Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 279 Don't Talk About Physics

It was Li Ke who opened the door!
The moment Li Ke opened the door, Hisa felt that her soul was about to be frightened. She stood up in horror, hid the dandelion seeds in her hand behind her, and subconsciously backed away.

"Li Ke Li Ke Li!"

She looked at Li Ke nervously and uneasily, her teeth chattered a little, she was afraid that Li Ke would find out about her extremely evil plan, which would cause her plump chest to tremble, and Li Ke's eyes couldn't help it for a moment. leave.

No way, she is the biggest Li Ke has seen so far.

However, Li Ke still cares more about the title she calls herself.

"Good evening, Miss Hisalie, but what kind of strange address is this? Is it your nickname for me?"

Hisaly turned her body nervously, and while welcoming Li Ke into her room, she tried her best not to expose the seed bag behind her.

"Well, um, I was a little nervous, so I called it wrong! That's right! I called it wrong!"

Hisaly became confident halfway through her speech. As long as she admits her mistakes, there will be no flaws!And it was indeed her fault to call Li Ke by the wrong name!
But watching her suddenly change from guilt to pride, Li Ke couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Looking at the seed bag swinging behind her because of her actions, his first reaction was that this guy was going to use something to harm himself. But immediately remembered that the one in front of him was Hisalley, and when he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a little helpless towards himself.

So, he had a bad idea.

"Then, Miss Thisalie."

Li Ke put on a serious expression and looked at Hisaly, while Hisaly stiffened as if being watched by a beast and a teacher.

Because Li Ke's current demeanor is so much like her teacher!She couldn't help hesitating.

"Uh, uh, uh! Mr. Li Ke, what's the matter?!"

Li Ke stretched out his hand, pointed to the seed bag behind Hisaly, and spoke in a stern tone.

"Are you trying to play tricks on me?"

Hisaly felt the feeling that her soul was about to fly out again. She looked at Li Ke in horror, and subconsciously wanted to throw out the dandelion seed bag in her hand, but the moment she threw it out, she felt that it was too cruel to do so. , wanted to take it back but was afraid and wanted to throw it away, and when he threw it away, he felt that he had been discovered and did not admit his mistake, so he wanted to take it back. Li Ke felt dizzy for a while.

Seeing Hisaly shaking her body with tears in the corners of her eyes, and her eyes full of guilt, Li Ke, who was expressionless, condemned herself silently in her heart.

"You're a fucking badass!"

But this is a real dick, take another look.

Seeing that Hisaly, who was shaking constantly, was really about to cry, Li Ke coughed lightly, interrupting Hisaly's entanglement.

"Okay, let's get over this matter, Hisaly, I'm here to ask you to help me improve my druid ability, do you have the time?"

Hisaly nodded quickly, she really has this!

With a happy expression capable of spreading the way of druids, Hisaly and Li Ke quietly left the manor, but the soldiers in charge of guarding still failed to see them. The skills are far beyond the limits of what these soldiers can explore.

The two of them quickly came to the surrounding area of ​​the town, near a wheat field that had been burned by the nobles before. Li Ke found that Hisaly's eyes were not very comfortable when seeing the wheat, so he just stopped.

"Hisalie, can natural energy, or vitality, heal these wheat?"

Li Ke pointed to the scorched wheat and couldn't help asking.

Hisaly didn't answer directly. She took out her dagger, dug twice on the ground, and shook her head after digging out some wheat roots.

"No, if the roots of the wheat have not been completely burned, then you can use magic to speed up the growth of the wheat and achieve the effect you want to restore the wheat, but these wheat has been completely burnt, it is no longer possible."

After she finished speaking, she pointed to the wooden railing beside Li Ke.

"I don't know what you want to ask, that is why the wooden floor can re-germinate, because it is very simple, the structure of the wood is relatively stable, and the charred wheat is completely destroyed, their structure has been destroyed There are too many, and there is no way to repair it. And the wood is not as fragile as wheat, even if most of it is burned, most of the places that are not burned can hide life, but wheat can't, wheat is too fragile ...Well, do you understand me when I say this, Mr. Li Ke."

Her skillful answers made Li Ke wonder if she had asked similar questions, but he still nodded.


In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly. The cell walls of burnt wheat have been completely destroyed, and have been turned into another substance due to the burning of the flame, so it is impossible to change back.

However, because the structure of wood is more stable, and even if the cells of wood die, they can still maintain their original state, so they can be restored.

But this is understood with the science of the earth, but this is a magical world.

And Hisaly's next words also verified his thoughts.

"Although there are legends that Lord Cenarius can fill the earth with flowers out of thin air, or turn the scorched earth green again, but Lord Cenarius seldom does this. According to legend, doing so consumes the power of nature very much. So Master Cenarius will not do this unless it is a particularly urgent situation! Oh, by the way, where Master Cenarius walks, there will be flowers blooming even on stones. I was lucky enough to see it once! Li Ke! The flowers left by Lord Cenarius are particularly beautiful!"

She paused for a moment, then as if remembering something, she jumped and ran over, grabbed Li Ke's arms, and hugged Li Ke because of excitement, which made Li Ke smell a pleasant smell of flowers and plants. incense, and her own scent.

Just wondering, Hisaly excitedly explained the reason.

"Li Ke! I thought of it! If I can really spread the way of druids to you, then you and I will definitely be summoned by Lord Cenarius! Ah! Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it! "

When Hisaly said this, she couldn't help cheering, obviously remembering how beautiful those flowers are, and when Li Ke nodded in praise, he also nodded in his heart.


The extraordinary world doesn't talk about physics with you.

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