Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 330 The Great Lord is in Action

Chapter 330 The Great Lord is in Action
Li Ke, a visitor from another world, a traveler.

Hate violence.

Li Ke really hates violence. He really hopes that murlocs and jackals can become his subordinates, help him build cities, and then use his wages to buy things produced by his factory. Then go to the various entertainment venues he opened for consumption.

But it is a pity that although these creatures have a certain level of intelligence, they are still too low compared to humans.

These people can roughly understand what trade is, but you expect them to clearly understand why the trade personnel cannot be killed, and how important it is to guarantee a trade channel is impossible.

Even in their view, trade personnel are commodities in themselves.

That's right, these people are playing for nothing.

Therefore, Li Ke also came to them to play business without money.

On this cloudy and rainy day...

Well, the gnolls are gathering.

"Die! Human stuff!"

A jackal smashed his meteor hammer to the ground, bared his teeth frantically, and looked at his compatriots.

His face was full of ferocious expressions, but this was actually the most common behavior among gnolls. He even let out a low growl from his throat in public to frighten his companions and make them obey his orders.

Because winter is coming, there is no doubt that even the gnolls of the Westfall need food to survive the winter.And only when humans harvest food, these wolves can easily get a large amount of food and all kinds of meat.

Cattle, sheep, men, women, children, jackals eat everything, even human buried corpses, they will throw them out and eat them, because these guys' desire for food is almost endless, you make friends with a jackal The final result may be changed by your sentence 'I want to treat you to dinner'.

Because generally, the human beings who said such words became the dinner of the wolf man, and they invited their own wolf man friends to dinner in a physical nature.

Originally, the gnolls had no objection to plundering humans, but the problem was that this cruel and greedy race was in public, and their regime was not unified. Although they were all gnolls of the River Claw tribe, But they weren't on the same side either.

So even if it was an inevitable action, these jackals would probably have to kill a lot of themselves before they could proceed.

And that was indeed the case. After the leader of the jackals finished his thoughts, another leader of the jackals let out a threatening growl, and then waved the meteor hammer in his hand, smashing a big rock directly.

"Damn it! Idiots! There are so many humans, armored! Jackals, you can't beat them! Horses, run fast!"

His objection is simple, humans have iron armor, there are still a lot of people, and there are cavalry, it is impossible for them to attack the village like before.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, another jackal stood up.

"Die! Fool's thing! Kill, kill all human things! Go to the wilderness! There are fewer humans, less! The wilderness! Big!"

His meaning is also very simple, that is to go to those villages with few human beings and no iron armor, and kill all the people. In this way, even if human beings know and discover it, they will not be able to find it in this vast western wilderness. Here they are.

"Die! Fool's stuff! Wilderness! Food, little!"

It is a pity that there are still people who object. This time it is a jackal who has lived for nearly ten years. In the world view of jackals, there are eleven very incredible existences.

Because the old Gnolls, as well as those weak Gnolls, will be eaten as food.

But the staff in his hand showed why.

This is a Gnoll Warden, a mage.

He looked around, at these weak and humble kinsmen of his own.The eyes revealed the light of wisdom.

"Food, not enough!"

Gnolls are absolutely carnivorous animals. Although humans can eat some flour and bread, but if they really want to fill their stomachs, there is no doubt that they need a lot of meat, so what can be obtained by attacking those remote villages Food is simply not enough to fill the bellies of all the gnolls here.

If there is only one tribe, it may not be enough.

So he tapped his staff on the map assembled with small stones, and watched his humble fellows speak.

"Let's go attack the taxpayers, idiots."

In his opinion, anyone who handed over the food they earned from their labor was an idiot. Although he knew about spells and Frostbolt, he couldn't figure out why these humans would willingly hand over most of their food.

This is very terrible in their worldview, even the behavior of fools.

Because of this, no wolf man, even the weakest wolf man, would have any fear of humans.

No one is afraid of idiots.

The other gnoll leaders gritted their teeth. They didn't want to obey the orders of an old gnoll all the time, but this was not the first time the old gnoll had seen such a scene. With electric light wrapped around his hands, he aimed at a jackal who bared his teeth the most and growled the most, and pushed it out.

Before that Jackal could even react, he was instantly turned into charcoal by electricity, and in that instant, all the previously rebellious Jackal leaders made a sound.


It was the sound of a defeated dog showing its weakness.

In the society of superstitious gnolls, voodoo and spells are the most terrifying powers. Only a small number of the strongest, most cunning and despicable gnolls can avoid the fear of them.

But it's a pity that the gnolls here are afraid of spells.

However, just when the old wolf man felt that the matter had been settled, there were countless screams of wolf men outside the door, and they looked outside one after another, but the next moment, countless fel energy missiles rushed towards took them.

The old Gnoll didn't hesitate, he remembered this thing, the orc named Gul'dan had shown this power to them back then!
So he grabbed a jackal leader beside him without hesitation, and blocked the other's tall body in front of him!
The next moment, he saw that the wolf man in front of him was crushed by the fel energy missile and fell to the ground.

However, just when he was about to pretend to be dead to deceive others, the evil energy turned into a big hand and pulled him out.

"So, please tell me, where is your fellow clan?"

Standing in this cave, Li Ke pinched the neck of this jackal wizard with one hand, helping him stand out to a higher place, even surpassing his height, while looking at its fearful beast face, seriously looking at each other.

"I'm in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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