Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 206 Warlock Communication

Chapter 206 Warlock Communication

The sorceress looked at Li Ke, her heart was full of resentment.

She finally understood everything.

The former owner that Metis said was probably the man in front of him, and the summoning information he traded with himself was naturally because he didn't want to summon Metis, or he couldn't summon Metis, so he found himself!
I lost myself and thought I had earned it.

"Don't look at me like that, honey, it's just that you're more unlucky, but I think you agree that power is absolute, don't you?"

Just as the other party didn't care about the life and death of the sacrifice, Li Ke actually didn't care much about the life and death of the sorceress.

The reason is also very simple.

Warlock this industry.

You cannot say that he has no conscience.

Because there is no conscience at all.

Eight out of ten were randomly selected and shot, so there were still two criminals who had not been cleared.

If you want to say that they didn't do anything wrong, then you really think too much.

Let’s not talk about warlocks in other worlds, after all, they rely on the power of blood, but warlocks in Azeroth are different.

Most of the spells used by warlocks in Azeroth are shadow spells and fel spells, and there are a small number of arcane spells. Yes, many warlocks are mages with concurrent training, or if you fail the mage exam, do Warlocks are actually more adventurous.

Let’s not talk about how the power of shadow comes from, but the evil energy...

That's a typical selfish thing.

Either it comes from the transformation of vitality, or it directly splits the soul to extract it. It can be called the villain among the wicked, and the pervert among the perverts.

Even if the degree of control is not in place, it is something that harms others and does not benefit oneself. In the eyes of most people, apart from the most destructive power in the world, evil energy is really all shortcomings.

So he really didn't care if the sorceress died because of summoning Metis. Anyway, there was one less evil, and if the other party didn't die, it was just good for waste.

"So, say your name."

Li Ke glanced at the sacrifice, how can I put it, although the face can be seen as beautiful, but the skin is too bad, and there are many calluses on the hands and feet, compared with the elves, they are scum.

A typical commoner, and her figure is not very good. It looks like she has not been specially maintained. She is a very common farmer's daughter.

Among other things, the other party has a small belly.

Li Ke is not surprised by this. Although there are many beauties in Azeroth, they are conditional. Only those who exercise their bodies and have rich clothes and good food are beauties. In other words, if there is no money to maintain, there will be no good-looking women.

This is already pretty good, with a little exercise and skin care, you will probably be able to pass the mark.

The female sorceress who called herself Erlin before saw Li Ke sizing up the sacrifice unscrupulously, and her heart tightened. Although she didn't care much about her chastity when she signed the contract with the succubus, it was her chastity that could be exchanged. On the premise of the benefits, otherwise, wouldn't it be good for her to study magic?

But she still knelt obediently in front of Li Ke, waiting for Li Ke's next move.

Like Onyxia, she felt that she still had a chance to fight back.

"My name is Ursula Delin, a professional mage in Stormwind."

Li Ke chuckled. He naturally knew what this girl wanted to do. He snapped his fingers, and in an instant, the evil energy began to erode the body of the sorceress in front of him. The intense pain caused her to fall to the ground, and her hands couldn't help to touch his own neck.

But with a stab, her screams grew louder, because her hands were burned by the fel energy!

She tried to use her arcane power to expel these evil energies, but every time she expelled them, the evil energy would return to her body the next moment.

And she didn't dare to use arcane energy to neutralize the evil energy on her neck, because doing so would undoubtedly be suicide.

When she was about to faint, Li Ke withdrew the evil energy that had eroded her body, and threw a ball of holy light at her to heal her skin.

The female sorceress Ursula recovered from the brink of collapse. Summoning Metis was originally a consuming ritual, and her body and mind were already at the limit. After being tossed like this by Li Ke, she almost fainted .

"It seems that you are still not good enough. Although I didn't ask, did you not say that you have done something in detail?"

Li Ke pinched her chin, looked at the terrified sorceress, and asked her every word.

"What I want to know now is what you can bring me, my..."

The smile on his face became evil.

"...Little slave."

Ursula's eyes widened, and Li Ke knew that she was not reconciled, and no one would, so he patted the head of Metis on his waist, causing Metis to howl silently.

"If you don't want to be a slave, you should be a hanging ornament for my family."

If Ursula doesn't cooperate, Li Ke will definitely not let her go, but he will not use the other party's head as a pendant.

There was no enmity between her and Li Ke. If it was true, it was Li Ke who cheated her.

But Warlock Well.

This is normal.

"I... I don't have a specific position, but I mainly serve as a magic consultant and a magic support unit. Although I have a salary from Stormwind City, most of the time I want to maintain my dignity, so I have to participate in various events issued by Stormwind City. This kind of task, so I actually have no job, but I still have a lot of spell books, and money..."

Ursula was a little flustered. She had just graduated not long ago, and she hadn't been exposed to the way of warlocks for long, so she wasn't very comfortable with this situation.

"It does sound useless. As for money and spell books, I'm somewhat interested."

Li Ke sat on the altar, which was restored to its original shape after Metis was beheaded by him. He thought for a while before continuing to speak.

"You sort out your spell books, and then wait for me in Yuexi Town in the Western Wilderness, and collect the souls of the damned people for me. By the way, what is the identity of this sacrifice?"

Li Ke asked curiously, and Ursula naturally knew everything.

"Understood, I will go. As for this sacrifice, I bought it from Stormwind Prison. She is a Defias death row inmate and killed several children, so no one cares about her life or death."

Another villain.

Li Ke squeezed the sacrifice's chin, shook his head and sighed.

"It's a pity that this body is skinny."

He put his hand on the opponent's chest. Under Ursula's gaze, the sacrifice's body dried up quickly, and countless vitality entered Li Ke's body continuously. Then, when the sacrifice's vitality was exhausted It was only when Li Ke raised his hand that he drew out a cloud of white smoke.

"Take care of it, and besides..."

Li Ke casually put his soul into the bottle given to him by the other party before, and then, under Ursula's astonished gaze, pointed his finger on her chest.

Immediately, Ursula felt a pure vitality entering her body, making her chest fuller and her body stronger.

Not only that, a booklet also fell into her arms.

Ursula opened it and saw that there were two spells she had never seen before. She looked at Li Ke in astonishment, and only saw Li Ke's indifferent face.

"...It's right to mess with me."

(End of this chapter)

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