Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 214 Sending the God of Plague

Chapter 214 Sending the God of Plague

"Damn things..."

Onyxia looked at the picture revealed in the magic mirror, especially when Li Ke bewitched an idiot mage to summon a big demon outside Stormwind City, and killed him there, her head hurt.

The Tirisfal Council can be said to be the reason for strictly guarding against this place. In fact, she is very unwilling to generate too much evil energy here.

Because once the people here find that there are powerful demons appearing, no matter how stupid the local leaders are, they will doubt whether the orc warlocks have made a comeback.

After all, the only people who can summon demons on a large scale are orcs.

Touching her neck, Onyxia's face became more and more gloomy.

Originally thought that although the evil energy on the neck was tricky, it was not an unsolvable problem, but she kept flipping through the magic books, but couldn't find a similar situation.

"That idiot... dare to summon a demon of that level here... and then expect an idiot to dispose of that demon's body."

When Onyxia thought of what Li Ke had done, she had the urge to strangle Li Ke to death.

Her face became more and more gloomy, and finally she picked up another mirror, and knocked it casually a few times.

"Mr. Li Ke, I think you can go now. After all, we all hope to see that you can bring different changes to the West Wilderness."

How many days have you been here?How many times has Onyxia sent gifts?

However, this handsome young man with black hair looked a bit embarrassed. There were obvious burn marks on his face, and even teeth marks.

That means the opponent's test product is out of control again.

She knew without asking that Nefarian must have come up with a new method to gather the power of the five-color dragon, but obviously, this new method is not so reliable like the tens of thousands of new methods before. Spectrum.

She is [-]% sure that once Li Ke is exposed, she will drag herself into the water without hesitation!

The black mirror surface is like water waves

He himself found it more and more interesting.

Onyxia made this decision, then looked at the mirror again, and touched her neck involuntarily.

"What's the matter, honey, are you in any trouble?"

Because Onyxia even added several carpenter team contracts in it. With these contracts, he can order some carpenters to work for him for three years, and only need to provide them with a camp and the necessary food. .

Duke Bolvar Fortagan looked at Li Ke and smiled.

Not only that, but there was also a team of dwarf blacksmiths. Li Ke was so moved that he didn't know what to say.

Onyxia shook her red wine glass boredly, then took a sip helplessly.

"We must let him leave quickly!"

He didn't know what to say, he could only say that Onyxia was really sending the God of Plague, and basically everything needed for the territory was here, even enough for Li Ke to build a castle there.

Obviously, what he did last night was not able to hide from this black dragon princess who has been in charge of Stormwind City.


It is this character that makes her really not know how to accept the other party.

Nefarian kept talking about the reasons for his failure and the discoveries he got from it in various elegant tones, but he didn't realize it at all. In 5 minutes, Onyxia was completely indifferent to this topic. Interested.

But Onyxia obviously wanted to send him, the god of plague, away as soon as possible.

But even in such embarrassment, he still tried his best to put on a chic look in front of Onyxia.

Because there is a big guy in the team.

And the sum of these gifts is so expensive that you can build a big castle!
It was so moving.

Onyxia looked at her brother's face and couldn't help sighing.

Rather than a group of mindless zombies and undead, or uncontrolled beasts.

"It's a little troublesome, but Nefarian, you seem to be in more trouble... Are your test subjects still unstable?"

Since the other party doesn't want her to stay here so much, Li Ke wants to stay here even more, but it's a pity that Onyxia does things pretty tight.

So when he walked out of Greeter's room the next day, he saw a lot of soldiers and carriages loaded with supplies.

Ripples were produced, and it didn't take long for the face of a handsome human male to appear on the mirror.

"You are still the same, brother."

"These are all the materials needed to build the territory. Li Ke, not only steel, but also all kinds of cloth, and even craftsmen. Jennifer, go and confirm. In addition, this gentleman, please tell the Countess, I Thank you so much for her generosity."

Then, a housekeeper who seemed very taciturn walked up to Li Ke.

After all, once he reveals his secrets, he who holds her handle will bring her bad luck.

"I've got a big problem and I need a little help from you."


Because of the evil spell formula left on his neck by the other party, he had to be controlled by him.

It was Bolvar, the Lich King after Arthas, who brought these people.

What they need is a large number of obedient, loyal, powerful weapons with the power of five-color dragons.

Speaking of her elder brother, he is extremely handsome among the Dragon Clan, and is also very powerful in strength and magic. When Onyxia was young, she also thought that her spouse might be her elder brother.

But obviously, his own brother screwed up again.

The bite wound on the opponent's face, as well as the wound burned by the corrosive liquid, all explained one thing.

However, she regretted her words after she finished speaking, because...


"No way, although the new formula allows it to master most of the power, it also causes most of its brain functions to be taken up by coordinating the body, so its intelligence is not very high, so a more effective fusion method is still needed ..."

And the other party obviously didn't want to have too much contact with those warlocks in Stormwind City, and kept making things around Stormwind City.

Although Li Ke still wants to stay in Stormwind City for a while, and have a good communication with the warlocks here.

Because the matter was more urgent, Onyxia sighed, then put down her wine glass and interrupted her brother's words.

Li Ke looked at the tongueless butler, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, took the list in his hand, glanced at it, and handed it to Ge Liye who hadn't dressed yet.

And in his hand, he was holding a letter of authorization signed by King Varian Wrynn.

"After all, you have so much belongings, and you still have the idea of ​​making a big splash, then..."

In Li Ke's cognition, Bolvar, who will become the new Lich King in the future, walked over with a smile, trying to make his smile less philistine.

"You must need a lot of soldiers and armor?"

(End of this chapter)

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