Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 349 Huge Difference in Productivity

Grayson had seen this scene countless times.

But in an already stinking pond, when a pond suddenly starts to become clear, it will definitely trigger a huge reaction.

And if Li Ke does this, the merchants in the cloth market will be the first to be hit.

Grayson had learned about the world's prices before, so he knew exactly how terrible changes Li Ke's textile machine would cause.

Although woolen cloth is very expensive, the current clothes are not cheap.

Although the fabrics made by textile machines are not as good as the ingenious products made by masters, they are stable, efficient, and look like high-quality fabrics.

Although it can't be said to be top-level, it is also the upper-middle level of this era.

And a pair of woolen socks in this world requires a worker's three days' wages to afford it.

Ten meters of cloth takes about ten days to weave, and the thread required for weaving also takes close to ten days of man-hours.

And Li Ke's machine has already woven nearly one meter of cloth in less than 10 minutes.

It looks slow, but it's actually incredibly fast, and only one person is needed for the whole process!

That's right, Li Ke's Jenny loom has been improved. The original Jenny loom can only spin yarn and the like, but after Wald's modification, his machine has directly become a spinning and weaving machine. The cloth is integrated, as long as you put in the processed wool and start to step on the pedal, you can continue to weave cloth!
There is no way, magic is easy to use, some inconspicuous magic and enchantment, the role in production is simply against the sky.

For example, a simple cleaning enchantment can directly reduce a large amount of water and pollution. Putting it in a modern factory, it is almost a daily use of three kilowatt-hours of electricity to replace hundreds of tons of cleaning fluid and reduce drying. link.

Small things like flipping a product can be done with a magic rune, without even enchanting.

In other words, as long as the raw materials are sufficient and the machine is not broken, one machine can produce six meters of wool cloth in one hour, and this machine can work in three shifts.

Ten days is 240 meters of wool cloth, requiring up to three people, which is eighty times the efficiency of traditional weaving!And you only need to pay the salaries of three normal weavers.

The most frightening thing is that this machine is just a test product for him and the dragon man named Walder!Haven't put on the engine or anything like that yet!

According to his master, he intends to make a machine that can produce thousands of meters of cloth a day!
This means that Li Ke can completely monopolize woolen cloth in this continent with a few thousand people!
He will sell high-quality wool cloth on a large scale, and in this world, as long as he lowers the price a little, he will be able to sell it in large quantities and monopolize the wool cloth market in other countries!
Because of the cost you can't beat it!People spend one person's wages on top of your eighty people's wages!He can definitely set the price of wool cloth at a price that is only a little more expensive than wool to fight a price war with you!
The original self-employed will be directly driven out of this industry!People who rely on woolen cloth and a series of cloth businesses to make money will go bankrupt directly!Many farmers will directly only have mutton and the income from farming.

In addition, Li Ke only collected [-]% of the tax, so that a large amount of grain flowed into the market, and farmers' grain income would be discounted.

Then, in order to maintain the operation of the factory, Li Ke must collect wool on a large scale, and then he must spend a lot of money to collect wool from those princes and nobles. In order to have more wool to sell, these people will inevitably increase sheep breeding, and Peasants on their own land were prohibited from leaving their land.

They will think that the price of food is so cheap and let the farmers raise sheep, but take most of the income into their arms, those farmers will definitely not be able to survive, that is to say——

Riots, uprisings, and rebellions of all kinds.

Then there is the flames of war in the whole world.

During this process, Li Ke just used cheap woolen cloth to sell. Some weavers may hate him, but most people who enjoy cheap cloth will definitely be grateful to him, and they even think Li Ke is a good person.

"Tsk tsk tsk, my master is really evil, I learned."

The Dread Demon King felt that he had learned it. They had never used this method before. They used magic to manipulate people's hearts in a rough way, or started rumors. They had never seen such an operation by Li Ke.

He felt that he had seen a new method for the cholera world, and it was quite effective, and it could be replicated on a large scale in the universe.

Just a small machine is enough to cause turmoil in the whole world and trigger a war in the whole world.

But he felt a little pity. If Li Ke could have come two years earlier, then he would definitely persuade Li Ke to let him work with the Legion first. In exchange for the support of the Legion in this way, Lord Kil'jaeden will definitely value it more. He, and let him choose to occupy a part of the world's cake when the world is destroyed.

After that, no matter what you do, you can do it with ease.

"But unfortunately, this method will not last long, because Lord Archimonde will not wait too long, what a pity. The role of the Scourge Legion is to allow the Lich to obtain huge energy, and then he can preside over the ceremony and summon Archimonde Lord De's real body will not wait too long."

The Dreadlord is not optimistic about this world. Although he is also a spy, his level is obviously not high enough.So he simply believes that the world of Azeroth is no different from other worlds, and it will end in front of the Legion.

In the case of Lord Archimonde's serious actions and sneak attacks, this world has no ability to resist.

However, you can also make a little design with your master to let their ideas come to fruition. After all, the plan will not start normally until next year.

Moreover, Li Ke's help to speed up Lordaeron's corruption is also a contribution to the plan, and he will also explain to Lord Kil'jaeden at that time.

But the only problem is the energy problem. If there is a powerful enough engine and power system, then the owner can further save labor.

and so……

"Well, it seems necessary to urge it."

Looking at Li Ke's focused expression, the Dread Demon King knew what he should do at this time.

He smiled, left a clone here, and then the figure moved quickly, and came to another place.

Those demonic places that have not responded to Li Ke until now.

Dreadlord, get to work.

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