Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 278 The Bad Thing Hisaly

Li Ke is very sure of this. If he wants to truly realize his idea, then he must meet the Black Dragon Princess.

It's just that there is no channel for direct communication between the two of them, which makes Li Ke very helpless, so he can only quickly revise a letter, and prepare to make an appointment with Onyxia to chat about emotions and Talk about the future or something.

By the way, let's talk about how to prostitute her men's strength, her strength, her brother's strength, her investment, and her body for nothing.

Cough, of course, the last one is not the most important, but adding the last one should make the negotiation smoother.

"Well, it seems that I have to work overtime during this period to synthesize more black dragon power."

Li Ke squeezed his arm. He felt that if he added the identity of a black dragon to Onyxia, it should be better than his human identity.

After all, when the two sides communicated last time, Li Ke felt that Onyxia was not fully invested. Although she was still very addicted to it, when she was most excited, she called her "Damn mother dragon, When you're just...'.

Thinking about it, this is not incomprehensible. After all, Onyxia is a dragon. Although she is good at using tricks, she must be most proud of her identity and power of a dragon, so there is no doubt that To completely conquer Onyxia, a dragon must be stronger than her.

"However, although I can touch part of the giant dragon, what if I transform into a dragon? After all, when I transformed into a dragon last time, I felt that my hands had completely become dragon claws."

Li Ke looked at his hands. Although the body of the black dragon is powerful, the identity of the black dragon is not very good, it is only useful to Onyxia and others.

So if he can't change back, he will lose a lot.

But if he didn't really change it once, he really couldn't figure it out...

"So we're still looking for Miss Hisalley?"

The druid's shapeshift spell should give him some inspiration.

Li Ke looked into the other room. The night elf lady who was used to being out at night was sleeping in it. If she slept now, she would be able to meet her at night.

It's this routine that can be quite a headache.

Looking at the nobles kneeling on the ground, Li Ke thought for a while, and the matter of the black dragon was more important, so he waved his hand.

"I've tried a few."

The caring Miss Elf immediately responded.


"Okay, seven trials first, and another seven trials tomorrow. Go, go to bed with me, and let me check how your body is developing recently."

Li Ke nodded, and was about to leave Miss Elf with her arms, but Miss Elf showed a puzzled look.

"But in this case, those who have confessed will be attacked by the remaining prisoners, right?"

Li Ke smiled, looked at the nobles who looked at him in fear, and pouted with a smile.

"Don't worry, I can't beat people to death. I didn't interrogate them for their sake, but for something else. Don't you think so?"

The arrested nobles quickly raised their heads, and the wrong hint given by Li Ke made them think that Li Ke just wanted to get a handle on their family, so the smart ones among them began to nod in cooperation.

And those who are not smart, when they see the smart nod, they also nod.Their funny appearance made Li Ke couldn't help laughing at the elf in his arms in a mocking tone.

"See? These are smart people, they won't kill each other."

After finishing speaking, Li Ke packed up the criminal evidence and carried the elf towards the bedroom. The maids who had been staring at Miss Elf also called on the guards to take these smart nobles away.

But just as he was entering the door, Li Ke suddenly remembered something that he had often forgotten.

So, when Miss Elf was thrown on the bed again, Li Ke spoke.

"Speaking of which, what's your name? Last time I asked you, it didn't matter that you were an item, but now I order you to tell me your original name."

Miss Elf froze for a moment, then shook her head firmly so that she could adjust her posture and kneel down, while expressing her thoughts.

"No, master, if you call me by my name, I will gradually have the idea of ​​regaining my freedom and become no longer your slave, so I will never tell you my name, please punish me Bar."

Li Ke took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

"If your words are heard in the Internet age, according to the temper of those online hell kings, I am at least a death penalty starter, and there is no limit to the top."

The spirit of this elf is completely finished, Li Ke is very sure of this, this is really not something he, an ordinary person, can save, and he really doesn't know what to do with the whole twisted values.

So, he changed it.

"Then tell me your surname head office? Otherwise, I will announce that you are no longer my slave."

Then, Li Ke saw the elf's naughty and lovely smile.

"But if I'm not your slave, why should I listen to you? And if you don't make me yours, I make me yours as well. Unless you kill me yourself, I won't I will not let my life not exist as your slave!"

I am special!
It was only then that Li Ke remembered that the reason why he didn't like chatting with this elf lady was because of this.

She can always use various methods to make him speechless.

"never mind……"

Li Ke chose to let the elf lady shut up.

Miss Elf's gentle cry made the sleeping night elf in another room quite dissatisfied, but she rubbed her ears and continued to sleep. After all, sleeping in a carriage while marching is not much better.

But she decided to take revenge on Li Ke in a small way today.

And she was really ready to do it.

At night, Miss Hisaly was going out with some dandelion seeds. She planned to quietly approach Li Ke's garden, make Li Ke's garden full of dandelions, and take away Li Ke's right to enjoy other flowers tomorrow. On the second day, please enjoy the scene of flying dandelions of various colors.

"I'm so bad!"

Hisaly couldn't help but smirked when she thought of the heinous thing she was about to do, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was too bad, so she turned to the moon god and Ai, the god of harpies she worshiped. Vera confesses.

However, when she approached the door of her room lightly, with the sneaking steps of a cheetah, and opened the door, she hesitated whether she really wanted to do such an excessive thing.

"It's too bad for me to treat Li Ke like this..."

While the Druid was hesitating, her door suddenly opened!

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