Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 348 The Sheep Cannibalism About to Begin

Chapter 348 The Sheep Cannibalism About to Begin

After Li Ke looked at some of the town's affairs, he asked Grayson to discuss with the mayor Lagertha.After all, he and Van Cleef had already made the plan, and the rest of the execution was up to the mayor and the construction team.

The construction team has Van Cleef hiding his identity, so it's not a problem at all. Some small changes can be made by Van Cleef on the spot, but Lagertha needs Grayson to take a look.

It's not that she doesn't trust La Gesha, but that La Gesha hasn't shown anything trustworthy yet.

As for him, as long as there are enough people under him, he just needs to ensure that the workers' treatment will not go wrong.

So, for example, mobilizing migrant workers, paying them wages, and a series of other things, he can hand them over to these eredar people and his part of the team.

Although it is a grassroots team, and its loyalty is very problematic, as long as it does not fall out with Kil'jaeden, it can be used forever, and there is no need to worry about loyalty.

After all, there was no loyalty from the beginning, so naturally there was no need to consider this issue.

As for after...

When it is built, it will be hard to find three-legged toads, but there are people who want to be officials everywhere.

So Li Ke came to his workshop, looked at the map and the report sent by Van Cleef, and the first thing he did was to ask Jennifer, who was sitting on the side dealing with some problems, about education.

"How is the recruitment of teachers who teach children during the day and adults at night?"

Jennifer nodded and handed him a piece of parchment.

"I have already found it. Pastor Kyle is willing to teach the children the teachings of the Holy Light, as well as reading and writing. The nuns and priests he brought are also willing to do these things. As for the night school, according to your request, I have recruited some who intend to leave the lord The maids of the government, so that they can go to night school to work."

Jennifer quickly answered the work that Li Ke ordered, and looked curiously at Xilonas beside Li Ke. The other party's beautiful buttocks and long legs made her understand why there was such a person beside Li Ke.

"Very well, you and Greeter will be responsible for this part, Jennifer, make sure that most people in the territory can read and write smoothly, and learn basic arithmetic, and spend as much as they want. Yes Alright, did you send soldiers to protect the teacher?"

"Okay...as for the soldiers...well, Mr. Sanch said he needed your order."

Li Ke sighed.

"Tell him that you are the lord. Why is this guy not smart when he should be smart, but he is so smart when he shouldn't be smart... He will be under your control from now on."


Jennifer nodded, while Sironas picked up Li Ke's plan and immediately opened her mouth.

What is written on it is a bit exaggerated. It says that as long as children who go to this school can receive a set of school uniforms every two months, and take care of three meals a day.Adults who go to night school are in charge of a meal at night, except that they can't take it away, they can eat whatever they want.

Children can eat for six years, but adults only get free food for a month if they fail their exams.If you pass each exam, you can eat for six months.

Sironas couldn't help but took a deep breath. Although they had free learning before they became the Burning Legion, they had to serve the school, including but not limited to serving the seniors, going hunting, and carrying goods. As far as delivery is concerned, there is still work to be done.

But Li Ke's school is free, not to mention that he doesn't have to work!
Can he really use fel energy?

Sironas couldn't help thinking about this matter again, and couldn't help but glance at Jennifer, who was not surprised or opposed no matter what Li Ke said.

Those who would do this either believed and understood Li Ke wholeheartedly, and knew what Li Ke wanted to do.Or they don't understand anything and just rely on Li Ke.

Her intuition told her that the other party was the latter.

This kind of person cannot be corrupted unless Li Ke abandons her.

After Li Ke dealt with some things a little, he asked Jennifer and Sironas to go out to work on the workers, while he called Wald over and began to study the textile machine with him.

That's right, the loom.

He doesn't know much about modern textile machines, but because of the teacher's history, he knows a lot about the Jenny textile machine: At that time, he always believed that the birth of the Jenny textile machine led to the continuous breeding of sheep by nobles and landlords, and then he started to raise sheep. It is known that the Jenny loom uses cotton to weave cloth, and that sheep cannibalism is before the invention of the loom.

Even because of this textile machine, cotton textiles have completely defeated wool textiles.Later, because too much cotton textiles were produced, the profits were too high, but the population was too small, so they had to catch black slaves to grow cotton...

Therefore, when he made the video later, he specifically watched the structure of the Jenny loom and reproduced it.Then I invited a black buddy to pick some cotton in the cotton field, and completely restored the wave...

The number of hits on that video was extremely high, and the hit rates on all platforms exploded.

But it was blocked on the tubing.

So he remembered the structure of this thing. Although it needs to be slightly modified to weave wool, but...

"Well, this place should be modified like this, sir, the fibers of wool are too short compared to cotton, so the distance must be reduced here, and of course, the speed will also be reduced. But the shuttle is really useful and can greatly To reduce the time, there is no need to improve the shuttle, just add a few enchantments."

Wald continued to modify the Jenny loom made of wood by Li Ke with his professionalism, explained to Li Ke, and guided Li Ke to modify it.

"I see."

Listening to Wald's explanation, Li Ke nodded and helped, and the two quickly assembled a prototype machine out of wood.

For two people who have non-human abilities and can even use energy crystals to replace parts that are not easy to make, it is really not a problem to put together a prototype in a few hours.

Li Ke drove the textile machine with pedals and started to operate. In an instant, countless wool threads were turned into wool products on this machine, and the labor required became one. , The efficiency has been increased by eight times!Moreover, the woven wool cloth is quite neat and clean, and it can be seen that it is the handicraft of the master weaver.

Everyone cheered, but Grayson looked at the loom, and then at Li Ke with a smile on his face, and instantly understood what Li Ke wanted to do.

He wants the sheep to eat people.

(End of this chapter)

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