Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 319 Dedicated Employee

Chapter 319 Dedicated Employee
It is not a good plan to use small calculations to calculate a great magister. When Li Ke woke up in the morning, he found that his feet had been frozen.

There is no doubt that this is the anger of the Grand Magister.

And when he managed to untie his feet and came to the living room, he didn't see the bustling elves, but his agricultural consultants.

Before he could speak, one of his agricultural advisors, a humanoid dragonman, spoke.

"Master Li Ke, we took the time to manufacture the machine you mentioned yesterday. Although it is driven by the pedals and chains you mentioned without using a generator or the like, there is no doubt that we still manufactured it. come out."

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, then looked towards the courtyard, because his office was not a special office, it was used for holding banquets before, so he could clearly see a car outside here.

This car is similar to the combine harvester he remembers, but the engine is replaced with three pedals and a lot of gear modules.

This made him a little surprised, because after only one night, they actually came up with results.Regardless of whether this can be used or not, whether the effect is good or not, such an occasional reading of the results is undoubtedly a great achievement.

"You guys are so fast?"

Li Ke walked out quickly, stroked the machine made of steel, and observed the structure and structure inside.

And those dragonman agricultural experts also followed up, and pointed out what changes they had made for this machine, and the dragonman headed by them explained why it was so fast.

"Master Wald also came to help us, that's why we came so soon, and when we came, we had already experimented in a wheat field. Only three adult males were needed to harvest a whole wheat field in one day. The wheat on the farm, coupled with the ability of this combine harvester, can also directly thresh the ears of wheat and pack the straw into cubes. When it is time to upgrade, you can also directly install any engine and remove the pedals , it can be converted into a machine that uses electricity or other power..."

Speaking of this, Li Ke couldn't help looking at them with the eyes of a god.

Because he can't even do it himself!
"It's incredible...how did you do it?"

Li Ke couldn't help muttering to himself, and turned to look at these dragon people.

"Well, to be precise, these technologies have existed before, Mr. Li Ke, but no one has ever conceived them like you. It's not like we haven't participated in the design of wheat field harvesters in the past, but most of them are in human form. It has about the efficiency of three human beings, so unless it is a place that is rich but lacks people, it will generally not be used."

Wheat Harvester...

Reaper 4000?

Li Ke also recalled that kind of thing. Speaking of it, it should still appear in the western wilderness, but obviously there are not so many Reaper-type wheat field harvesters, let alone destroyed by those Defias thieves a lot of.

Thinking about the reason that the dragon man technician said, it is normal not to see those special products of the western wilderness now. After all, although the western wilderness is short of people, it is not short of farmers. This is also the reason why Li Ke is thinking about mechanization.

Without mechanization, farmers still have to guard their fields!
After all, food comes first.

Li Ke thought for a while and asked.

"Is it the same with dwarves and gnomes?"

He has been curious about this question for a long time, that is, how gnomes and dwarves have technology to make themselves what they are now.

"Well, it's the same. In fact, harvesters, pesticide sprayers and so on are also produced by them, but their harvesters try their best to reduce the loss and work efficiency of humanoid robots. Even if they are the most advanced, they can't It’s just that it can be used by four people.”


Li Ke was a little unwilling to give up.

"Is there no such car?"

"No, and gnomes and dwarves don't like plains, so their territories are also hills and mountains, and there is no room for this kind of machinery to survive. So this is actually your achievement, my lord, you have opened up a new road for us. path of."


Li Ke understood it thoroughly. This is because of the 'machine soul' that can be easily generated. Because of these things, intelligent robots can easily appear, but this also directly led to one thing.

The road for them to see intelligent robots is smooth, so there is no need to manufacture these low-end products.And their territory is also doomed to deal with large farms and farms, so they can only play with this high-end customized stuff.

That is to say...

Because of a seemingly smooth road and their own environment, their technology tree is completely irrelevant to the technology tree Li Ke knows. Even if someone thought of it, they would not make it, because there is no use.

As for aid to humans who own the Great Plains?
Well, it's not that the dwarves can't think of it, but it's unnecessary. The human country is still in the feudal middle ages. If the two sides don't communicate deeply, they really can't think of it, don't realize it, let alone invest...

History and development are so interesting sometimes.Development is not everyone's hope. Most of the time, people will only actively develop when they have to.

"That's how it is, and you don't need to compliment me... But since you have produced results, I should reward you well. I will write a note and tell the maid that these people can drink as much as they want within a week." , and 200 gold coins per person...do you have any other requests?"

The dragon experts looked at each other in blank dismay. To be honest, they had never received a reward from a giant dragon, so they were a little at a loss about Li Ke's request.

In the end, it was the leader who spoke.

"Generally speaking, my lord, you only need to praise us, and you don't need any material rewards."



The three dragonmen nodded seriously, with pious expressions on their faces.

"The dragon's praise means much to us, my lord."

Li Ke opened his mouth. He felt that this matter was outrageous but not outrageous, but seeing the expectant expressions of these dragon people, he could only take a deep breath.

"You did a great job!"

Only now did the dragon people smile, but Li Ke didn't know what mood he should use to face them.

So he found another topic.

"What about Walder? He should also accept the reward."

As a result, when these words came out, the three dragonmen became a little embarrassed, to be precise, ashamed.Finally, it was the leading black dragon who spoke.

"Well, my lord, Wald, he said that this merit is not enough to accept your reward, so he went to make the planter you mentioned and the lathe for making these two machines."

Li Ke: "..."

You are really curly!
(End of this chapter)

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