power of Tathagata

All practitioners from the three realms gather here.

The ruins of Liangjie Mountain suddenly became the biggest stage in the world.

However, if someone observes carefully, he will find that the circles of practitioners have different strengths, and there are very few people who have truly reached the peak of their cultivation.The reason why so many people can gather together is because...they were not qualified to be in the immortal class before and become the builders of the boat of heaven.

this moment.

Countless eyes looked at the entrance of the bitter sea, the huge skeleton of the heavenly boat, and also looked at the heavenly gods and monsters standing on the heavenly boat.

At the same time, the gods in the sea of ​​bitterness were also looking at the practitioners in the ruins of Liangjie Mountain, feeling bitter in their hearts.

Rays of fairy light circulated above the heads of the immortals and gods.

That was their name engraved on the Celestial Book of Heaven before, but now it has become a shackle that restricts their freedom.Countless glazed relics flew up from the bottom of the boat of heaven, exuding endless brilliance.

Then people dressed in black poured out from the bottom of the boat of heaven. They took off their hoods, revealing their bald foreheads. They were all from the Western Buddhism.

Under their control, countless glazed relics filled the entire boat of heaven with brilliance, connecting the immobile gods and monsters.

Everyone felt that the celestial mechanism in their bodies disintegrated rapidly and flowed towards the core of the boat of heaven, and they couldn't help feeling a sense of despair in their hearts.

They have completed the basic construction of the boat of heaven.

At the same time, it also lost its own value.

The Emperor of Heaven didn't let them go, he wanted to drain everyone's last strength and contribute to the combination of the Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Court Building Complex to form a real "Heavenly Court".

And this moment.

That day, the courtyard complex was carried by the Demon Emperor and flew towards the distant Nine Heavens.

Bitter at home and abroad, countless eyes look at each other across the air.

All the high-ranking gods, gods, and demons of the Three Realms have fallen, and the huge number of practitioners outside have become the hope of saving the world.

"Save... us."

The gods in the sea of ​​bitterness shouted in despair, but they didn't even have the ability to speak.

Streams of light flew from the east and landed in front of the ruins of Liangjie Mountain.

As the only remaining high-level practitioners in the Three Realms, the Huaguo Mountain fairy gods and monsters who went to form the Great Formation of the Universe, they finally arrived.


The bright knife light streaked across the sky.

A stalwart figure appeared in front of the entrance of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. Yang Gang held a three-pointed two-edged knife and cut into the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness with one stroke, setting off endless waves.

"Nan Wu" sang the Buddha, and the golden light filled the sky blocked the light of the knife in front of the boat in the heaven.

"The Tathagata?"

Yang Gang's eyes turned cold, and he quietly watched a golden body of Buddha that suddenly appeared.

"Judicial God, please come and be safe."

Tathagata has a solemn appearance and a peaceful and kind smile on his face.

"Where is the Emperor of Heaven? Why are you guarding here?" Yang Gang pointed the blade in his hand, not being polite to Tathagata at all.

"Where the Demon Emperor is, the Heavenly Emperor will naturally be there."

Tathagata smiled meaningfully.


Yang Gang frowned and looked towards the heavenly court.


I saw the dazzling brilliance of the Golden Crow, struggling to support the entire heavenly court and soaring for nine days, but I didn't realize that there was a figure above my head that seemed to have been quietly waiting for it.

When the golden u came to a certain position with the heavenly court.

"The Demon King."

The figure in the void suddenly shouted.

In an instant.

In the Heavenly Court, the Lingxiao Palace suddenly flashed with a myriad of divine lights, and an astonishing aura swept across the world.A huge phantom appeared in the Lingxiao Palace, suppressing and sinking the Golden Crow's figure little by little.

It was about to fall from the sky.

"Hahahaha" Upon seeing this, Tathagata let out a burst of hearty laughter.

"Judicial God, you and I are both scheming. The Demon Emperor has been hiding for so long and wants to deal a fatal blow to the Emperor at the most critical moment. Have you ever thought that we are doing the same?"

"is it?"

