Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 297 Closing the Deal

"How about this."

Onyxia sighed.

"Can you make a machine or something that can mass-produce your thin slices, I mean, let others use what you made to make this kind of product, or, you can add some restrictions to the product Yes, for example, how long before it can be used again."

Li Ke's kindness makes Onyxia very helpless. In her opinion, Li Ke's kindness is too much. Although he has the cruelty and cunning of the black dragon, it seems to be used against the enemy.

When dealing with those relatively innocent people, and when dealing with things that break the bottom line, the black dragon in front of him is as pure and serious as a red dragon.

To be honest, she has seen many nobles and paladins, but she has never seen someone like Li Ke who thinks so much and has such a bottom line.

Those paladins either didn't think too much about this kind of phantom slice, or they didn't use it directly, and they were worried about whether it would hurt ordinary people and kind people. Li Ke was really the only one he saw.

You know, even Bolvar didn't think about it that much, he didn't even realize how scary this thing was, and it was just some flirting gadget.

Of course, this is true for him. He is a high-ranking official with a great salary and a bright future. He is still a strong-willed paladin, and he doesn't have to worry about anything other than the future of Stormwind City.

Of course he wouldn't feel how terrifying this illusion sheet was.

And Li Ke, who is truly aware of the horror and power of this thing, and who is in charge of all of this, has shown a level that can really make too many people ashamed.

"The machine one is not enough. My research on illusion is not very deep."

Li Ke shook his head, he really didn't know much about illusion, he just applied it all the time.

"Not very deep..."

Onyxia repeated this sentence, but didn't say anything, because she didn't want to speak, and she didn't want to say a word of her own comments to Li Ke.

Because she has worked very hard to endure her urge to beat Li Ke.

"But it's possible to use an illusion sheet that you want and then have to wait for a while before you can use it. Well, I can even do this operation where you have to use other sheets."

Li Ke spread his hands, the second operation is nothing more than slightly changing the opponent's head and the illusion sheet. After using the illusion technique that can be done as you like, a little shadow power will be left in the mind. The power will be used by other illusion pieces, or dissipated at a fixed time, which is not difficult for him.

"That's enough, Li Ke, guess how much these things cost? One hundred gold coins, no matter how rich the nobleman is, it is impossible to use this thing every day."

Onyxia smiled.

"After all, the family property they can use is limited, and the life of the great nobles is actually not much different from the life in your fantasy slice... What else do you think they can imagine? The enjoyment they can think of in this era The means, they can enjoy in reality, in those illusion slices that do not cause mental intoxication."

Onyxia smiled.

"It's like doing something you like with a beautiful woman. They can play in real life. Although they won't consume energy in the illusion, they will get bored, so don't worry about it."

"The key is."

Her hand leaned on Li Ke's body.

"Only you can make this thing, and you decide how much they can get—if there is a flood, you just stop it."

Onyxia said it easily, but she actually had ulterior motives.

She wanted to make Li Ke become cruel, so that the traces of the Holy Light would slowly disappear from Li Ke's body.

"So I will control it and only let those unforgivable nobles use this. You are in control of my life, and I will not do things that make you unhappy. Please, dear, no this For the income from the territory, I have to come up with new things to win them over..."

Li Ke looked at Onyxia's face, hesitated several times, and agreed.

There are too many places where he needs Onyxia. Craftsmen and other things all need her, so the request for Onyxia.

But he also knew that it was because of his own greed.

But he still didn't break through his bottom line.

"There is no one who can do whatever they want, only some illusions that can appear beauties and food according to their ideas, and I think this is enough."

"Of course, that's enough."

Onyxia sighed contentedly.

"I will also repay you, not just in bed... Once your Defias thieves start to move, I will convince the nobles to support you. Of course, there is also the chicken farm you have been thinking about .I will send a team of veterinary experts, herbal medicine experts, and agricultural experts from the portal. They are all black dragons. You can ask them as much as you like, without worrying about the secrets being leaked. As for the reward... just give them every day Enough meat, and drinking once every half month is enough."

Li Ke's face froze. He really planned to wait for the stonemason of the Defias thieves to come to build a chicken farm. Now the town is really short of manpower, and it is already a bit stretched to repair the mill and waterwheel. For a period of time, the logging camp needed a lot of manpower, so he could only endure it.

After all, a qualified craftsman in this era can only do so much work in a day. This is not the modern age with all kinds of electric equipment.

In this era, it takes at least two people a day just to saw a plank from wood.

The artisans he brought along simply weren't enough.

But how did Onyxia know?
"How did you know?"

He asked with a serious face.

Onyxia rolled her eyes gracefully.

"You and I read Chicken Farm over 100 times while we slept."

"Well, after all, it's something I've always cared about."

"Well, you also recited wheat hybrids more than 200 times, rice hybrids 180 times, and potato and corn farms fifty times."

"Hmm... ah, I pay more attention to agriculture, agriculture."

Li Ke still tried his best to maintain his serious expression, but Onyxia's next words made him unable to hold back.

"Yeah, I can hear it. But the most chanted one is 'I have to get some wool from Onyxia'. You chanted it more than 300 times."

Onyxia said this with a smile, but Li Ke also began to sweat coldly on his forehead.

How did he speak his mind?

But he still forced himself to speak calmly.

"Are the black dragons you're talking about professional?"

He was changing the subject, but Onyxia gave him another surprise.

"The land in Stormwind City has been planted under their guidance in the past few years, so there is no food shortage."

Li Ke: "..."

Varian you...

But just when he lamented Varian's difficulty, Onyxia spoke again.

"Oh, by the way, I can also get you a 500-man mixed engineer army of gnomes and dwarves, which can help you build blast furnaces and factories. Oh, they are also hired by Stormwind City, but There is no work to do now, so I can pull it out to work for you. But you have to pay for them, after all, they are not black dragons. But how to say? A quarter of them are faceless and twilight believers, and A quarter are demons, the rest are spies mixed with my brother, and less than a fifth are guys who don't know anything... I will give you a list. Don't owe them any debts."


Varian! ! !

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