Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 355 Slave of the Alliance

Chapter 355 Slave of the Alliance

"Yes, my master."

As a humble second party, Grayson obediently accepted Li Ke's proposal.

At this time, Mr. Hesenwei also spoke.

"If what you said is true, then I can indeed contact a large number of caravans, but the main question is, do you have anything you need here?"

He Senwei looked at Li Ke, subconsciously touched his lips, and his body shook slightly.

Obviously, under his stern face is an active soul. Li Ke couldn't help thinking of Natalia, a female adventurer with a face and figure, and even a manner like a princess and queen, but she opened her mouth to be a fucking bastard. .

Both of them are so inconsistent with their appearance.

"Wald? And Lagertha, please talk about your needs here. Since we are friends, we can be honest with each other, don't you need to worry? And Grayson, let those who are engaged in agriculture and Wa Call over here and see what they all need."

Li Ke looked at his own dragon expert. Of course, he knew that speaking of his needs in front of the seller, Haisenwei, would definitely increase the price, but he didn't want to make money on it, and he didn't do it all the time. The tone wants to subvert all the kingdoms. If you make friends with Jaina, it is not a big problem to give some profits to Kul Tiras.

And the most important thing is-he can use high prices to stimulate his team to make them more motivated to research new technologies for himself.

Then go to pit those suppliers so that he can complete the acquisition and cut off their retreat.

So, he stepped aside and prepared to let Wald and Lagertha talk about it. This is also the characteristic of this era, and those who are really in charge will not talk about this aspect.

If you are not elegant, it will appear that you are too philistine, and there is no one in the family.

And once there is a quarrel during the negotiation, there is no one to mediate, which will make it impossible to talk about some things that can be discussed.

Of course, you will also be deceived, but this depends on your operation and control.

But now he doesn't have to worry about that. Everyone is talking around him, and he can't hear the hell.

In addition, he was going to talk to Miss Teresta about contacting the elves, and by the way, make an appointment for a noon nap.

On the table is the tea from the elves brought by Telesta. As far as Li Ke is concerned, the craftsmanship is impeccable. People like him who don't know much about tea can taste the aroma of the tea, and magic is added to it. It only takes one sip , it will give people a refreshing feeling.

But as soon as his dragonman expert opened his mouth, Li Ke almost spit out the tea in his mouth.


Wald looked at Hesenway seriously.

"We need a lot of slaves, Mr. Hesenway, preferably Dark Iron dwarves and strong enough humans. Our mine needs a lot of people."


slave? ?
wait! !

Li Ke stood up in astonishment, intending to explain, but he saw Hesenwei showing a thoughtful expression.

This made him even more astonished.

Didn't you say that there are no slaves in the alliance? !

Li Ke tried his best to recall his memory of Warcraft. He still remembered it very clearly. Except for orcs, goblins and trolls, basically all friendly races don't have slaves!

But why is Hesenway's behavior a bit strange? !

"Well, well, it's been a little difficult recently. After all, the Alliance forbids trading slaves, but I have some friends in Stormwind City and Lordaeron... so we can only provide some criminals and sailors, but please remember, Mr. Ward, slaves do not exist in the Union. The 300 people I brought to you will be freed after serving 30 years in prison at the place you designated. Hmm? Mr. Li Ke, what can you do? ?”

Hai Senwei looked at Li Ke strangely, not understanding why Li Ke looked so surprised.

"It's nothing, the tea is just a little hot."

Li Ke made an excuse casually, but Grayson, who came back almost at the speed of light, showed a look of shock and disbelief, and came directly to Li Ke's side, touched the teapot, and changed it without hesitation. share.

Its speed was so fast that Li Ke didn't even have time to stop it, which made him feel sorry for the tea.

But after this uproar, he understood what was going on.

The Alliance does not have slaves.

Although there are contract farmers and contract servants who are not cared about even if they are killed, there are indeed no slaves in the countries that have participated in and formed the alliance.

But the league has criminals.

The alliance is quite humane, so humane that criminals can choose to accept the death penalty, or accept labor as sailors, miners and the like to reduce their sentences in exchange for their own lives.

Even being a pioneering farmer is the choice of many serious and light criminals.

Don’t think that pioneering is easy to do. Ancient times are different from modern times. In modern times, various large-scale mechanical plows are used several times, and then the land can be planted after spraying with chemicals and pesticides several times. The water conservancy irrigation system invites a professional construction team to come and pay. It only takes a few days for the payment to be in place.

The pioneers of this era did not have machinery. They had to cut down trees first, then remove as much stones as possible from the ground, including stones the size of pomegranate seeds, and then burn the ground to kill insects, and constantly plowed and leveled the field—— Then there is the water conservancy project.

The whole process takes about two or three years, and a piece of land is considered a piece of land, and there is no guarantee of the production of this piece of land.Not only that, during this period, you don't have any income or food source, you have to find a way to hunt or buy by yourself.

And there is no medical treatment, no supermarket, and no livestock to help. If you run away, you will be wanted, and if you find it, you will be hanged directly.

Basically, the criminals who choose to be pioneers are almost dead after half of the pioneering.

As for those who choose to be sailors and miners, well, most of them are death row prisoners and felony prisoners, so they generally live for one or two years, and only a very small number of them can survive until the end of their sentence, and then drag their wounded With an old body, he left penniless.

Slaves fared better than they did.

At least most of the slave owners will give food and basic medical care.

Li Ke doesn't like this kind of inefficient thing, he really doesn't like it, he has a lot of ways to make people responsible for their own basic necessities of life, as well as medical safety, and then give him happy work for more than 12 hours a day of.

He really doesn't like the rationing system of slaves and felons.

He calls it inefficiency.

"Human beings are really savage and vulgar."

Telesta took a sip of tea, with an attitude of 'you humans are so lowly and barbaric', which made Li Ke's eyebrows twitch uncontrollably.

Why does this attitude feel so familiar to him?
Hard, fist hard!
(End of this chapter)

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