There was no surprise on Yang Gang's expression, as if he had expected this a long time ago.

In this peak duel, no one is a fool.For the Demon Emperor, a peerless emperor who spanned the past and the present, how could he be unprepared with the plans of the Emperor of Heaven.

He has been waiting for it here!



The Golden Crow raised its head to the sky and screamed, and pieces of the Eastern Emperor Bell suddenly condensed on its body, attaching to its surface like a carapace.The extremely powerful power erupted, and it actually forcibly carried the heavenly court to fly up again.

at the same time.

Dang~~~ melodious bell.The Eastern Emperor Bell transformed into a huge phantom, covering the Heavenly Emperor in the sky.

"Now, so what?"

The corner of Yang Gang's mouth curled into a smile.

Their purpose has been achieved.

There is no need for the Demon Emperor to destroy the Heavenly Court, just delay for a while, let the two opponents, the Heavenly Emperor and the Demon Emperor, continue to fight, and when the battle in the sea of ​​bitterness is over, the real boat of the Heavenly Court will not be able to be assembled together, and the conspiracy of the Heavenly Emperor will be self-defeating .


Tathagata sighed, "Since Mr. Yang is so confident, you and I will have a fight!"

The voice fell.

Countless Buddha lights suddenly rushed towards Yang Gang.


"Break into the sea of ​​bitterness, destroy the boat of heaven, and rescue the gods!" Yang Gang cut apart the Buddha's light with a single knife, and ordered decisively.


"The Emperor of Heaven is not benevolent, I will punish him!"

"Buddhist sect aids the tyrant to abuse, hypocritical villain, today the Buddhist orthodoxy will be wiped out!"

Countless shouts responded, and they raised their weapons angrily and followed Yang Gang's footsteps into the sea of ​​bitterness.

This time, the Heavenly Emperor and the Buddhist sect really committed the anger of the public, betrayed the three realms for their own self-interest, and took the initiative to stand on the opposite side of everyone.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife slashed on the golden Buddha's palm, emitting a little bit of golden light.

"Yang Gang, why are you so persistent?" Tathagata tried to persuade Yang Gang while fighting Yang Gang, "If you are willing to let go of all living beings and go to the other side with us, you can achieve the supreme great way."


Yang Gang slashed through the sea of ​​chaos and bitterness with one knife, splitting Tathagata for tens of miles, and said with a sneer, "Tathagata, or... Kutuo. Have you given up your path of the supreme Buddha kingdom and believed in the way of the Emperor of Heaven instead?" Bullshit?"

"The other shore... If there is a other shore, do you believe that he can take you there?"

"How about believing, how about not believing?"

Tathagata sang 'Amitabha Buddha', slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly, with endless Buddha light blooming in his eyes, Yang Gang suddenly felt the surrounding space change, as if he had entered a supreme Buddha kingdom.

Tathagata's voice sounded from the void, "Your way lies in protection. But those mortal beings are nothing more than a handful of loess in the world, is it worth it?"

"How is it worth it, and what is it not worth? I only insist on what is in my heart. The theory of the other shore is illusory, and you are so persistent because of your terminal illness. You... have gone crazy!"

Yang Gang slashed into the void with a knife, breaking countless cracks in the entire Supreme Buddha Kingdom.But it feels like there are [-] worlds in this place, overlapping and adding up, separating him from the original place by countless distances.

"The Demon Emperor held the Emperor of Heaven, and I alone held you, Shihuang, Nezha, Taishang, and Cihang, and divided you into the three thousand worlds of the Supreme Buddha Kingdom. Yang Gang, give up..."

Tathagata's urn voice transmitted in the void: "Those people you brought are just a mob. They can't compete with my Buddhist monks, and they can't change the established outcome."

"The boat of heaven will surely sail to the other shore!"


Yang Gang snorted heavily, and the weapon in his hand suddenly trembled wildly.

He suddenly raised the three-pointed two-edged knife, pointed it straight at the sky, his brows were raised, and the divine light in his eyes bloomed instantly.

Forbear for so long.

He... also needs to be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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