"Who has the money to earn whom?"

There is no doubt that the richest people are those nobles in Stormwind City.

Onyxia paid to support them, and they monopolized various government positions and public construction in Stormwind City, and they still have their own territory.

These are much richer than Varian.

Even the daily cost is much better than Varian.

Varian will also decide to cut the royal family's dining funds and stop all unnecessary banquets because the common people cannot afford to eat this year.

But those nobles now have a small banquet for three days, a big banquet for five days, and a salon and tavern every day, having a great time.

No way, who will let people make a lot of money right away?
Therefore, except for the property of the Black Dragon Princess, there is no richer owner in Stormwind City than them.Food and play are also much better than Varian's.

Poor Varian, what can he eat?

It is nothing more than white bread and barbecue, truly luxurious food, only those nobles who have nothing to do and only need to enjoy themselves can figure it out.

"In this case, then I don't have much psychological burden."

When Li Ke heard Onyxia talk about the luxury of some nobles, he directly said that this group of people can do whatever you want Onyxia to do.

Because these people are no longer human.

"But I still want to remind you, Onyxia, you must tell everyone who uses this thing that fantasy is just fantasy after all, and if they regard the things in the fantasy as real, then they will never be able to move forward, and The most important thing is that the person who died is dead. No matter how much you miss him, you will never be able to see him again. False things cannot bring anything to the people you need to care about. Bringing emptiness and remorse."

Li Ke didn't know what effect he would have on those nobles by giving Onyxia the illusion sheet that would allow people to see his dead relatives and do whatever he wanted, but he knew it must be nothing positive effect.

"Also, Onyxia, you must never give these things to kind people and people with conscience."

"Do you think it's possible? Honey, even if I don't give it to them, as long as they hear about it and try it once, they will involuntarily seek these things."

Onyxia felt that what Li Ke said was superfluous, because human beings are like this.


Li Ke shook his head.

"Then I won't provide it to you."

He is still hesitant, this behavior is almost exactly the same as illegal drugs, although it is actually different, but the effect is the same.

"Do you think the ancient gods will give up such a good thing? Although there is no product that can replace your product for the time being, it is not difficult to find some mages to analyze and imitate it, my dear."

"That's not OK."

Li Ke still shook his head. Although he was tempted for a moment, he finally gave up.


He looked at the sheet in his hand, which he just made, a sheet that can make people do whatever they want in the illusion, and thought for a while, the next moment, golden rays of light wrapped around these sheets.

The next moment, he added the illusion driven by holy light to the sheet.

The spells of holy light and shadow are almost the same, but the effect will be different.

Naturally, there is a world of difference between the illusion technique driven by holy light and the illusion technique driven by shadow.

The illusion technique driven by the holy light is naturally positive, and your conscience will constantly remind you what is wrong and what is right when you are immersed in the illusion.

But the illusion technique completely driven by shadows can continuously induce the dark desires in your heart and let you indulge continuously. Even though it is very warm, it still allows you to indulge your feelings.

But if Holy Light joins it...

Then the illusion technique, which would continue to dig out and use the inner desire, will also become...

Become an illusion spell with age restrictions and harmony.

"You don't resist."

Li Ke smiled at Onyxia, then crushed the thin slice, allowing this illusion mixed with holy light to enter Onyxia's brain.

The next moment, Onyxia's face turned green.

Because although she saw countless pictures she wanted, her conscience, which had disappeared for many years, was constantly condemning her, and told her that this was wrong, and that it was wrong for her and her father to fall into darkness.

And the most damning thing is that when she called out Li Ke's body, Li Ke's body was even shrouded in a piece of holy light, and when she touched it, not only would she be condemned by her conscience, but she would also touch everything. No, only a piece of warmth can be felt.

"Are you sure you want to launch something like this? It's not going to make any money, is it? And what's the point?"

Onyxia broke free from the phantom, and looked at Li Ke with twitching corners of her eyes.

What is the significance of such an illusion technique, she really can't imagine.

"Um, to prevent children from using it?"

"Aristocratic children are generally taught various methods and methods by family maids, or bought maids, and singers, when they are 12 years old, and noble girls have to start from five years old. At the beginning, you learn the relevant knowledge, and when you are 12 years old, you even have to learn how to give birth without help and stop the bleeding yourself, and the things you worry about don't exist at all."

Onyxia complained about the baptism, and she really couldn't accept Li Ke's inexplicable kindness.

No way, you can't expect a black dragon to have a conscience.

"Just assume I have relevant sensitivities."

Li Ke was also a little embarrassed. He just watched Onyxia's operation from the sidelines. Li Ke also saw what she saw, so he naturally knew how painful such a thing was.

Fortunately, he also planned to trick the Holy Light into giving him the Holy Light after making the Illusion Slices, so that he could enchant these Illusion Slices and make a fortune.

He had thought up all the excuses.

'Mr. Shengguang, I have encountered some products of shadow power here, which will poison the health of those people, but these people have been deeply involved in it and cannot extricate themselves, so I want to ask Shengguang to give me strength so that I can make Shengguang's Power is entwined on it, causing them to fall into darkness, and when they sink into desire, they can receive the teachings of the Holy Light. '

But Onyxia's expression told him that if he provided such a product, then the deal would probably fail this time.

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