Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 232 Elune Who Wants to Whore for Free

Chapter 232 Elune Who Wants to Whore for Free
The first thing Li Ke felt in the gentle voice was the thoughts escaping from Li Ke's mind.

Because Li Ke didn't want to build any protection against this gentle voice, and was praying to the other party's concrete image, so this voice that claimed to be Elune instantly saw what was in Li Ke's mind.

Confused, puzzled, astonished, and then...


So in an instant, a white light descended from the sky and hit Li Ke fiercely.

The moonlight revealed the light of the star world with a cold and strange power, Li Ke only felt that he was hit hard by a dump truck, and then his whole body was embedded in the earth.

"You want to do that to my people!"

Elune's voice tinged with anger.


It's a crime to think about it!

"Thank you for your concern, Hisalie, but I should go back now."

After saying this, Li Ke blocked Elune.

"If you are not an omniscient and omnipotent god, you have no right to talk to me."

"Then if you don't want this planet to be occupied by the Burning Legion, Elune. Since what you said is so great."

"But speaking of it, some people use the so-called corporate culture to domesticate employees, as if they want the employees to treat him as a god?"

"Since you know I'm special, Elune."

Li Ke's hand was lingering with Elune's power, and the silver-white light shone on his hand, giving him a cool feeling and calming down his brain a lot.

Don't you just want people to understand the distress of capitalists!

He casually placed his hand on Hisaly's moon, then patted it twice, and when Hisaly turned his head in astonishment, he kissed her cheek.

However, what he said next made the falling rays of light even colder.

"You yearn for my strength because you actually want me to protect you, but your traumatized heart is unwilling to believe in the power of faith and love, so you want to do things for me in exchange for strength. Because you think benefits are Eternal, but Li Ke, some things cannot be decided through the exchange of interests, love and justice are what we should do."

This power is not life force.

What are you talking about?
The power of the Holy Light flowed through his whole body, and Li Ke's injuries healed instantly. Elune was too boring, and now he no longer had that kind of interest in molesting Hisalley.


His smile turned to sarcasm.

And when he tried to break down this power, he got a kind of feedback.

Can't do it.

Li Ke looked at the projected moonlight and smiled.

"I can understand your debauchery, which comes from your desire, but you should get out of your current comfort zone, get out of the crimes you committed in that small town, and get out of the deaths of those people..."

Li Ke, on the other hand, gestured his middle finger to the moon in the sky after getting out of Hisaly's sight.

"All you rely on is your own specialness. You don't really want to implement something. You just want to do your own thing and rely on this advantage to make yourself rich. You don't really have Wanting to carry out any will of the original force is just covering up your fear of the world, Li Ke, your heart is still good, but you have never gotten out of the influence of that demon on you, she is still yours Nightmare. Your obsession with fel energy and power comes from this. You are still a wounded child."

He originally planned to say this to the future force bosses.

But Elune didn't, and instead, because she had not-so-good fantasies about her followers in her mind, she became angry with herself and lowered her strength to attack herself.

"Then let Tyrande, your favorite priest, the Moonlight Maiden kneel in front of me and become my plaything. In this case, I will swear allegiance to you and obey your will. Or I will tell Tyrande myself Rand, tell her how special I am, what I mean to you."

Li Ke was very upset because of this.

Even, this light made the moonlight in the sky shine down, reflecting the surroundings even more brilliantly.

Her god was such a disappointment.

His spiritual power will be drained instantly!
"Okay, don't talk so much, tell me about your conditions and your inclinations, and then I will help you spread your brilliance, just remember to pay for it."

Li Ke's voice was as calm as Elune's.

It's not that he can't do it with his ability, but that he dares to act and die.

Elune's words are farting, he is just a mortal, to understand those representatives of the Force?

Everyone talks about business, about joint ventures, and you talk about beliefs and pursuits.

Li Ke interrupted Elune's words.

Hisaly covered her face in astonishment, while Li Ke stood up directly, turned her head and left.

An injured child like Li Ke needs this kind of treatment!

Whoring for nothing.

"No, I'm just a..."

Metis also deserves to be his nightmare?

Elune was silent for a while before answering Li Ke.

Elune's voice was very calm.

The bewildered Hisaly watched Li Ke leave in astonishment. She covered her face and buttocks, and fell into a moment of confusion.

"Sure enough, it's because I've been idle here for too long. I should hurry up and build my own business. I don't believe it. After I've limped the night elves, you can talk about me from above, even Want to whore me for nothing!"

He felt the power of the Moon God, but felt that although this power was full of life, it was undoubtedly not life force, but a more special kind of power.


Mmm, the scent of night elves.

A capitalist understands and sympathizes with a capitalist because he is really a capitalist. Aren’t you out of your mind to understand and sympathize with a capitalist?
No matter how reasonable what he said afterwards, they were just demagogues and disturbed his state of mind. If Elune is really so great, why would he watch this and so many tragedies in the world happen?
Li Ke stroked the necklace wrapped around his left hand. The nightmare of the past has become his pendant. Even if he didn't dislike the possibility of being sick, and he was too perverted, he would still have the ultimate insult.

Li Ke silently brought back the basement PLAY in his mind to the depths of his heart, and blocked Elune's detection of his memory and superficial thoughts.

Elune said so much eloquently, Li Ke could only see two words between the lines.

However, he found a very interesting thing, that is, when facing himself, most of the representatives of the Force would tacitly ignore some of his actions.

Because of the successive injuries, Li Ke's mind was a little confused, so he spoke subconsciously.

"Sorry, your mind is too dirty, outsider. And, you're talking too much about us, and those representatives of the Force, you don't understand the greatness of what we do."

Li Ke looked at the silvery-white light on his hand, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

Who can shoot his own nightmare in the face?
It was just too perverted, he felt disgusted just thinking about it, so he didn't do it.


"Are you omniscient?"

Li Ke's evil energy appeared from the void, enveloped the beam of moonlight, and began to strangle it.

The evil energy slowly dissipated, and the moonlight withered like a butterfly.

"After all, you are so selfless and can ignore your own interests for the sake of other lives, so I think your believers are the same..."

"Isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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