Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 236 The Boring Nefarian

Chapter 236 The Boring Nefarian

The golden spear shining with lightning showed terrifying speed. The orc on the back of the red dragon had already noticed Li Ke's movements, but before he could react, the golden spear had already penetrated his body.

The flashing thunder and holy light exploded the moment it penetrated him, and then the lightning and holy fire also detonated all the explosives on the dragon's back in an instant, blowing up the orc to pieces and making the red dragon howl With a sound, it fell straight to the ground.

At the same time, looking at the falling dragon, Jonathan immediately issued an order.

His long experience let him know that the beast with red scales is not dead yet, he must be restrained immediately and killed!
"Lampard Dodge! Beatlizzi! Lead the Spears on! Douglas, Namira! Try to keep that beast in check!"

He called his officers, then quickly pulled out his sword, and looked towards the place where the giant dragon attacked.

And sure enough, both he and Li Ke saw more enemies.

About three giant dragons appeared above their heads, but they hadn't reached their attack range yet.

But Jonathan, who has excellent eyesight, sees something unusual.

"That's it, whelp?"

"Archers! Shoot those young dragons first!"

But during the battle, they mostly use their holy light aura to enhance their defense and provide emergency treatment.

She is rich, but she doesn't like blackmail either!

For a moment, he felt that he had returned to the days when he was fighting the tribe!
He made a decisive decision and issued new instructions to his subordinates.

"In fact, the technology for preparing them is already very mature. Haven't you seen how their scales bounce off those holy light spears? That is a spear that easily pierced through the steel breastplate, but in front of my design , but was ejected."

Nefarian curled his lips. How could he not care about his sister? It was a Holy Light Killer that he spent a lot of resources on to deal with paladins.

The original plan was that the captured red dragon would disrupt the formation, and then three giant dragons would enter the arena with the young dragons used to disrupt the formation, and then the three dragons would kill the powerful Li Ke, or force out his evil energy.

Although it is miraculous, the giant dragons in this world are indeed able to fly by relying on their wings. The torn membranes of these giant dragons have already greatly reduced the flying ability of these giant dragons. , but they were entangled and couldn't continue flying.

"Don't be so troublesome, Jonathan, just protect Jennifer, and leave these dragons to me."

Although there was an orc as a cover, she still felt that there was a high probability that Li Ke would use this to blackmail herself.

Li Ke raised his hand again. He looked at the young dragons and the flying dragons. Although he couldn't see clearly, he could roughly guess who made these dragons that appeared suddenly.

The lifespan is only one week, and the combat power is only three days, after which it will be unable to act due to organ failure.

But now it seems that Li Ke's strength is much stronger than what his sister said. Just this energy manipulation technique can already make the opponent rank among the forefront of mortals.

Nefarian looked at Onyxia and showed a smile that was not obvious to please.

And it was very expensive, the cost of making it was enough for him to conduct three more experiments, and the materials were hard to find.

Although there is still no wisdom, it is still very powerful, almost completely defending the scale armor of the holy light, and the brute force beyond the ordinary dragon, and the breath that can greatly offset the holy light.

Onyxia curled her lips. If Nefarian threatened her and asked her to sleep with him, she would get excited, or simply force her, hold her body, and bite her neck and wings. Bitten her until she was dying, and she would be excited if she died if she didn't lay eggs with him.

But this soft look...

There is no other way for the time being.

Like Li Ke...

He has never seen anything like this!

Under his thoughts, the bounced holy light spears turned into large nets and ropes, covering the flying dragons.

In Jonathan's eyes, the hundreds of holy light spears above Li Ke's head were like hundreds of archers shooting arrows together, shooting these golden holy spears at the attacking dragon.

Nefarian looked at the images in the magic image, especially the image of the spear of holy light projected by Li Ke transforming in the air. Although there were shards of the glass in his hand, he couldn't help clapping his hands. .

According to his calculations, those three dragons could easily kill Uther.

Nefarian immediately greeted his subordinates and turned off the disappointing magic screen.

It is, um.

In Li Ke's eyes, it was a pale holy light, but in Jonathan's eyes, it was golden.

It's not that he has never seen a powerful paladin fight, such as Bolvar.

The spears of the Holy Light arrived in no time, and at the moment when these giant dragons and young dragons had no time to attack, these spears pierced through the wings of the three giant dragons and shredded the wings they used to fly.

They fell to the ground with the whelping dragons, and at this moment, the horns of the nearby Westspring Fortress also sounded.

"Unbelievable light manipulation power, I probably understand why your problem is so difficult, sister, and why father wants to transform him into a dragon beast."

"Please believe me, my sister. After all, I have already solved the problem on your neck. If you don't repay me and still mock me, it's too much. It's just that we should go dormant now, after all, our 'compatriots' have been in trouble recently. Very tense."

If it wasn't for his sister begging him, he would never make this thing again.

Sorry, she just can't get excited.

It was an emergency before, so Li Ke subconsciously attached the few elemental powers he had mastered to it, but now...

Onyxia sighed.

Hundreds of pale holy light spears appeared above his head in an instant, and Jonathan couldn't help opening his mouth wide.

Pure light is enough.

"Nefarian, did Onyxia ask you for help? But she should have told you that this is not enough to kill me, right?"

Now it's all right, let's just let Li Ke not get rid of it, and let Long participate in it.

When fighting dragoons, if there are young dragons, you must kill the young dragons first, so that the adult dragons can be distracted, and then kill the dragons at the smallest cost.

But the holy light spears that hit their dragon scales were all bounced off, and could not penetrate their dragon scales, which made Li Ke raise his brows subconsciously.

While thinking in his heart, spears made of holy light appeared beside Li Ke, and then they were projected towards the giant dragon flying in the sky that day.

"Then how do you want me to repay you?"

Onyxia looked at her brother with dissatisfaction. He had so many dwarves and orcs who could use it, but it was a stupid idea to use dragoons.

Onyxia covered her forehead in pain, looking at her brother who was excited and looking forward to it, she was really speechless.

Jonathan looked at the young dragons around the three giant dragons in disbelief, who were about the size of wolf cubs, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Nefarian could only make such a decision.

So the order he gave was an order any alliance officer would give.

After all, this is the territory of Stormwind City!
However, the moment these giant dragons fell to the ground, a wine glass was also crushed somewhere far away on the Black Rock Mountain.

"Oh, really, it looks like I did underestimate this guy."

"How about having dinner with me? It's been a while since we've had dinner together!"

Nefarian looked at his younger sister, and his younger sister Onyxia also had a gloomy expression, and couldn't help but glared at him.

That's right, golden.

After all, their movements should not be too large.

Is it specifically resistant to the holy light, or is the dragon scale just so powerful?
Li Ke didn't know, but it didn't prevent him from letting the three dragons fall down.

"I know, that's why I told you to send more troops to deal with him, but you insist on using your immature test product."

She really wanted to say that the other party wanted to fuck her, and then be rough, but unfortunately, he chose the kind of drama that made him feel more and more boring.

This kind of soft drama.



(End of this chapter)

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