Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 239 Trap

Chapter 239 Trap
This is a threat to the Horde of Hammers.

Li Ke looked at the nervous Jonathan. Although he knew that he had guessed wrong, there was nothing he could do.

The black dragon prince did a perfect backhand. Although he didn't read the content of the letter, it was roughly the words to blame the orcs.

In addition, humans in this period don't know much about dragons, let alone the soul of the dragon, so they don't know at all. They defeated Deathwing once in Ronin and took away the soul of the dragon. After the treasure of the soul, the orcs were unable to form a dragoon army.

Because the dragoons of the tribe rely on the Queen of the Red Dragon Legion, Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder, among the Dragon Legion, to be able to form Dragoon's.

As for the treasure named Dragon Soul, it has a lot of background. It was made during the War of the Ancients 1 years ago, when Deathwing, who had not betrayed himself, deceived other guardian dragons.

He gathered all the dragonlords together and lied to them that by combining the power of the Aspects, they could create a powerful weapon.

Because he was very reliable before the fall, and he was able to fight and be responsible, the other Aspects did it without doubt, and because of this, their power was weakened.

Then, Deathwing didn't integrate his own power into it, which led him to become the strongest guardian dragon in one breath, not to mention, he also mastered the life gate of other guardian dragons - he can use the power stored in it The power and spirit of the guardian dragon, to make other guardian dragons powerless, or even forcibly enslaved.

He used this thing to slaughter most of the blue dragons, the consort of the blue dragon king Malygos, and the attacking demons, and then the other four dragon kings who were slowed down cursed the dragon soul so that it could not be killed Wings use.

Then, the thing was lost.

Afterwards, the Horde invaded Azeroth and found this thing, then enslaved the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, forced her to lay eggs, and made her legion serve the orcs.

It is precisely because of this that the alliance has no chance of winning at all in the early stage. The fleet will be burned by the flames of the red dragon, and the castle will also be destroyed by the dragon. The general, the sisters of Vereesa and Alleria, can be said to be Sylvanas of the Marshal of Quel'Thalas. The younger brother of the three sisters died under the dragon flame.

Even because of this, professional hunters who hate dragons and hunt dragons appeared on this continent.

Therefore, now that the Red Dragon Queen has been rescued, the dragoons riding the dragon will definitely not be the orcs of the tribe, but the orcs who surrendered to Nefarian, which is completely different from the tribe.

However, this incident is also a good thing for him.

Dragons are very valuable.

"Indeed, we must speed up our progress. Vice Captain Rainier, those dragons will stay with you, and show them to Duke Bolvar, and ask him to help me make a keel bow."

Li Ke nodded, as usual, and even pointed to the corpse of the giant dragon outside.

Giant dragons are very valuable, scales are natural treasure armor making supplies, bones and tendons can make quite powerful weapons, meat, nerves, internal organs, and blood are all expensive alchemy raw materials.

These dragons were basically brought down by Li Ke, so he got the most spoils.

Of course, he also deliberately did not participate in the subsequent battles, so he had to share some spoils, but this was also his intention, because everyone could see that he was deliberately giving up profits.

The image of a generous officer is still very important.

After all, the three most important things for a good officer are to be generous, not to lead people to death easily, and to be willing to take the blame.

Generosity is a very important reputation. It can increase other people's willingness to invest in you, whether it is money or trust.

"Thank you for your generosity and trust! Mr. Li Ke!"

Deputy Captain Rainier was a little excited, this is the corpse of a giant dragon!Even the handling fee can make the soldiers on duty here earn enough wages for two or three years!

"It doesn't matter, they are all fighters of the Holy Light."

Li Ke smiled and waved his hands, and Jonathan forced a smile on the corner of his mouth, and motioned Li Ke to read the letter.Li Ke also casually read the letter for a while, and then knew what was going on.

The letter said that Van Cleef, the leader of the Defias thieves, had contacted the Horde and planned to attack Stormwind City with internal and external cooperation.

But until then, the Horde will show its sincerity and join the Defias Rogues in pulling the nails out of the Alliance in Westfall.Especially what they found, a rich man who paid for Stormwind to exterminate the Defias thieves.

That is him.

It is actually very possible to hear this, but Li Ke knows that this is just nonsense.

Let’s not say that the tribe above does not exist at all. The remnants of the tribe are basically nesting in Alterac now, and there are no dragon knights for a long time. Now they are surrendered to Nefarian, and the black dragon prince is lying now It doesn't matter if the official of Stormwind City, he can't be fooled.

But what happened after that was very interesting. It was obviously intended to make the alliance pay attention to the Westfall, and then under this situation, force him to stay in the Westfall, and then consume his money and influence, and openly Send a large number of orc troops to attack yourself.

It's a good move, but it's a pity that he has played World of Warcraft.

"It looks dangerous, but I think these dragons can relieve my financial pressure a little bit."

Li Ke smiled and put the letter down, which also made Jonathan feel relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that Li Ke flinched after reading the letter, but Li Ke's previous performance convinced him that Li Ke was not a coward.

He smiled and performed a knight salute to Li Ke.

"Mr. Li Ke, you really deserve to be called a paladin."

Li Ke disagreed.

"I don't have a title now, and I don't belong to any knight order. Sir Jonathan."

"You will soon be. If someone like you cannot become a paladin, then no one can become a paladin."

Jonathan was very determined.

"Okay, I'll accept your compliment first."

Li Ke pointed to the troops waiting outside.

"So, shall we go?"

"Of course, Mr. Li Ke, it's just that we have a high probability of bringing some people with us, so I'm afraid we need to mobilize some additional soldiers."

Jonathan's gaze and expression became awkward again.


Li Ke's smile was also a little stiff.

Because you can't catch a plucked one if you pull the wool!
"The original inhabitants of Westfall."

Jonathan's smile, embarrassed, was polite.

(End of this chapter)

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