Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 208 The Uniqueness of Knowledge

Chapter 208 The Uniqueness of Knowledge

Knowledge has its timeliness and specificity. Sometimes, a piece of knowledge that seems very simple to you is a moat of despair for people of a certain era and period.

For example, the difference between steel and iron is the carbon content. The ancient people didn't know it, so for them, steel is a very precious thing. There is a certain randomness.

But for modern people, it is just a slight adjustment of the variables. As long as the resources are sufficient and a few experiments are needed, good results can be successfully tested.

But what about the ancients?
They don't know, they can only rely on experience, and there is even a practice of blood sacrifice to weapons or weapons in order to increase the content of phosphorus and carbon.

But modern people just need to experiment a little bit.

This is the power of knowledge.

"This knowledge, it seems that Illidan broke into the devil's interior, and then who knows after all the hardships?"

Li Ke scratched his head. He didn't remember the plot very clearly, but when the Legion returned, he suddenly knew the news, and then he became clear about the news, which even made people in Azeroth despair.

"No, not many people will know this news in the future. This news should be passed on among the middle and high-level people."

And it's not very realistic to create a high-concentration fel environment in Azeroth, or send those invading demons to the Twisting Nether to kill them.

But Li Ke paid attention.

Hisaly shrugged, and didn't think carefully about the things Li Ke said to herself.

Hisaly couldn't help but widen her eyes. The earrings in Li Ke's hands were shining with a gorgeous silver light. Not only that, five or six gemstones were inlaid on the small earrings, forming a beautiful pattern. .

"Okay, I will find a professional to deal with her head later, but Hisaly, it's better for you to prepare, after all, it's too eye-catching for you, a night elf, to appear here, and I will do it What's more is affection, a little low-key is needed."

After he learns how druids can make plants sprout, he can find a way to send this reckless and lovely druid lady back.

Her cute expression made Li Ke couldn't help complaining in her heart.

Do you want to stay like this!

She hammered the palm of her hand, showing a look of sudden realization, and the next moment, she nodded seriously.

Longevity species always have the privilege of being willful.


Li Ke showed a smile, and threw Metis' head aside casually.

Li Ke changed the topic, because obviously, these druids did not have a way to send those demons to the twisting void, let alone attack these demons in the twisting void.

And as long as you do this often, you will be easily killed every time you are caught, thus ending the mission this time.

"Of course, haven't you found out after all? Am I able to communicate with you now?"

"Intelligence? Well, we did have people who were responsible for these, but the effect was not very good."

Therefore, this knowledge is very likely to be known to only a small number of people when the legion invades, and only for some powerful demons to carry out beheading tactics and targeting tactics. For most bottom and middle demons, there is no Such beheading operations have been carried out.

He suddenly realized this, because it seemed that when the Legion came again, it was useless to tell the low-level soldiers the news, because for them, telling them would lower their morale to the bottom, after all An unkillable enemy is very demoralizing.

Li Ke is very curious about this matter, but now he is more concerned about other things.


As for when we hit Argus later, it doesn't matter whether we talk about it or not, because the environment of Argus is basically the same as the Twisting Nether. Killing those demons here is the same as killing those demons in the Twisting Nether. Demons are all the same.

"Because the information given by the devil is not accurate, sometimes it is a trap, so most of the time, we feel that there is no need for it."

Li Ke nodded, although if he let himself use it, there would be no possibility for Miss Night Elf to run away, but he is a person who plays with evil energy, so what is it if he always has a druid by his side?It is enough to have the status of a paladin.

Because obviously, it is precisely because these demons know that they will not be really killed by these druids, so they can use their own death to arrange the layout at will, and use it to trip the enemies of the Burning Legion son.

Hisaly stretched out her hand, subconsciously wanting to grab the earring in Li Ke's hand, but the next moment, she took it back and looked at Li Ke expectantly.

At this time, there is no need to say more.

"Is this a coincidence, or is it a contrived layout by the commander behind the scenes using the characteristics of these demons?"

"so beautiful!"

Otherwise, they wouldn't have waited 1 years after the Station of Eternity, and didn't know that the demons had to be killed in the Twisting Nether.

"So, are you interested in cross-dressing? By the way, take advantage of this."

The druids didn't know about this, so they basically passively became the off-duty tools of the demons of the Burning Legion, and therefore ignored the intelligence work on these demons.

Only then did Hisaly react.

He spread out his hands, showing a pair of exquisite earrings.

Although she is a druid, she is indeed a child in her 20s... Yes, although the biological age of night elves and high elves is no different from that of humans, but in terms of psychological age...

As for torturing demons, it's even more impossible. For those druids, let alone catching demons, if they don't show their natural wrath after seeing a demon, their druids can't practice well.

Hisaly recalled the things her mentors taught her, and couldn't help but say it.

"Is this really for me?"

"That's it, then I understand, I think, no matter whether it is only in the Twisting Nether that you can kill demons or kill demons directly, it is better to torture these demons more, so as to get more Burning Legion news."

Moreover, an idea popped up involuntarily.

"Druid, aren't they all easy to fool around, no..."

Li Ke thought of the future night elves.

"Aren't they easy to fool too?"

(End of this chapter)

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