Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 207 Uncommon Common Sense

The matter of subduing subordinates is a matter of loyalty.

As the so-called loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely not loyal. In this world, there are naturally a small number of people who can be said to be loyal.

So Li Ke chose the most commonly used move by everyone.

Slap a sweet date.

"There's a succubus that just fits your range of abilities, Ursula. Don't think about such boring things as becoming the ruler of the world in one breath. With your current strength, the demons that can be controlled are basically It’s something like a kid, and as for the succubus, it’s just the one I gave you. It’s her real name on it, and I think you can understand what a real name means to a demon.”

The brochure given by Li Ke has the real name of a succubus, which means that as long as the sorcerer in front of him can create a contract chain with the demon's real name engraved on it, the demon will obey his orders before the contract chain breaks. It is impossible to resist at all.

Of course, if it was due to lack of intelligence and being tricked by the succubus, then it would be another matter.

Now that Onyxia is already her own person like Onyxia, Li Ke doesn't mind giving her some sweets. Although she doesn't know why the other party desires succubi, it is obvious that only people who are extremely thirsty for power will do whatever they can. Choose to summon demons to solve your own problems, and nothing else.

And if there is a real name to summon this succubus, there is not much trouble, at least the other party only needs to draw out their own pain to summon the succubus.

Whatever Ursula wanted, the succubus was able to help him achieve it.Correspondingly, Li Ke, the succubus that Li Ke handed over, knew his real name very well. If Ursula made some small moves, he could naturally summon the succubus summoned by the other party back, and then torture him.

Li Ke breathed a sigh of relief, while Hisaly patted her plump chest.

"I've never heard of such a thing! No one has ever told me that demons can only be killed in the Twisting Nether!"

"Hisalie, you are really scary."

"Do you want to use her head as a decoration?"

"But if you let the demons go, wouldn't you set them free? If you don't kill the demons in the Twisting Nether, you will just resurrect them again...Huh? Don't you know?"

Li Ke realized this, and then swallowed.

But Li Ke didn't think so. The demons of Azeroth are a group of very strange beings. No matter how you kill them in the real world, they won't die unless you are strong enough to crush their souls in the real world.

"Demons, can only be killed in the Twisting Nether?"

Basically, except in the Twisting Nether, or in an environment with a high concentration of fel energy, you can't kill demons.

Hisaly frowned, she didn't like such barbaric behavior very much, because it reminded her of those innocent beasts hunted by hunters to flaunt their strength.

Holding the head of Metis, Li Ke walked back to his hotel. After all, he doesn't want to draw too much attention. The strength of Varian Wrynn is that he is a warrior with very keen intuition. This point can easily see the truth in lies.

"Li Ke, evil energy is very evil. If possible, please destroy this demon's head as soon as possible!"

Hisaly tilted her head, her face full of confusion.

As soon as Li Ke returned to the hotel, he saw a pair of shining eyes. He was startled at first, but when the other party lit the oil lamp, he saw clearly who the other party was.

Hisaly was also at a loss, because her intuition told her that Li Ke was not lying, but she really didn't know that demons can only be killed in the twisting void, she only knows how to kill demons quickly and cheaply , But this is really the first time I have heard of such a thing.

"You do not know?"

"You are the one, I just felt the breath of evil energy, so hurry up and see what's going on."

Hisalley is still persuading Li Ke very seriously.

Especially a certain dwarf. Although she is not an extreme druid, she doesn't have any favors for those hunting to show off her strength.

Death is okay, but it will be very painful.

"But this is a demon after all. If you don't deal with her soul, maybe someone will be charmed by her, and then do terrible things."

Moreover, the succubus who can seduce them night elves is obviously not something that a mortal like Li Ke can compete with.

Otherwise, they can easily be resurrected in the Twisting Nether.

Not to mention that the devil's head that Li Ke took out obviously still has his own consciousness!

Being too pushy is not a good thing.

Therefore, this kind of behavior of making head specimens is very disgusting.

Li Ke chuckled, his evil energy was tightly blocked on Metis's head. Metis wanted to mobilize the evil energy, as long as he mobilized a little, he would collide with Li Ke's evil energy. Together.

Xisa Li looked at the succubus head on Li Ke's waist, and after finding that the succubus head was still winking at her, she looked at Li Ke seriously.

"Don't worry, she won't be able to make waves."


And as far as Metis's performance is concerned, she can't even mobilize the slightest bit of evil energy when her head is full of his evil energy.

It would be fine if these hunters only hunted the prey they needed, and divided and processed it rigorously, but now many Azerothians hunt not for survival, but for showing off.

There is seriousness in her eyes emitting soft white light. Although she is very young and has never seen the battle of the ancients, no matter where she studies, she can hear the hatred and fear of the demons from her predecessors. The seniors are extremely afraid of the monster, and Xisa Li doesn't think that Li Ke, a mortal, can resist it.

Therefore, Li Ke temporarily put aside this hapless sorceress.

As for Metis' body, she will naturally handle it, and Li Ke only needs the final product.

Li Ke answered the young druid as a matter of course, but he saw the bewildered expression on the other side's face.

"Actually, I just took her as a souvenir, after all, she was the first demon I killed."

Li Ke was even more confused. This was common sense in his memory, but why didn't the natives of this world, the night elves who specialized in fighting demons in Azeroth, not know?

Li Ke spoke seriously.

"After you caught the demon, you killed it directly?"

Heather nodded.

"if not?"

Li Ke felt that he might have misunderstood his 'common sense'.

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