Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 277 Ignored things

It's okay not to cry, they have never seen such a despicable guy, they can't figure it out, people who use holy light to do such things can still be favored by holy light!

More than one of them has called out to the holy light in their hearts, praying for the holy light to kill this guy who blasphemed the holy light.

But it is a pity that Shengguang has not had this idea so far.

But Li Ke couldn't help shaking his head.

"These nobles are playing really well."

Buying high and selling food low caused farmers to lose their land, or turned freemen into bonded workers, or those who had money and good wives planted good land or something.

What else is obviously a bumper harvest, but it is said that the evil magician burned the granary, and there are orc attacks, Defias thieves attacks, etc. All in all, Stormwind City’s originally good tax revenue can really fall into the hands of Varian. The most is [-]%.

Seventy percent of it belongs to noble grandpas, and the remaining [-] percent, and half of it will be allocated to their various projects and departments in charge. Varian only has [-] percent, not to mention, his [-] percent Another [-]% still have to support their own soldiers
As for power and other things that I only dare to think about, these people are really playing.

It was also rumored that women were dirty, and would cause people to get sick for the first time, so a strong knight lord had to help purify them, so that the groom paid for the knight lord to spend the night with his bride.

It can be said that everything that can be played has been played, and even this group of people secretly packaged the thorns on the territory and the prisoners of the prison and sold them to the goblins as gladiators or slaves.

These nobles basically have nothing to do with people.

They even organized the leaders to send the elderly who could not work to starve to death in the woods, or directly to the workshops and quarries to die of exhaustion.Although this matter is not a big deal in this ancient times, Li Ke also understood one thing.

"Stormwind City may not really be over."

No matter how he looks at it now, he feels that what Varian is currently using is Chongzhen's script, not even Chongzhen's script, what he is basically using is Han Xiandi's script.

And Li Ke had to admit one thing.

The nobles of Lordaeron are really more moral than the nobles of Stormwind City.Don't look at the flowers that people play on the territory, but the tax that should be paid is really not less than a penny, and even the slave business of the old lord secretly pays taxes.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Lordaeron has a Knights of the Silver Hand who are completely loyal to the king and have all paladins.

But all kinds of exorbitant taxes on Lordaeron's side are three times less than those on Stormwind City's side!
And Da Yequan is also a joke. Although the lords all have this right, Li Ke really didn't hear the old lord say which lord will really implement this right.

Isn't the maid I raised since I was a child fragrant?
"If I'm a freelancer or a businessman, I'll be in Lordaeron whenever I have a chance. No matter how you look at it, the nobles of Stormwind City look like they want to abandon Varian, and then take the last bit of money from the corpse of Stormwind City." The look of a pen."

Li Ke thought of this, and suddenly realized something. He quickly went through the things he had experienced in his mind, and then sat up suddenly, scaring the nobles who were bound by the chains of the holy light, and then He lay back in the arms of the little maid again.

"Tenaris used me to play an old story about Lord Xinling."

He narrowed his eyes, recalling the history of his hometown.

Lord Xinling stealing amulets to save Zhao is a beautiful story, but if I tell you that almost everything about King Zhao was given by Lord Xinling, life, territory, followers, ministers, almost the entire Zhao Kingdom was given by Lord Xinling, and in During this period, Wei State obtained a lot of benefits from Zhao State, recruited a large number of Zhao State nobles to serve Wei State, and almost controlled everything in Zhao State, so is this still a good talk?

And in this version of myself, if I develop.And if you are loyal to Lordaeron afterwards, then it is a story of a loyal minister and lord. After Tenaris or Arthas came to Stormwind City, he could even say lightly, 'You can return to your own territory, and then he develops well. Westfall is about to be handed over.

Although there must be compensation for titles and official positions later, there is no doubt that he was used as a gun.

And fucking thank you.

Not being loyal to Lordaeron is even easier. Once I have conflicts with Varian, or some people create some conflicts, then there will be another development.

Lordaeron sent troops to help Stormwind City crusade against the disobedient ministers.

But these are not the most critical, the most critical is a message, an attitude.

His Tenaris attitude towards Stormwind City.

This is the most important thing. Li Ke can only be regarded as an idle move here. I am afraid that Tenaris has never considered how Li Ke will choose and whether he can develop.

He just needs an attitude, a gesture, and the rest of the nobles in Stormwind City will grasp it themselves.

It's hard to say if it's just an idle move, but it's obvious that the nobles in front of me are not qualified to know, but think about it, some of the things these nobles did were brought under the rule of Tenaris It's a big event that destroys the family, and it's normal to give up as an abandoned child to show your determination.

"The real Nima old fox... No wonder these families behave so strangely."

Li Ke rubbed his temples. Although he realized that Tenaris was inserting a nail at the beginning, he didn't expect that what he wanted was the attitude of the nobles towards his embezzlement of Stormwind City.

The most important thing is that he has always subconsciously thought that Lordaeron is almost finished, completely ignoring one thing.

The current human world is an era when Lordaeron led by Tenaris is constantly encroaching on the authority, power, economy, and territory of other human empires!A human being in Azeroth is once again approaching the great unity and the most powerful era!

Now that I think about it, the whole situation becomes clearer in an instant.

"The nobles should have made a big move in the past few months. If there is no accident, it should be tampering with food. It should be to add fire to the Defias thieves who are about to end, and there is the Black Dragon Princess. Now It's useless even if Varian notices it, as long as I can support him with a wave of food... Once Lordaeron is destroyed, I should be able to become the most gracious brother and comrade-in-arms of His Majesty the High King of Stormwind, maybe You can also be a duke or something."

Li Ke's mind began to arrange plans in an instant, and he was constantly thinking about the consequences and possibilities of one thing after another, and then he showed a smile.

"Just a little bit."

The dark-haired figure with a lot of water appeared in his mind.

"I have to meet Princess Black Dragon."

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