Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 273 Division of Powers

Chapter 273 Division of Powers

Li Ke chanted the name, and couldn't help but think of the Shadow Realm version.

The Shadow Realm is the afterlife world of this universe, specially housing those dead souls.

However, this world is very interesting. The soul will carry a large amount of anima to the Shadow Realm according to the situation in life, and then go to the kingdom suitable for these dead through an eternal person called the arbitrator.

These countries are endless, and even continue to increase.

However, the most special one is the six kingdoms.

Because there are so-called eternal ones here.

The ring of destiny is the place that links all the kingdoms. The Eternal is the arbitrator responsible for sorting souls. The main body is actually the anima of the final boss Warden Zovall of version 9.0, responsible for sorting souls.

Grien, the earliest Eternal, the eldest daughter, Gristia, is a person who advocates giving up memory in order to better bring the soul to the Shadow Realm. What her country does is to bring people to the Shadow Realm .The people who come here are basically selfless devotees.

Family members can give up that kind of duty for the sake of responsibility.

Fae Ye, the Eternal Queen of Winter, is responsible for preserving the gods of the wilderness to ensure that they can return to reality after death and continue to bring the power of nature.

Maldroxas, the eternal warlord, is responsible for cutting people and the security of the shadow world. People who are eager to fight and protect will come here.

Venthyr, Denathius the Eternal, just invested in a round of angel investment.This place is specially responsible for squeezing the mind energy of sinful people, but their definition of sinful people is a little strange.

This is because the game did not give a complete standard, so Li Ke didn't quite understand it.

The Maw Abyss, a theoretical place where one can only enter but not exit, is the final destination of those who commit all kinds of crimes but do not confess their crimes. Their souls will be shattered here.The Eternal is Zovar, who wants to make troubles to reshape the universe. As a result, the so-called big plan is a bunch of coincidences, and it can't even be completed without Azeroth's footman. The biggest thing he did is to monopolize it with Denathius The anima of the shadow world created an 'endless' army of terror.

"Is it the information given by Mal'Ganis before? Then, does Denathius know about my specialness?"

Li Ke was very interested, but Denathius obviously didn't intend to contact him at this time, but wanted to wait until he tasted some sweetness before contacting him.

Because it is very simple, among the information given by Denathius, there is a record of energy called anima, and he used a lot of pen and ink to describe the power of this power called anima.

However, it didn't leave Li Ke with any meaning of anima... In other words, the anima in Li Ke's mind, the anima that escaped into Li Ke's body when George released the anima spell, was the one he seduced. Li Ke's glutton.

"What a scheming boy."

Li Ke looked at the power of anima emitting red light in his hand, and casually took it into his body, and then the other hand continuously gathered the power of death, forming a black aura on his hand. Orb.

There is no way, his body is full now, and his physical strength has not yet increased, so he can only store it like this.

This orb contains all the power of death that Denathrius gave him. It can be said that anyone other than Li Ke who opens the seal of this orb, invades the body and contaminates the soul by the power of this orb, his fate is basically Died instantly.

From the cells to the microorganisms in the body, none of them can live.Not only that, within a radius of 300 meters, it is impossible to restore the ecology within a few decades, and whoever came here died in the first five or six years.

However, this power is very suitable to be used on the bones, and call back the soul of the original body, making him an undead person full of the breath of death.


Li Ke put this thing together with his evil energy orb, which was also installed by the holy light orb, and prepared to take it out and use it when necessary, or throw it out directly as an AOE weapon.

And looking at the orbs in his hand that looked as gorgeous as the most precious gems, Li Ke couldn't help but an idea appeared in his mind.

"Am I a jewel magician?"

Putting away this absurd idea, Li Ke looked at Van Cleef who was impassioned in the center of Yuexi Town, and those Defias who were listening to Van Cleef's speech with surprised expressions on their faces. The thieves are ready to leave.

However, he still found an interesting thing.

Anyone who has been under George's telekinesis spell has a faint golden light on their body, which increases their strength, courage, and willpower.

He quickly rushed out of the town, and the power of shadow formed a pedal under his feet, allowing him to glide in mid-air.

After all, if you rush back now, you can still have breakfast.

Behind him, a broken gong unique to goblins rang out.

"What are you trying to do! Van Cleef! Are you trying to break the contract?"

Then, there was Van Cleef's voice.

"That's right! I've had enough of you oppressing our brothers! Die, goblins!"

After a gunshot, Yuexi Town also became lively.

And Li Ke didn't pay attention to all this, but just checked the knowledge in his mind.

But this night was not only a sleepless night for Li Ke, but also a sleepless night for a certain king in Stormwind City.


Holding the wine glass, Varian looked at the moon and sighed deeply. If this woman had never appeared in his life, then he probably wouldn't be as sad as he is now.

