Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 249 Jonathan's Acquaintance

Chapter 249 Jonathan's Acquaintance
"She should be like this that day, and then like this..."

Li Ke tried his best to recall the scene of the day when he took Hisaly to the high elf gathering. During that day, he liked a spell that Hisaly used very much.

That is the water baby summoning technique!
For a mage who needs to concentrate on casting spells, a summoned beast that can range, melee, and cast spells by itself, and replenish water can be said to be quite wonderful.

And the most important thing is that because it is not a game world, balance needs to be considered, and water elements don't only have a little bit of ability.

At the very least, the melee ability of the water element is not low!It is even said that it can imprison the enemy in its own body or something.

The reason why it is not released in the game is simply because it is too strong, and it will lead to a bad experience for fighters, fighters, and fighters, so it is just a player that can only throw water arrows and release a frozen nova once. mascot.

They have many uses.

Fire suppression is one of them.

And most importantly.

Consumption is very low.

The purple magical energy continuously gathered around Li Ke, without using spells or any props, Li Ke simply summoned the water element out.

The next moment, the water element in the heaven and earth, no, to be precise, was outside this dimension, and bursts of spatial fluctuations appeared.

Then, Li Ke felt something was wrong.

It seems that there are other steps involved in summoning the water element.

However, it was too late at this time, because the violent water flow had already sprayed out from the magic circle he opened, and it rushed nearly 20 meters in an instant.

Anything that stood in front of this stream of water was mercilessly knocked into the air and cut off. Only then did Li Ke realize that what he secretly learned that day was not complete.

At least he didn't learn how to summon the water element with self-interest.

"Well, it turns out that the contract bracelet chain is not constructed by magic."

Li Ke looked at the violent jet of water and snapped his fingers. The next moment, the magic circle adjusted its direction at a speed that would shock all mages, and adjusted the direction of the jet of water element to the sky, allowing the pure water to flow continuously. It is sprayed into the sky, and then sprayed into the extremely high sky under extremely high pressure, and then falls on those places that are on fire.

But correspondingly, the magic power maintaining this magic circle is being crazily washed away by the violent current. If Li Ke hadn't continuously increased the energy input of this magic circle, then this magic circle would have exploded immediately. Cut off the connection with the water element.

However, although Li Ke's spell of summoning the water element failed, his goal was still achieved. The continuous spray of pure water directly controlled the fire. With the cooperation of Jonathan's subordinates, the raging fire was controlled. Within a certain range, the flame was not allowed to spread.

Only then did Li Ke turn his attention to those Defias thieves fleeing on horseback. These thieves' equestrian skills and horses were obviously not as good as the cavalry brought by Jonathan, and the same was true for all kinds of equipment.

At least Jonathan and his horses will not be panicked by the screams of fighting, the smell of blood, and the flames.

The horses of these Defias thieves couldn't do it. Their horses became very panicked, so many Defias thieves fell to the ground.

And judging by Jonathan's appearance, he also planned to take another interspersed operation with the cavalry to completely break up these Defias thieves.

But what made Li Ke frown was that these Defias thieves were still setting fires at this point, which made Jonathan's attack a little more dangerous.

"Defias thieves... These guys are really unprofessional in rebelling. Burning grain fields, such insane things can be done, it's just... I don't know what they are thinking."

Li Ke really doesn't understand that if you rebel, you are rebelling, and if you oppose Varian, you are against Varian.

But why come to harm civilians of the same class?

Li Ke didn't quite understand.

But suddenly remembered one thing.

In this Western fantasy world.

Stonemasons, blacksmiths, and carpenters are not in the same class as farmers.

That's right, unlike the Celestial Dynasty, this kind of craftsman is not of the same class as farmers and ordinary people. To be precise, those 'official' craftsmen are not of the same class. You, a stone-carrying mason, are naturally unworthy These people are on a par.

Masons who can command other masons, blacksmiths who have their own blacksmith shop, and carpenters who have their own carpentry shop are actually higher than citizens and can easily become nobles.

They have money, long-term labor and sufficient nutrition, so they are all strong and strong.

Li Ke still remembers one thing, that is a movie called Kingdom of Heaven, in which the hero is a blacksmith, but this blacksmith participated in several battles, and he participated in the battles not as soldiers, but as knights.

This is a classic proof.

Although this has something to do with the actor's talent, it can also explain one thing.

Farmers and Defias thieves are actually hard to say that they belong to the same class.

Of course, except for farmers with land, but unfortunately, the farmers in the entire western wilderness do not have their own land.At least the land they were standing on belonged to Jennifer.

"No wonder they are so unscrupulous..."

After Li Ke understood this, he stopped hesitating and watching the battle. He stretched out his hand, and the gorgeous holy light spear appeared in his hand, and he added the power of elements again.

The golden thunder was dyed golden by the power of the holy light. His anomaly made those who led the team exclaim, but before they could make any response, Li Ke's spear was already thrown out.

The golden spears continued to diverge in the air, turning into hundreds of smaller spears. These spears were nailed in front of them like a fence, and the lightning above opened a net, allowing any apostle to pass through this The people in the net all twitched and fell to the ground.

And Jonathan also quickly seized this opportunity, he turned his horse's head directly, and launched a final charge against the Defias thieves, forcing them to the center of the big net.

"You can surrender! Defias thieves! Only in this way can you have a way out!"

Jonathan shouted loudly, but the next moment, a Defias thief suddenly lifted his mask and yelled at Jonathan.

"You lackey! Look who I am!"

(End of this chapter)

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