Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 213 6 Mystery of the Force

Chapter 213 The Mystery of the Six Forces

Under his control, vitality and evil energy collided again, but this time, pure vitality was swallowed by evil energy and turned into evil energy.

However, when Li Ke released a force of nature and other forces he had mastered, something interesting happened again.

Water, fire, holy light, can be said to be a small amount of arcane magic, as well as evil energy and pure vitality. Under the attraction of natural forces, they formed...

A force of nature.

Sure enough.

Li Ke looked at the power of nature floating on his fingers, somewhat in a daze.

He always felt that the force of nature gave him a strange feeling, to be precise, the life force gave him a strange feeling.

Because of chaos and uncontrollability.

When Hisaly taught him the power of nature, he specifically emphasized the difficulty of controlling the power of nature. Although this kind of thing did not exist for him, judging from Hisaly's performance, the power of nature is not something everyone can control of.


Although such an explosion is powerful, he can do it with any force, but this kind of explosion can directly drain his mental power. At present, there is no possibility of it appearing in actual combat.

He stretched out his hand again, and the power of the Holy Light appeared.

The power of light and shadow is also directly reflected in the power of holy light and shadow.

Li Ke pursed his lips and pondered for a while. This discovery gave him a lot of inspiration and new discoveries, so he planned to do a bold experiment.

This is something that pure holy light can't do, and the holy light he took out can at most warm people's body and mind, and it can't even make the eyes uncomfortable.

He can synthesize them all by himself!

Li Ke lay on the bed and was dazed for a long time before slowly recovering his mind. Although he was still a little dizzy, he was finally able to think normally.

After lying on the bed for a while and resting, even being able to touch the body of Ge Liye who was lying on the bed with him, Li Ke resisted the drowsiness and sat up.

But the little power that erupted when it was disintegrated by the evil energy was enough to blow him and Greyet into the air.

Li Ke now feels his head hurts like a needle prick. This state is not to mention summoning the holy light. He feels very tired after thinking a little bit.

The same is true for Ge Liye, her plump body was just like Li Ke's. She was directly blown away by the silent explosion, and fell directly to the ground, almost hitting her head.

Li Ke felt his head was buzzing and very chaotic, as if he had stayed up for three days and nights, he couldn't lift any energy at all, and almost lost his ability to think.

Does fel really equal chaos?

This is the six original forces of Azeroth, and some of these most fundamental six original forces are directly displayed.

But to be more realistic, the verification of this guess also confirmed one thing.

He vaguely remembered that he finally felt that the evil energy seemed to split a little bit of the holy light, and it was the reaction produced by this little bit of energy that was split, and it blew himself and Greyet away.

A silent explosion appeared directly in front of Li Ke, and the violent force directly lifted him out, causing him to smash hard on the wall, and then fell to the ground.

What is the power of the black dragon, the power of the titan and other messy things.

So he held out his hand to Greyet.

Even going one step further, when he has fully grasped his discovery, he will be able to change the form of matter around him at will!Reach the realm of a tiny creator!

Is the force of order arcane?


Shadow-Void-Old Gods.

Rubbing his aching head, Li Ke felt a little terrified, but still tried his best to recall what happened just now.

Although he really wanted to sleep now, he still wanted to test the results of his experiment just now.

Then he summoned a cloud of fel energy, and then collided the holy light and the fel energy.

"It just can't be used in actual combat."

Under his nervous and expectant gaze, his guess came true: what he regrouped was not only holy light and evil energy, but also other powers.

That's why he said that this kind of power cannot be used in actual combat.

But some are ambiguous.

At that time, everything in the world will be in his hands!

He was very determined to do this, and the power of the evil energy slowly moved towards the holy light along with his will, but at the moment when the evil energy approached the holy light——

That is all the special power of this world——

The vitality brings about a distorted body, and the natural force is uncontrollable to make the surrounding 'natural plants' grow, and these are all lacking one thing.

Death - undead - undead.

Of course he has a reason to be so excited, because after this guess is verified, it means that he is one step closer to the existence and truth of the power of this world.

Light - Holy Light - Naaru.

Greeter, who was just about to get up, groaned in pain. The contract on her body directly deprived her of her free will, making her walk to Li Ke's side like a puppet, and helped Li Ke up.

Obviously, his behavior just now consumed a lot of his mental power, leaving him in a state of exhaustion.

But this discovery still made him feel excited.

But this time he didn't control them and let them annihilate naturally, but tried to split the holy light with evil energy, wanting to see if the holy light was composed of other forces.

Life, arcane, and some extra evil energy, a small part of the power of death that he can hardly perceive, whether there are others, he doesn't know, because his current state is really bad, he just Can feel these.

In the cognition of the outside world, vitality and natural force are two independent forces with blurred boundaries.

He stretched out his hand to hint, and tried his best to slowly mobilize the energy that escaped from the room.

"Evil energy can be split from the holy light... It's really interesting. Looking at it now, my guess is true. There is a high probability that there is me in you and you in me among the six original forces."

"...the reaction is so big."


For example, chaos is directly manifested in evil energy.


"I remember that the universe of Azeroth was born from the collision of holy light and shadow, and then the holy light and shadow derived six kinds of force respectively."

Otherwise, I will be drunk again in the future.

Li Ke recalled that picture. He had seen it before, but this time he deliberately recalled it, and it suddenly became clear.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down, but he still couldn't help but bury his head in Greyet's arms because of his excitement, and used her soft breasts with the scent of milk to prevent himself from shouting out excitedly. .

In addition, when he let his life force and natural force go, both life force and natural force caused 'unstable' changes.

Li Ke couldn't hold back in the end, and laughed in Ge Liye's chest.

"Hey! I, Li Ke, really want King's Landing in this sky!"

At present, his mental state cannot be said to be normal due to the severe exhaustion of mental power, and he stretched out his arm with a wild smile.

"In front of me, I am absolutely invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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