Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 276 Boring Politics

Varian didn't know what Onyxia thought, but he was so embarrassed now that he didn't know what to say.

She saw this, smiled, and knew that she should show the charm and reserve that an intellectual beauty should show, as well as just the right amount of understanding.

"Oh, by the way, I actually have something to ask you, Your Majesty Varian. It's about funding. There are gossip that this year's grain will 'still' be in short supply, so the price of grain in Stormwind City has increased again. , and the large-scale influx of refugees into Stormwind City is also a problem, so I think if you can, please buy some food from Lordaeron or Gilneas."

"Food... Has someone hoarded food again?"

Varian frowned when he heard that. The past few years in Stormwind City have not been very good. To be precise, it has not been a few years since the orcs ravaged here. The enclave of the Blasted Lands is useless. Hours, but a large area near Yese Town also fell into eternal night due to the magic curse, and the food production continued to decrease.

In this case, if the nobles continue to hoard grain and sell it at a high price, many people will starve to death.

"Oh, I didn't say that, I was just telling you a normal business message."

Onyxia spread her hands, indicating that she didn't say anything.

Varian sighed. He hates politics for this reason. Everyone knows what the other party means, but they have to speak in a roundabout way.

He reluctantly took a finger-thick small bread, which was used for dipping meat sauce and soup. He counted out fifteen of them, then put five of them aside, and put the remaining ten The root was handed to Onyxia.

"Miss Onyxia, how much can you eat?"

"Oh, well, I've been a little hungry recently, so uh..."

Onyxia looked at the bread on the plate, took out three breads, thought for a while, and took another one.

Varian gasped suddenly, the food left for Stormwind was only [-]% of last year?
He looked at Onyxia in astonishment.

"Only [-]% of last year's food? Many people will starve to death!"

Onyxia shrugged.

"Oh, I don't know where you got the news from."

She showed an innocent expression, Varian rubbed his temples with a headache, and then asked.

"Who did it all?"

All he wanted to do now was chop the offal in half from head to toe, but alas, he couldn't.

"I don't know that, you know, slandering a colleague is a very serious stain. And it's a business secret, how do I know."

Onyxia spread her hands again.

Varian nodded, took a deep breath, and asked again.

"I want to form an organization responsible for transporting food for disaster relief, but in order to avoid suspicion, members of any family who are involved in food sales cannot participate. Can you give me a list of people who cannot participate?"

"I don't know that."

Onyxia shook her head resolutely, and when Varian wanted to take a deep breath to suppress her anger, she spoke lightly.

"But I can tell you who is available."

"Who is there?"

"I, Bolvar, you."


Just say that almost all nobles can't do it!

Varian slammed his two fists on the table, not only angry at Onyxia's narration, but also disappointed with the nobles in the country.

"However, many of them are just nobles who are worried that the people of their families will not be able to eat food, and some are to resist the orcs who will inevitably come to plunder. You know, Ironforge is easier to defend and harder to attack than the snowy white , it's easier here."

When Onyxia said this, she took out another loaf of bread from the plate, broke it in half, and put the broken half in Varian's plate.

"I can support so much, but I have to pay it back next year, and the interest, you know, I will never be able to pay for the boat fare. It can be paid back with food and money, but Varian, if it is the same next year , you have to worry, my suggestion is to quickly find a way to restore food prices, for example, increase production or something."

Varian looked at the loaf and a half of bread that Onyxia handed over, and knew that she could help him get [-]% more cheap food from the nobles' price hikes and hoarding, but the problem was that it was necessary to return of.

But at this time, it is not easy, and there is no choice.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Katrana. I will buy the rest of the food like Her Majesty Tenaris. This year's problem should not be too big. In addition, I will urge Jonathan to recover the Western Wilderness as soon as possible. Next summer, it should be It can be paid off."

Varian rubbed his temples. He had reasons and qualifications to ask Li Ke for food, but when he thought that this paladin used all his belongings to help his Stormwind City smooth some deficits, if he forced him to What he said, even if it did not conform to the rules, was really too much.

So when he chatted before, he didn't mention the five loaves of bread in the Western Wilderness at all, because he didn't expect any harvest in the Western Wilderness this year.

After talking about this, Varian and Onyxia started a not particularly embarrassing breakfast.

And Li Ke's words...

"Ah, staying up late is such a bad habit."

Lying in the arms of his little elf maid, Li Ke enjoyed the fragrant elf's knee pillow while stroking her thigh, Li Ke was very disappointed.

Although he desperately wanted to sleep now, the truth was that he couldn't.

Jennifer and the servants he brought have begun to accept the palace, and Jennifer and the mayor lady went to gather the peasants to start rebuilding the mill and bakery.

But there are still many things to do, the first thing is to listen to the nonsense of these nobles.

"So, you have contacts with the De Foster family, and you have colluded with a lot of nobles to slander your business competitors as Defias thieves, ok, time and address, whoever participated."

Li Ke asked while listening, while the nobleman knelt on the ground with guilt and sadness, telling what he had done.Li Ke's slave elf quickly wrote the evidence of the nobleman on a short table, bound it into a book, and even recorded a separate copy. After hearing the same incident, he would separate it Take it out and arrange it in the order of the timeline.

In the effort of four or five nobles, she has written most of the crimes these nobles have committed in the past 13 years, as well as a lot of black material about their own family and other families.

And the other nobles who were imprisoned aside...

They are crying.

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