Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 272 Denathius

Chapter 272 Denathius
"Are you gatekeepers so timid?"

Li Ke looked at York lying on the ground speechlessly, and couldn't help asking Van Cleef beside him, but Van Cleef didn't want to answer this question at all.

He didn't care either, it's because everyone doesn't like what he's doing now-you happened to be rebelling, repairing the boat, and suddenly you were robbed!

And you'd be pissed off about being forced to take part in a big project that you think is a lunatic.

But the most uncomfortable thing is that you have no choice but to participate.

Because I really can't beat it, I can't run away.

Moreover, this person is really crazy in his work, let you know that if you dare to sabotage his plan, the first thing you will do is to have your soul taken away.

It was natural for Van Cleef to be unhappy.

Li Ke didn't care about this either. He just increased the brightness of the holy light in the bodies of George and the others, and then the entire Moonlight Town was shrouded in golden light, making this dark town as bright as day. .

Then, the twelve knights walked to the center of Yuexi Town and shouted at those timid Defias thieves, or those who originally lived here and had to become Defias thieves.

"My countrymen! Brothers! We were all wrong! We must stop this act of hurting other innocent people immediately! It is the nobles who hurt us and make us displaced, and it is those who put our lives and lives into Taina early. Under Reese's command, the nobles of Stormwind City who only want to make a last fortune!"

George's voice was very loud, but Li Ke was a little puzzled, because he didn't cast such a spell.

"Is it a side effect of Holy Light?"

While he was thinking, something that shocked him happened, because he no longer controlled the corpse of the man named George, his corpse opened his mouth!

"My Defias brothers! I have heard the voice of a wise man who shows us the way and cleanses me of my soul and guilt! Allows me to see what I have done wrong! My people, we Is what we do here any different from what the nobles did to us? Is this what our family and friends want us to be? What we once wanted to be is this constant plundering of civilians, A person who bullies the weak with bandits and oppresses his comrades with goblins? No! We never wanted to be such a person!"

George's voice was impassioned, but Li Ke's astonishment was indescribable. He had already stopped sending holy light to George's body, but...

But George's body produced holy light by itself!
And not only him, but also the corpses around him!
"What is this..."

Li Ke couldn't help muttering to himself, while Van Cleef looked at him suspiciously, and couldn't help but sarcastically.

"Aren't these all your own lines? What are you surprised about?"

His words were very sharp, but Li Ke didn't have time to pay attention to him at this time. He just looked at George standing under the holy light. No matter how he looked at it, he felt full of strange colors.

"No...I'm not manipulating him now, don't believe me, Van Cleef, I've never lied since I met you."

Li Ke told the truth, but Van Cleef just snorted coldly, still not believing it.

He felt that Li Ke regarded himself as those superstitious countrymen.

"The ones we want revenge are the nobles, the ones who really hurt us, hurt Varian, hurt this country we love! We shouldn't go on like this! We witnessed in the afterlife What kind of consequences would be caused by his stupid actions, and he paid the price for his sins."

When he said this, George fell to his knees on the ground, and a dark red light emerged from his chest.

Li Ke immediately noticed this power, because how he looked at it, he felt that this thing was very similar to the anima in version 9.0.

"Come on, my brothers! Look what we've done!"

George raised his hands high, and the next moment, a strong fluctuation swept across the entire Yuexi Town, and a strong sense of guilt and some images appeared in Li Ke's mind.

George's wish...the determination to fight for it, the anger of betrayal in the capital, the sadness and anger of fighting his former colleagues, the Holy Spirit who judges all souls, and the constant recognition under a gracious and wise lord. Clean up everything about yourself and repent for it...

The Garden of the Dead's Afterlife, the Caretaker who found out the sins hidden in his heart, the Accuser who accused him and made him understand where he was wrong, and the Lord who was great, merciful, and full of wisdom...

Li Ke slowly read the name of this great, generous, kind, and wise elder.


The next moment, Li Ke felt a breath of death coming. Both he and Van Cleef could see it very clearly. The twelve golden phantoms slowly dissipated, and just before dissipating, there was a dream-like The voice reached Li Ke's ears.

"Thank you... Besides, Mr. Van Cleef, Mr. Li Ke is trustworthy."

The voice was like a dream, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. Van Cleef didn't take it seriously, thinking it was Li Ke's little trick, but Li Ke was truly shocked.

"...They turned out to be free?"

That's right, these souls are free. They freely chose to return to their bodies, freely said what they wanted them to say, and then freely left.

Except for the holy light that I put into their bodies at the beginning, I didn't pay anything.

"Looks like it's time for me to play."

Van Cleef snorted coldly. He couldn't understand Li Ke's pretending behavior, but he still walked out because he had to accept the fact now.

Li Ke looked at Van Cleef silently, and then slowly released the power of death in his body after he left.

The next moment, a larger and more majestic force of death was transmitted to his body. Along with it, there were also memories of Necromancy and a greeting.

"I hope you like my gift, and you should also know my name, but for the sake of politeness, I'd better report my name."

"My name is Denathius. I am the death lord who makes souls repent and redeem sins in the world of the dead, but don't be nervous, my friend, you are much more special than me. I hope we can reach a cooperation...so this is a gift , I still hope to accept it."

"But I see that you still have a lot of things to do, so I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, this existence called Denathius broke the link with Li Ke by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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