Or rather, it will look different.

After all, Stormwind City is hardly his own Stormwind City anymore.

The nobles are nostalgic for the safety and peace of Lordaeron. Most of the nobles have even joined the Knights of the Silver Hand. What kind of rubbish is left in Stormwind City?
A group of bastards who are disgusting to look at and want to make some money from the corpses of Stormwind City.

That is, Bolvar and the others followed him faithfully.

But unfortunately...


Varian couldn't help laughing when he thought of the paladin named Li Ke. Such a powerful paladin was demoted just because he had some conflicts with the prince, and even gave up his territory. Being loathed by Tenaris is like giving up.

But the problem is that their original territory is absolutely incomparable with Westfall, and his visit can logically wipe out the Defias thieves that Stormwind City couldn't kill, and successfully build up his reputation.

As for the evidence?

Prestor's patriarch agreed to this matter, and Prestor's spokesperson in Stormwind City fully supported it. Then, a month later, Sir Prestor will basically be in Alterac with the help of Tyerith. Be king.

Then, the wedding between him and the eldest princess of Lordaeron was held together.

And he himself was apparently very close to Ms. Prestor.

No contact?

But Varian didn't hate Tenaris, and had no reason to.

Who took him who was homeless at the time and gave him the treatment of a prince?


Who took the lead in recovering Stormwind City, suppressed the greed of other countries, and completely returned the territory of Stormwind Kingdom to itself?

Who in Stormwind City paid money and people to re-establish order and help refugees start their lives again?


Who are the nobles in Stormwind City, especially those military nobles, more willing to follow now?


There are some things that don’t need to be made too clear. Since Tenaris wants to do it, Varian thinks, just let him do it. Tenaris gave him everything, and he just needs to stand on the last post. It is enough not to shame the Wrynn family too much.

In any case, Tenaris guaranteed that his grandson's generation could enjoy the noble life.

So what if he's not a king?
"Maybe it's better not to be a king."

Thinking of his wife, Tifen, who wanted to do something for the nation in the end, Varian couldn't help but shed tears and dripped into his wine glass.

Varian continued to drink, but all he felt was anguish.

Defias rogues and those nobles, they destroyed everything.

And he has no way of revenge.

Because there is no money.

However, when he was most depressed, a figure walked in from the door, it was those who still wanted to defend their Wrynn house, one of the leaders who didn't want Stormwind City to disappear.


"Bolvar, what are you doing here so late?"

Varian turned his head. He knew what Bolvar wanted to say, and it was nothing more than introducing him to some new marriageable women, or promoting that Ms. Prestor, so that he could form an alliance with the other party's family, and even more. Ok do something or something.

But he's not that interested anymore.

His only wife is Tiffin.

"Well, how should I put it, Varian, after all, you need a wife to take care of you, and Anduin also needs a mother."

But Varian just shook his head.

"Isn't he doing well?"

Everything is taken care of by a maid, and he is one of the most important people in this country, how could Anduin lack love.Moreover, if he had a child with his new wife, what would Anduin do?
"Well, this... hey, but Your Majesty, you are a man after all, aren't you?"

When Bovar said this, he felt a little ashamed of Shengguang, but he insisted on saying it.

If Varian could put Lady Prestor to sleep today, he, Bolvar, would be able to wake up with a smile in his dreams, but unfortunately, Varian showed that he had completely lost interest in women after Tiffin's death.

But it’s fine if he’s physically sick, but the problem is that he’s physically healthy, but he doesn’t touch the maid, and he doesn’t find new women, making the maid blush all day long, but he thinks the maid is annoying...

How should I put it, it is called self-discipline in others, and it is a virtue.

But on the king's body...

Especially on a king who has only one young son.

This is fucking sick!

Varian can only have one heir, Anduin!

This is very dangerous!

It wasn't that Bolvar cursed Anduin, but that once something happened to Anduin, Stormwind City would be completely over.

So, facing Varian who looked like he didn't want to have a woman anymore, Bovar took out a book with an embarrassed expression.

"You should remember this."

After Varian glanced at it, he blushed first, and then felt helpless for a while.

He remembered this thing. When he was a child, he even wanted to find a woman who was the same as the heroine in the book to be his maid.

But that was only when I was a kid.

"Bolvar, I treat you as a brother, but um... I can refuse even those maids, let alone this one, and I'm too lazy to read now."

"Um...that, I mean, Varian."

Bolvar pulled out a black slice.

"You can really live out your childhood dreams."

If Li Ke was here, he would be able to recognize it.

This thing is his current flagship product.

 This chapter might be a bit controversial... so I'll make a statement.

  I like Varian and Thrall very much, but I can't deny that they also have flaws, and when they are down...

(End of this chapter)

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