I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 505 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, please go on the road!

Chapter 505 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, please go on the road!
all the time.

Although Yang Gang performed very well in front of the gods of the Three Realms, the majesty he portrayed time and time again made people dare not offend him in the open.But in the eyes of everyone, his precipitation is not enough to compare with the supreme beings who control one side, such as the emperor of heaven and the Tathagata.

In just a few decades, despite the vicissitudes of life in the world, it is incredible that he can achieve what he is today.

Therefore, many people are not optimistic about this battle.

The current Tathagata is really too strong, and the Buddhist practice method is so peculiar that he almost has the magic power comparable to that of the emperor of heaven.

But they seem to have forgotten...Yang Gang's previous life was Erlang God Yang Jian.

He has not practiced for decades. He is Yang Jian who tried his best to save the sky in ancient mythology, the ancient Yi who shot Nine Suns furiously, and Yang Ling, the sword demon who rebelled against the fate of the North...

His whole life has already run through ancient and modern times!

A sword technique that has never been shown before the world.

Yang Gang had a serious face, holding the knife in both hands, and swept out.Containing countless violent forces swept out, like mountains and seas collapsing layer upon layer, and like the boundless years to forge ahead, like a long search in the endless world of mortals.

This knife contains the thickness of Shanhai's knife, the firmness of Mojie's knife, and the breaking of Hongchen's knife.For a moment, it seemed like a shattered emptiness, tearing apart the space in front of him inch by inch.

The world of the Three Thousand Buddha Kingdoms is like layers of drawing paper, destroyed in this gorgeous and complicated blade that deduces a lifetime.

The figures of Shihuang, Taishang Laojun, and Daoist Cihang looked back in astonishment in the world, looking at the blade that flashed past beside them, and looked at the end of the void pierced by the light of the blade.

A golden Buddha sitting cross-legged on the sea of ​​suffering.


Tathagata chanted the Buddha's name, and suddenly closed his palms inwards, trying to forcibly catch the knife with supreme magic power.

Shi Huang and the others stared wide-eyed, watching this confrontation for a moment.

If ordinary people.

They think they are overwhelmed.

But the Tathagata Buddha's current mana power is incomparably vast, comparable to the incarnation of billions of heavenly emperors.With a bang, the sea of ​​bitterness set off thousands of layers of waves, and the golden body of Tathagata was instantly repelled tens of thousands of miles by the light of the sword, but a pair of golden Buddha palms firmly clamped the indestructible light of the sword.

His body... was not damaged at all.

"The sun dies."

Yang Gang's calm voice sounded.

In an instant, another knife light passed through the world of three thousand Buddha kingdoms.

This time, countless immortals, gods and monsters, regardless of whether they are suffering from the world, have seen this blade that looks like the light of the sky.

A wave of waves has risen again.

Yang Gang's expression was somber, and he walked with the knife, he went directly through the endless void and entered the sea of ​​bitterness. He swung the knife and killed him in front of the Tathagata in an instant, wanting to have a close fight with him.

He naturally knew that it was almost impossible to break through the three thousand worlds with one knife and then kill the Tathagata.

That's why there is this deeply hidden second knife - Sun Perish.

"Good swordsmanship!"

Tathagata praised.

That ray of saber light that was as bright as the sun, in his eyes, seemed to have raised an ancient sun in the sea of ​​suffering.

Yang Gang's figure is getting closer and closer.

The saber light that was at the height of the sun was getting closer and closer.

However, the Tathagata was restrained by the previous knife 'Cang Hai', temporarily unable to stop his offensive.

The knife that swept across the sea of ​​bitterness finally approached Tathagata.

He could no longer maintain his previous composure, and suddenly pushed forward with both hands, taking this incomparable knife alive.

The violent huge waves surged wildly, completely covering up the figures of the two of them.

In the water of the sea of ​​bitterness, the face of the Tathagata changed several times.In this knife, he felt a completely different knife intent from before. Waves of knife light fell in the sun, carrying the power of rising and falling, just like the ancient nine-day falling calamity.

It also seems that there is a peerless god who stood on the ancient land and burned the power of his own soul to destroy the gods who harmed the world.

With that firm belief and unyielding will, Tathagata saw a humble young man rising from Zhongyonghou's mansion, demonstrating his "Tao" to the world with a brilliant life.

That path is called——The ambition of Qingyun!
A muffled sound.

Tathagata's palms disintegrated inch by inch like clay sculptures, followed by arms, shoulders...

One knife contained the Dao Yun of Fentian, Yuanshen, and Qingyun, and completely defeated the supreme golden body of Tathagata's vast and mighty power.


He glared angrily, showing the Buddha's wrath rarely.But still lost to this shocking and decisive knife, the golden body was swept across by the light of the knife in an instant, the body was split in two, the lower half fell into the sea of ​​bitterness, and the upper half flew into the sky.

"How come..." Tathagata's eyes lost their focus, and the light gradually dimmed.

He doesn't understand.

Why is there such a big difference between Yang Gang's mana and physical body and his own vast and incomparable mana.But the ending of the battle is so dramatic...

Two knives.

Do not!
With just one knife, the golden body of the Tathagata who had worked so hard for two lifetimes was broken.

What is all this about!
Tathagata suddenly let out an unwilling roar, staring straight at Yang Gang who was flying towards with a magic weapon in his hands.

The resentment in his eyes was beyond words.

Shihuang didn't know, Taishang Laojun didn't know, and Daoist Cihang didn't know, but many people in Shanhai who witnessed the final battle, including Tathagata Buddha, knew...Yang Gang still has a hole card.

Tathagata is not reconciled.

I don't understand either.

Yang Gang has not used the Tianxin Four Swords that engulfed the will power of all beings in the world in his previous life, so why has he been defeated so thoroughly.

After all, he has become weaker.

Or is he... stronger?

"Buddha, rest in peace."

Yang Gang raised the three-pointed and two-edged knife, and swung it towards Tathagata's head, "The gap between us has never been in mana or supernatural powers. No matter how much you practice the Buddhist golden body, you will not be able to withstand a single blow from my knife."

"It's not me who killed you, but...all beings from the Three Realms!"


Tathagata's eyes froze, as if he had finally realized some ways.

However, it was too late.

The saber light hissed through his head, completely crushing the most defensive Buddhist golden body.A golden head exploded into Buddha's light all over the sky, melting into the endless sea of ​​suffering like raindrops.

Just like tens of thousands of years ago, in the mountains and seas, one sword established the heart for heaven and earth, beheading the Nine Nether Demons.With one sword, he established his life for the living and the people, and wiped out the way of Buddhism.

One knife is to inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, severely damage the luck of the monster race, and make them unable to hold their heads up in front of human nature forever.

One knife created peace for all generations, completely shattering Haotian's plan for hundreds of millions of years.

The current Yang Gang has changed.

Experience the road to sanctification through the nine calamities of mountains and seas.

The sword light that was cut out for the sake of all beings in the world has long been integrated into his every move.The saber techniques accumulated over lifetimes by Fentian, Shanhai, Yuanshen, Zuowang, Mojie, Qingyun, Hongchen, Samsara, etc. have also been completely integrated into a body of Taoism.

He is now.

It only takes one knife to kill a Tathagata filled with mana.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore."

Yang Gang turned his head, looked at the thousands of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the boat of heaven, and the slowly rising Lingshan Mountain, and swung his saber again, "All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, please go on the road!"

(End of this chapter)

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