Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 235 Accident

Chapter 235 Accident
Because of Li Ke's cooperation, the team moved very quickly. In less than two hours, the team headed for the western wilderness.

However, as Li Ke guessed, this is not the so-called 500-member team at all.

Although the seals and imprints of the soldiers belonging to him are in his hands, and there are indeed 500 soldiers, the other soldiers who were not selected also followed, and they looked like they knew it a long time ago.

The belongings of their family were also merged by the army's logistics, but only under the care of Jennifer's people, but they were also under militarized control, which made Jennifer quite dissatisfied.

But Li Ke didn't think there was anything wrong.

In fact, Stormwind City has already surprised him by being so polite.

Surprise Varian is indeed a benevolent king.

That's right, he didn't directly follow the rules of the Middle Ages to rob, but seriously asked himself to hand over his name to get himself into the group. To be honest, Li Ke felt that this was not easy.

Of course, he also knew that the two letters from Jaina and Kael'thas played a role in this, but Varian is a good person, that is also true.

But what Jennifer was dissatisfied with was not this, but something else.

However, all of these were destroyed by the sudden Jonathan, and Li Ke also unbelievably agreed to the other party's proposal of a complete militarized operation!

Moreover, some building materials also needed to be transported from Stormwind City to Westfall, but if it was transported by herself, it would cost a lot of money, so she had the idea of ​​transporting it all in one go from the beginning.

"Mr. Li Ke, these are some things I have summed up, please be sure to put them away, and watch and save them carefully."

"Thank you, Mr. Jonathan."

"This is too hasty."

It is possible for donations to flee abroad, or to enrich one's own pockets.

Li Ke stretched out his hand to this serious Mr. Marcus, and Li Ke wanted to shake hands with him, but the moment Marcus also stretched out his hand, a black shadow came from above their heads. skimming.

There is nothing wrong with this, but it is just to live in Stormwind City for a few more days. This little money is really a drop in the bucket compared to the extra cost of purchasing materials.

Li Ke raised his head in an instant, seeing clearly that they were bombs with ignited fuzes one by one, he immediately opened his palm, and a pale wall of holy light instantly enveloped everyone present, and launched countless bombs. The dots of light hit the bombs that hit the sky.

Jonathan said this to Li Ke very seriously. He saw the qualities of a qualified nobleman and paladin in Li Ke, so he decided to complete his task with heart.

There are other things, because the news of their arrival was passed on by the servants of the palace, so everyone in Stormwind City is waiting to make a fortune, so she plans to wait until the prices are normal before going to the territory.

But once the time is long, there will still be problems.

These are all the taboos and key points of marching and fighting in this era, including how to appease soldiers, choose camps, and judge the number and timing of the enemy, and even include the weaknesses and habits of many enemies, such as the habits of jackals and so on. They are all things that can be called untold secrets.

Then, he looked at Marcus with some surprise.

Many of the things that Onyxia gave to Li Ke are real estate, plus manpower and property. Although these things have contracts in hand, there is no need to worry about disappearing.


"That's right, ma'am, what Mr. Li Ke said is right, Defias thieves are everywhere, so we must catch them by surprise. This is also for your future property and expenses considerations, please understand."

With that said, Sir Jonathan nodded to Li Ke, and after a moment of silence, he continued to speak.

Li Ke once again made a profit because of his paladin status and personality.

She looked at the mighty troops that were almost marching in a hurry. Although they were marching together with Li Ke on horseback, she still couldn't help complaining.

Li Ke curiously opened the scroll, and then saw, densely packed, serious and old-fashioned words.

Li Ke can understand Jonathan. The intelligence system in Stormwind City is not a sieve, but there is no difference. If he and Jennifer slowly prepare everything, then the Defias thief will also be ready. , and there is a high probability of giving them a big surprise.

So, this straightforward officer, who can even be said to be not very good at reading air, spoke up.

"I am entrusted by His Majesty Bolvar and Varian to help you master military skills, so please become my advisor after reading these things."

Then the next moment, countless black spots fell around them.

So it is normal for Marcus Jonathan to decide to move forward decisively.

Jonathan's expression was very serious. While speaking, he took out a scroll and handed it to Li Ke.

This kind of military skill is rarely handed over to half-way monks, especially paladins and military nobles with mud legs like him, but obviously, this is not absolute.

After all, any military officer will understand the importance of fighter jets.

"Because soldiers are so expensive, Jennifer, if the news of our dispatch is known to Defias thieves, then it will be very troublesome."

And she can also participate in the banquet in Stormwind City with Li Ke, socialize with nobles and so on, and exchange some friends, otherwise it would be very boring for her to be alone in the territory.

The explosion and the light of the holy light immediately caused a strong commotion, and the veteran Jonathan brought roared out at the same time as Jonathan who had reacted.

"Originally, I only planned to give this scroll to you, but you are indeed an upright paladin who knows how to make sacrifices for peace and justice, so I will try my best to give you my knowledge... But I want to , you will surpass me soon."

"Dragoons! Archers and spear-throwers ready!!"

Just when Li Ke was thinking about how to persuade Jennifer, Jonathan on the side also came over and just heard what Li Ke said.

The next moment, a pair of huge fleshy wings broke through the smoke and dust of the explosion and appeared in front of Li Ke.

It was a giant red dragon bound by iron chains, about five or six meters long, and on his back was a dark-skinned orc, who was laughing wildly and lighting the fuzes of bombs, trying to throw them Come down and keep bombing their ranks!

Li Ke instantly thought of the real culprit behind the attack, but his attack did not stop.

Before, I was just caught off guard by the sudden attack, but now it's different!

A spear of holy light entwined with thunder appeared in Li Ke's hand, he lifted it high, and threw it at the red dragon in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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