Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 329 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 329 Dimensionality Reduction Strike
After Li Ke finished speaking, he felt the world move subtly, but he didn't care, it was just a normal energy fluctuation.

He looked at the stunned VanCleef and realized that he already knew what he wanted to do.

"As long as the people under my rule live happier lives, the people in those decaying kingdoms will be more dissatisfied with their own country. Those bachelors who claim to be noble, those colleagues of the Holy Light who think they are full of benevolence and morality will reflect , will think, think about what they did wrong, think about their shortcomings. At this time, I just need to use a little money to show my love for the people, and then let their domestic pillar industries be turned into ruins. The people themselves can guillotine their own kings and nobles."

Li Ke paused.

He pointed to the blueprint in Van Cleef's hand again.

"The blueprint in your hand is nothing more than a crown I wear for myself after all the achievements I have made."

His words made Van Cleef take a few steps back. Although he has always felt that his career is not successful enough, it is not that he has not thought about it. In this world and in this history, he has done very well, so The damage done was also unprecedented.


Compared with Li Ke, a real lunatic, he is really too normal!
The person in front of him is not hostile to Varian as he guessed, nor is he hostile to Tenaris!

He is hostile to the whole world, to the whole noble-king system!

What kind of lunatic would declare war on such an invincible opponent? !
But, but—

"I really shouldn't have come."

Van Cleef took a deep breath, and he looked at Li Ke with hatred and unwillingness in his eyes.

"Although my plan is full of madness, compared with your plan, my plan is much more stable, and if your plan is not careful, the whole world will be plunged into flames and war—"

He looked at Li Ke, and his eyes were no longer looking at a human being, but at a lunatic.

"—but at least I won't make it so that I don't even know if I'm working hard, and I don't know if I will succeed."

In the face of greater madness, small madness is only attracted.

Van Cleef finally understood why he subconsciously wanted to make friends with Li Ke, not because of Li Ke's strength, nor because he controlled his own life.

But this man is really crazy.

And what he said, what he built, can really be done.

"I will join you, Li Ke. If you can do a part of what you said, even if only a part, I will completely pretend to you... Although this is what you want me to do, I think, you You should understand the difference between people like me who are passive and sabotage and when they really want to do things with you. If you can really do part of it, then I will be your architect and designer, and you dagger in hand."

"of course."

Li Ke took a bottle of red wine instead. He doesn't like to drink alcohol, but at this time, in this atmosphere, a bottle of wine is the most suitable.

He handed Van Cleef a glass of bloody red wine, poured himself another glass, and smiled at Van Cleef.

"I wish destruction."

"I wish destruction."


But Li Ke didn't fully tell Van Cleef about his blueprint.

"VanCleef . . . what a miserable fellow."

Li Ke watched Van Cleef go away, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Only when there are many people, can he engage in vitality and soul harvesting.Otherwise, the soul and vitality of the farm will be harvested, who will sell the meat to?
There is no market and only products are a disaster, that is, a simple consumable, which will drag down his economy.It can be said that he plans the city, calculates the nobles, and finds ways to improve the living conditions of these people, purely for one thing.

Expand the market and make the leeks rich.

No matter how well the leek grows, it needs watering and fertilization, and the early reclamation and planting are pure expenses.

And as long as there are more leeks, the higher his technical and spell ability, the recharge system of heart power, vitality recharge system, and soul power recharge system will be arranged at that time, so that these things are equivalent to money to a certain extent:
For example, arrange for succubi and elves to live dance and so on. They can collect money and energy rewards. These are paid by the audience, but the platform will take 50.00% of the commission, and it will severely crack down on private transactions.

Isn't this a constant source of money and energy?

Moreover, offering these elves so high that only a very small number of humans can marry elves is a way to raise the price of elves. When the elves do this kind of business, the more popular they are, they are willing to spend money on it. The more energy the audience will have.

Then from time to time, I would click on those well-known elf female anchors to accompany and spend the night, wouldn't it just come up all of a sudden?

It can be said that there are many ways to do this, plus holographic online games, short video novels, food and clothes, and harvesting of luxury goods.

A lot of ways to get leeks.

If it can be done, then the entire life in Azeroth will not only provide him with energy and money for basic necessities of life, but they will also generate money and energy for him when they are entertaining.

And these are things that can be seen with the naked eye.

"So science is the primary productive force."

In this world, magic is science, and science is magic. In fact, there is no difference.

Every time Li Ke thinks of how to harvest the lives of Azeroth, he will be extremely excited, and various ideas emerge in endlessly, like Odin who fell on the world tree, Prometheus who stole the sky fire, and the one who ate the forbidden fruit. Adam and Eve are like Monkey King who was hit on the head three times by Bodhi Patriarch.


"My lord! There are more monsters again! Can you increase your manpower?"

"My lord! There is not enough iron ore again! Can you increase your manpower?"

"My lord! There is not enough wood again! Can you add more men to the lumberyard?"

Seeing Sanqi, Wald, and Lagertha, the auspicious three treasures, who came to him together, Li Ke felt dizzy for a while.

population, population.

And the fucking population!
He has no shortage of senior technical talents now!There is no shortage of money and supplies.

But he still lacks basic workers!

We have to find a way to get them all to drive screws!

Taking a deep breath, Li Ke looked at La Gesha.

"How long until all the taxes are paid?"

Lagertha, who came to report that there was not enough wood, thought about it, and then spoke.

"There is still half a month."

"Very well, Wald, Lagertha, your problems can be solved in half a month, San Qi, draw 100 people, and take my will to the surrounding villages and farmhouses, and tell them that as long as you bring the whole family Get up to the tax town to meet the new lord, then I will treat them to three white breads every day, and let them avoid paying a hundred catties of grain!"

Sang Qi nodded, but immediately looked at Li Ke with a worried expression.He is not worried about Li Ke's wealth, he is worried about public security.

"But my lord, in this case, the monster's attack..."

Li Ke stopped his words expressionlessly.

"I will solve it myself!"

The hero unit needs to farm wild monsters to upgrade its level!

And evil energy!It's time to harvest life!

(End of this chapter)

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