Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 280 The Missing Place

In the scientific world of mankind, that is, Cenarius has just passed his own energy position, and when he passes by some places, he can transform other substances into flowers and other things out of thin air.

To use a simpler analogy, a four-legged magma monster is walking on the street, and all the roads he walks have large and small magma pits, which is almost like this.

"That's really exciting, Hisalie."

Li Ke quickly thought of a powerful existence full of vitality in his mind. Almost instantly, Li Ke thought of one thing.

Can you fool Cenarius into becoming an angel investor on the vitality side?

But the mark of the moon god on the top of his head made Li Ke dispel this idea. According to legend, Cenarius is the child of the moon god Alan and the deer god Malorne, so he is half-human and half-deer.

So he turned a corner directly and asked what he wanted to know the most.

"Then Hisalie, can you tell me how to transform into an animal like you?"

Li Ke was very curious about this.

Hisaly blinked her eyes, she didn't have any doubts about Li Ke's sudden question about how to transform animals. She hadn't had much contact with races other than night elves, so she thought that Li Ke was simply interested in transformation. to curious.

"Well, deformation is actually very dangerous."

She worked hard to make her face serious. For this reason, she kept recalling the posture and appearance of the former teachers, and imitated their appearance to tell Li Ke.


Although she doesn't find it difficult.

"First you have to get the approval of the spirit of nature."

"Spirit of nature?"

Heather nodded.

"That's right, whether it's a bear or a deer, or any other animal, you must first achieve harmony and unity with the spirit of nature, and then you can accept their power and soul, and then you can further transform."

Miss Night Elf paused when she said this, and then continued.

"How should I put it? Each form is a different way of life, just like birds can't use tools like us. When we transform into animals, without the power and soul of animals, we can't quickly Only when it is in harmony with the spirit of nature can it transform itself."

Speaking of this, Hisaly tried to transform again, but unfortunately, the natural force in her body was still in a distorted state, and she still couldn't transform into a raven, or in other words.

Li Ke summed it up a bit, and then asked a question.

"So... well, there will be animal souls in your druid's body? I mean, to fully exert the power of the druid's transformation, you need to install the souls of other animals in your body?"

That's probably what he understood, but Hisaly shook her head decisively.

"That's not the case. Although some druids do do this to increase their connection with nature, most druids still learn... Well, the words I just used may be familiar to you. Some are not correct, um, you understand that those beast spirits left behind, with a part of their memory and power soul, you can absorb this part to increase your strength, and the spirit of nature will not suffer irreversible damage, so You should be able to understand, right?"

In other words, it is equivalent to sharing one's own operating system and part of its power, because druids use the power of nature, so as long as this system and external plug-ins are loaded, they can directly use the beast's abilities and special abilities. If the beast itself has specialized natural power, then this part of the natural power can also be used, but your connection with these beast spirits is better, and it will also lend you power...

Well, it's no wonder that druids have to deal with animals and plants well. This kind of power is based on dealing with animals and plants well...

Li Ke squinted his eyes. Hisaly had almost no defense against him, and what he said was basically dry stuff, but this is the problem with the way of druids. If you don't implement this method of becoming stronger , then you can't get enough druid power.

Of course, Tian Zong Wizard is not included in this list. After understanding the principle, Li Ke's first thought is to completely analyze the body data of an animal, and then directly change it, and then ensure the use of this ability through training and familiarization.

"I probably understand, so how do you restore the original appearance? And how do you ensure that you will not completely turn into animals?"

"Because of the force of nature, and even if it is transformed, we will be very careful to reduce the deformed parts of the head as much as possible. But because we need to use the power of the spirit of the beast, it is necessary to transform. As for changing back to the original The appearance is also very simple, just use the force of nature to protect your soul, prevent your soul from changing with the body, and then use the force of nature to change back."

"My trouble is because of this, because I was stunned during the transformation process and lost my self-control. Although my soul has not been changed, the natural force that protects my soul is produced by the change of body and flesh. The disorder has caused me to be unable to use the ability to transform, nor can I borrow Aviana's power. So even if my body recovers, it will take a long time to recover the ability to transform, otherwise, my body may be broken. Because of the almost irreversible distortion produced by the violent force of nature..."

Having said that, Hisaly looked at Li Ke full of hope again.

"But if another druid helps me, it will be much faster."

She really wanted Li Ke to learn the way of druids, and let Li Ke protect nature together, but...

"Well, in this case, it should be possible to threaten some animals or other things with force, and with my ability, I don't have to worry about these animals or the spirit of nature stumbling me inside."

If that's the case, then can I be protean?As long as you ensure that your soul is immortal...

Li Ke found it very interesting, but suddenly realized another thing.

Does Li Ke have a soul?

This is not about things like self-will, but the soul in this world, the kind of soul that can still act with obsession after death.

He, Li Ke, is a stupid carbon-based monkey, and the night elf in front of him should also be carbon-based, but it's not perfect, right?
And they are native races, so don't think about this.

So, does Li Ke have the same soul as the people of Azeroth?

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