Chapter 238

Nefarian felt that Li Ke was definitely a lunatic. In this world, if he wanted to use a power to his extent, not to mention completely becoming a believer in this power, at least his body would be eroded.

Therefore, a person who uses two kinds of power at the same time and can exert it to this extent will definitely not live long.

Either the body collapsed and died, or the two concepts conflicted with each other, and then the mental disorder was killed.

But such a person is really suitable to be drawn into their team.

This kind of guy who can fight and doesn't feel bad when he abandons it, has his own reason and fighting wisdom, so he is simply not the best weapon.

It would be even better if the blood of the five-color dragon could be added.

It's a pity that his Holy Light Killer couldn't catch Li Ke, so he can only wait for the next opportunity with regret, and...

After chatting with Onyxia about science for three hours, Onyxia sent off with a smile, showing fatigue, but still trying to smile at her brother Onyxia.

"What a fulfilling day!"

Nefarian, looking at the back of his sister leaving, was quite satisfied.

And completely forgot about his own dead, and his subordinates who hadn't died yet.

Li Ke is also very busy here.

"These big guys are unusual."

Seeing the giant dragon struggling on the ground trapped by his holy light net, Li Ke clenched the sword in his hand.

It was too far away before, so I couldn't feel it, but after these giant dragons fell to the ground, Li Ke realized that something was wrong.

The scales on these giant dragons showed a semi-crystalline state, and there was a reaction of holy light inside the body.Although it was difficult for the soldiers' swords to chop on these scales, they could still break through the defense of these scales with a little effort.

But only his Holy Light Spear can't.

"Are the specialized scales and giant dragon really Nefarian? Then, in this way, my control over Onyxia must have been found by that guy, right?"

Li Ke immediately thought of the great scientist Nefarian.

He actually doesn't know much about the other party's deeds. After all, it's all before the long version. He only played Cataclysm for a month at the time - he reached the full level.

Then on the day when he reached his full level, the members of the trade union said that they would fulfill their promise to take him to play raids when he reached his full level. He was happy all night, and then when he went to the Internet cafe the next day...

The Mists of Panda expansion pack has opened, with new maps and new equipment.

There's also a new level cap.

So he is concerned about Deathwing's conspiracy and many things, but he just knows that Nefarian is the son of the other party, and he is very powerful in technology and magic.

But I don't know more.

As for why Onyxia is so clear...

cough cough.

"Why are these orcs still riding dragons to attack us?"

Jonathan looked at the giant dragon being surrounded by soldiers in amazement. Although these big guys were still a huge threat, with Li Ke's holy light net, killing the dragon was not too dangerous.

"Probably they don't want us to take back the Western Wilderness, or they simply think that they can take us down."

Li Ke didn't say what Nefarian meant. He still needs to do business with the Heilong family, so it would be bad to be exposed so early.

"That makes sense, but..."

Looking at the struggling dragon, Jonathan still had a lot of doubts in his heart.

"Didn't it mean that the thing called Demon Soul has disappeared? Are dragons no longer our enemies? Why are these dragons still attacking us?"

Jonathan held his heart. When he saw Long Fei approaching just now, he was almost frightened and thought that his heart would stop beating forever.

But fortunately with Li Ke, nothing happened.

At the same time, he also fully understood why Li Ke was valued.

Putting such a fighter on the battlefield is an undoubted meat grinder!A born battlefield reaper!

"Why haven't the people from Xiquan Fortress come yet?"

Looking at the empty road, Jonathan raised his own doubts.

But because the people from Xiquan Fortress were not able to come to support, Jonathan went aggressively to Xiquan Fortress to question the teacher.

However, when they came to Xiquan Fortress, they were taken aback by the situation here.

A tower of the Xiquan Fortress was directly knocked down, and the warehouse was also taken care of by a large number of bombs, but fortunately it was not ignited, only part of it was blown down.

"This time it's really something to do with the Horde."

The current person in charge of West Spring Fortress, to be precise, is Deputy Captain Rainier, one of Bolvar's subordinates, who is now in charge of things around West Spring Fortress. After all, it is very close to Stormwind City. Quickly pass the news to Stormwind City, and the mission here is basically completed.

Moreover, if someone was able to reach Stormwind City, then it would be the same to walk from other places, there is no need to go through the road controlled by this fortress.

The basic function of this fortress is...

It is only responsible for law and order and tax collection, dealing with some thieves and bandits, as well as jackals.

Among them, the wolf man is the most important.

Because the location is the security and patrol point, there is only one deputy captain here for long-term stationing, but their nominal commander is Bolvar, and the so-called "deputy captain" in front of him is even Bolvar's personal soldier.

Most of the militia will be rotated here, and then assigned to other places.It can't be said that there is no combat power, but it can only deal with jackals and some petty thieves.

The deputy captain seriously put an orc weapon and a letter on the table, then looked at Li Ke and Jonathan.

"When the two armies were attacked, a group of orcs also drove the dragon to attack the West Spring Fortress. I don't understand the significance of what they did, but they left a price. This is why we failed to be the first Time supports your causes.”

Li Ke glanced at the courtyard. There were only three dead dragons and baby dragons that he had shot down in the courtyard, and there were no other dragon corpses.

Obviously, although the soldiers of Xiquan Fortress were not able to defeat the dragon.

Jonathan picked up the ax with the bright red mark, looking at the mark on it, the corner of his eye twitched.

He will never forget the sign.

This emblem that almost ruined their family!
Then, he opened the letter, read it for less than two seconds, and immediately raised his head angrily.

"It's indeed a tribe's conspiracy...Mr. Li Ke, it seems that we must march immediately. We can't repair at Xiquan Fortress tonight! Then we must join the defenders of Sentinel Hill immediately! They are in danger!"

(End of this chapter)

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