Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 250 The Defias Thieves Resisting Tenaciously

When he saw this person's appearance clearly, Jonathan's face instantly became very ugly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"George! How could it be you! Shouldn't you be a colonel in Lord Bolvar's army?!"

He looked at the leading Defias thief in disbelief, because he never thought that this friend of his would turn his back on the glory of Stormwind City and join the team of these pathetic Defias thieves, but he I don't quite understand, my friend obviously has a bright future, why should he join the Defias thieves!
That is the rank of colonel. After a few more years of experience, my friend who is a commoner has a great chance to become a nobleman. When he is 40 years old, he will probably retire with the title of general!
Because he is a member of the cavalry!
For this kind of common people, this is already the ceiling.

"Why? I also want to know why my brother was regarded as a traitor and had his head chopped off after working so hard! Obviously he didn't do anything, and after the Defias thieves rebelled, he clearly separated from those people Boundaries, but our great King Varian cannot allow such an honest fellow to exist!"

The leader of the Defias thieves was very angry. In this situation surrounded by four sides, he knew that he absolutely could not escape.

Although he was very powerful, his subordinates were not good. His subordinates did not have the elite armor and weapons of the soldiers led by Jonathan, and they were not as well-trained as the soldiers under Jonathan.

After all, to put it bluntly, this is just a group of stonemasons, and after arriving here, they haven't been trained much.

"I went to see his blacksmith shop, and everything there was taken away! His wife and son also died inexplicably after he died! That's the elder brother who raised me, and he said all day I hope my son can be as good as me!"

The angry voice of the Defias thief named George resounded throughout the field. He gave people the feeling that the burning food around him couldn't compare with his heat at all, and his angry flames almost formed a substance.

"So I want to know, does His Majesty Varian know what he is doing, and do these stupid household chores know what he is doing!"

A look of pain appeared on Jonathan's face. He knew that after the appearance of the Defias thieves, there were many unjust, false and wrong cases in the Kingdom of Stormwind.Many blacksmiths and stonemasons who did not plan to join the Defias thieves were convicted and killed after participating in the construction of Stormwind City, which they felt very proud and honored.

It goes without saying what will happen to their property and family members.

"But George! You're hurting other people! The grain you're burning isn't from the same people who persecuted your brother! Put down your arms! I'll intercede for you!"

"Fart you, Jonathan! The fact that his kingdom is in jeopardy didn't wake up the mad king! Just what you can do! Ah! You know, I'm tied to the murderer of his queen! I'm caught The only result is to become the punching bag of that mad king, and he directly cuts off his head to vent his anger! Don't you think so!"

His voice became more and more frenzied, and after he finished speaking, he even laughed out loud, which even made these Defias thieves who were already very flustered laugh out loud, restoring their morale.

Jonathan felt like his heart was about to stop beating. The man in front of him was once suitable for his brother who fought against the orcs in the trenches. The justice and kindness of the other party were unquestionable, and his loyalty to the king was not false.

But now looking at his old friend's bloodshot eyes and listening to their crazy laughter, Jonathan could only close his eyes and wave his arms.

"Not a single one."

No matter what kind of friends they were before, no matter whether they had a belief before or not.

But now, he is just a hopeless Defias thief, and the other is the king's city gate officer. No matter how much reluctance and pain he has in his heart, he can only choose to perform his duties.

Kill all those who hurt the people of the kingdom, so that my former best friend can no longer spread his pain to other people.

So when Li Ke arrived on his horse, what he saw was Jonathan standing in the middle of the wheat field, holding a blood-stained red scarf in his hand, looking at the scene of a dead body in front of him with a complex expression.

"These Defias rogues are tenacious."

On the horseback, Li Ke saw many wounded cavalry being carried away by the soldiers, and then being treated by the priests accompanying the army. The priest he brought, Mr. Kyle, was also among them, but judging from his expression, he Not very happy either.

He jumped off the horse and looked at the corpses. The bodies of these corpses are also very strong, but they are only wearing leather armor and cloth armor. The best is a pair of chain mail, and there is even a Defias The sword in the thief's hand is a little rusty, so it can only be said that he is quite poor.

Don't they have iron ore?Why are there so few weapons?

And even though the gap in equipment is so large, there are still such casualties. The fighting will of these Defias thieves is really tenacious.

Li Ke is a little curious. If he remembers correctly, the Defias thieves occupy several iron ore and gold mines, and they are all stonemasons and blacksmiths. Logically speaking, the equipment should not be so simple. Hip.

But now it seems that the equipment of these people is not worthy of the assets owned by the Defias thieves.

"Is there a lot of struggle inside Defias?"

Li Ke is not very clear about this matter, and there is not much description about it in the game. After all, when he played here, the bosses here are no longer the former Defias thieves.

"They used to be good people too, Mr. Li Ke."

Jonathan didn't know what Li Ke was thinking. He looked at the corpse on the ground and couldn't help but speak.

"But because Van Cleef was not arrested, there are more and more tragedies like this. Only by catching the bastard Van Cleef can the entire Westfall and the entire Stormwind City return to peace!"

Jonathan's tone was quite firm, and even Li Ke could feel that this Jonathan really thought so based on the induction of Shengguang.

He really felt that all these problems came from Van Cleef, and he really felt that as long as he killed Van Cleef, all problems could be solved.

This made him a little surprised. He was so smart when he was playing with him before, but in this kind of place, he showed a wonderful ignorance.

Vision problem?

Li Ke glanced at the resolute Jonathan, hesitated for a moment, did not express his thoughts, but nodded catering.

"Yes, it is true, just catch Van Cleef and it will be over."

But that is impossible.

Li Ke already had a vague feeling that whether it was the rebellion in Westfall or some other problems in Stormwind City, the main problem was the accumulation of social contradictions to a certain extent, but the productivity could not keep up.

It simply cannot be solved by killing a Van Cleef.

Do not……

"It can really be solved."

Li Ke looked at the Defias thieves who were lying on the ground, but their eyes were still wide open, and added in his heart.

"Kill all the people who have problems, and it can be solved."

Fragmentation issue...

emmm, yesterday's broken chapter was just for a very simple reason.

2000 words...

But I hate this, so I'll pay attention.

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