Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 233 The Compromised Elune

Chapter 233 The Compromised Elune
Is Tyrande a Madonna?

Anyone who has played the game will know that she is definitely not.

Tyrande's character can only be described in one word.


Whether it's undead or demons, whether it's nightmares or anything else, as long as you stand in her way, it doesn't matter what race or background you are, she is an operator.

Let's kill him first.

Her actions put herself in danger more than once, and she was saved by the moon god Elune more than once.

And the reason why she is so reckless is also very simple, that is, she trusts Elune unconditionally.

Although she loves Malfurion, she can even wait for Malfurion for 1 years without any complaints when the relationship between the two of them has not done anything further.

You must know that when Malfurion entered the Emerald Dream to heal the world, he might not even have time to have children with her. The two got married, and they had to wait for Malfurion to wake up from the Emerald Dream again.

So Li Ke's existence is necessary, and she must also win Li Ke over.

In 1 years, how many decades can a person have, let alone 1 years.

A translucent, phantom of a night elf woman appeared in the moonlight, her face glowing with anger.

In her heart, Luna always comes first.

She never asked the night elves to do anything for her, although these night elves spontaneously became her followers because of her protection and guidance, but that's the way it is, she doesn't ask these people to do anything for themselves, just guide They just give their strength for this world.

This is beyond doubt, and it is also the policy she has always acted on.

When the temple and her lover are attacked together, she will give priority to protecting the temple, and even directly kill the corrupted Ysera, instead of directly saving her husband Malfurion.

That is to say, if she showed that she was more important to the moon god and the night elves than Malfurion, and she insisted that the other party marry her, she would bid farewell to her lover and marry her with tears in her eyes.

However, even with such a deep love, when faced with faith and love, Tyrande will undoubtedly choose faith.

As long as there is Li Ke, she can easily gather her own strength and the strength of those who are willing to make this world better, and then save this world and make this world last forever.

After all, the Moon God protected their entire race, and even protected her countless times, allowing her to survive from places where she could not survive, so for Tyrande, faith is more important than her own love.

It would be ridiculous to say that this is a slave!
She completely regards the beings in this world who are willing to do good as children, but she pays more attention to the night elves.

"You actually said such a thing! Outsider!"

Li Ke spread his hands casually.

"I just want to deal fairly with you, but you want me to be your slave and work for you all my life, isn't it appropriate?"

Most of the time, she is the devotee.


Elune frowned. Li Ke called her belief an act of slavery, which really made her uncomfortable.

Therefore, Li Ke felt that if he really did this, he would really succeed.

If Li Ke remembers correctly, it will be the time of the catastrophe.

Elune was silent for a moment, then shook her head.

What kind of long-distance love is this?
The love between the two of them basically can't tolerate the second person, even if that person loves so deeply, and when he is engaged in his career, he still holds a flower all day long and misses Tyrande badly.

This kind of love can no longer be explained by lust, but a more metaphysical, platonic love affair.

"That's because you want me to be your slave, Elune."

This is also the reason why Li Ke didn't let Hisaly see this scene. Hisaly would undoubtedly be a believer of the goddess. The other party will undoubtedly stand on the side of the moon god.

What did he take a believer's trust and devotion to the gods for?

Because Li Ke is so important, if Li Ke really did that, she...

She stretched out her hand to Li Ke.

Elune felt that it was necessary for her to clarify this matter with Li Ke.

Elune couldn't believe it. She had been observing that the current Li Ke would say such words. She could see that Li Ke had always had a conscience in his heart, but why did he say such terrible things without changing his expression? things out!

And obviously, Luna felt the same way.

Whether the night elves healed the world or fought against the Burning Legion, even without her guidance, these elves would do it, because it was an invasion of their living environment, and she was only helping them.

She is also powerless to stop it, or in other words, she cannot stop it in the face of greater interests.

After all, living apart in two places now may end a seemingly loving couple, and Tyrande and Malfurion have not spoken a word for 1 years. It is no longer difficult to separate two places, but an unmarried girl While busy with her career, she has to take care of her boyfriend in a vegetable state.

No way, although Tyrande loves Malfurion deeply, she still has the identity of a leader and a follower. These identities are as important to her as the identity of "Malfurion's lover".

"You don't need to do anything for me if you want to gain my power, child, you just need to contribute to this world, and you will naturally be able to gain my power."

Other Forces also think the same way, because no representative of Force can ignore Li Ke and this cheating device.

It's not impossible to eliminate Li Ke directly, so that everyone can't play, but that is the last resort. If Li Ke doesn't completely degenerate, she will not choose this path.

"Your misunderstanding of belief is too deep. I am not a god who wants everyone to worship, nor a god who wants to dominate everyone, child. So please don't do that kind of excessive thing, Because Tyrande has an incomparably precious love...but rest assured, I will tolerate your fragility."

"But correspondingly, if you do evil things, then my power will leave you."

Elune stretched out her hand, and gently stroked Li Ke's cheek. Immediately, a phantom of a crescent moon appeared on Li Ke's forehead, and then disappeared.

"This thing can help you gain my strength, child, I hope you can understand the meaning of faith as soon as possible."

After speaking, Elune disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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