Chapter 356
"Miss Teresta, compared to elves, humans are indeed not rich in products, and their culture and welfare are far behind, but this does not mean that you can use a bamboo pole to kill everyone on a boat in one go. turn."

Li Ke tried to make the translation of this proverb as short as possible, but unfortunately, the amount of information in Chinese still makes a word quite long.

"But you have to deny that humans are indeed very backward, but if I were you, I would ask goblins for help. After all, goblins can always get a lot of obedient slaves... Although I don't understand how they let the trolls Kind of rubbish, but if you're willing to kill a thousand or two trolls a year, we'd be happy to back you up with some magic weapons."

There was seriousness written all over Telesta's face.

Li Ke smiled.

Then he noticed that there was still a serious expression on Telesta's face.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, Mr. Li Ke, the troll's scalp and fangs can still be rewarded in Silvermoon City. No matter where the troll is, as long as it is the troll's teeth and scalp."

Telesta took a sip of tea calmly.

"After all, this kind of garbage race has no value in living. We can accept humans as our allies, and even block our country's gates, but we can't accept trolls as allies anyway... unless I die gone."

You are indeed dead.

Li Ke couldn't help complaining in his heart, because in the next expansion pack when the elves joined the tribe, within a few years of the plot, Telesta died in the magic hub.

"Don't be so surprised, your human kingdom was also infested by trolls decades ago, and the old Stormwind City was even besieged by trolls for a while... Seriously, there were a lot of trolls in this land before, When I came here, I was expecting to kill more troll bastards here. After all, it’s been a long time since I soaked in the stinky blood of a troll, and then saw that wonderful, troll limbs being torn apart, Electric scorching, and the smell of being burned to ashes. In fact, if you want more elf girls to like you, then go kill the trolls, Mr. Li Ke, whether it is the night elves or our high elves, to the giants Demons all have the same attitude.”

The elegant female elf took a sip of tea lightly, but her words shocked Li Ke inexplicably.

But the female elf was not affected at all, and even said something even more terrifying.

"Even if it wasn't for the fear that eating their flesh would make me sick and make people unable to kiss me anymore, I would even take troll flesh as my three meals a day, quilts and beds made of troll skin Pad to sleep."

"Is this a little..."

Li Ke didn't know what tone and attitude he should use to respond to Telesta, his bed partner who had just slept with him not long ago. How to speak, so as not to offend the elf's messenger.

"Cruel? Sorry, Mr. Li Ke, I have never done what I just said, but the troll has done such things to my companions, my classmates, teachers and my relatives. The reason why I would Thinking about it this way, it’s just that I’ve seen it. So trolls are garbage, garbage that is not needed in this world.”

When Telesta said this, she somewhat lost control. Powerful arcane energy spread from her body in the form of lightning, almost turning the flowers around her into arcane ashes.

Apparently, she really hated trolls.

However, Li Ke knew what was going on.

Because Silvermoon City was originally a sacred place for trolls, and the high elves could hardly hold on when they came here, so they settled here.

Then something happened, the trolls and elves started beating each other, but because there were enough trolls, the elves were quite uncomfortable.

Later, with the help of human power, it was considered to have gained a firm foothold in the Eastern Kingdom.

In a sense, trolls are pretty much natives, high elves...



It is the pioneer.

But humans are similar, everyone's territory is snatched from the hands of trolls.

But considering the identity of the descendants of the creation of human titans, and the identity of the remnants of the night empire of the high elves, it is honestly quite messy.

But trolls really can't, trolls really eat people.

"Sorry, Mr. Li Ke, I lost my temper."

Telesta looked at Li Ke's embarrassed face, and realized that Li Ke was from Lordaeron and had never been threatened by trolls, so she sighed and continued to speak.

"I'm sorry for being a bit of a spoiler, Mr. Li Ke, I originally planned to talk to you about the artistic development of Silvermoon City and when you went to Silvermoon City, but obviously, I lost my composure... But I didn't find you It’s not just to introduce Mr. Heisenway to help you establish a trade system, but because of several other things.”

"what's up?"

Li Ke is quite curious. The elves don’t need much from humans, that is, some medicinal materials, wood, and consumables will be bought from humans. The rest are sold by elves to humans unilaterally. High-end products are all from elves. Human beings are at best a foundry.

However, the so-called high-end products are magic weapons and various magic items, but most of them are luxury goods, and Li Ke really can't use them.

"That's the trading authority with elves. Well, I know you won't be able to use elves' products here yet, but this is always an opportunity, isn't it?"

Her words made Li Ke laugh, and she immediately realized that Li Ke had seen through her trick.

"Actually, I don't need it very much. I don't like luxury goods very much, Telesta, and there is a merchant ship going to the elf world in Stormwind City, isn't it?"

Li Ke spread out his hand, he didn't like this kind of action, but in this world, this action means it doesn't matter.Looking at him, Telesta sighed and spoke helplessly.

However, Telesta smiled as if she had a plan in mind.

"So, what about the enchantment on your machine?"


"Although those enchantments are exquisite, and the level of the enchanters is also very high, there is no doubt that they are not very refined, and there are no other enchantment circles to optimize... I think your engineer has no time to do more enchantments, and It can be seen with the naked eye that he is not very proficient in enchanting delicate objects."

Telesta gave a very professional evaluation.

Li Ke glanced at Walder, who showed a helpless expression.

The fact is true, although his enchanting skills are superb, but...

He is actually not very proficient in enchanting this small thing. He usually enchants things that are at least ten meters long. He is really not good at enchanting things that are more than ten centimeters or a few centimeters.

Seeing Walder's helpless expression, Telesta knew that Li Ke's enchanter was the leader of the craftsman. She smiled slightly and continued.

"But if you are an elf, as long as you are a qualified enchanter, you can engrave an enchantment circle at a place of one hundredth of a centimeter, so that your machine can work more efficiently and accurately .”

Telesta smiled again.

"What do you think? You should need these things, right?"

Nima, I'm still stuck here?

Li Ke thought of this for the first time.

The second thing is-

How did Telesta know!
He took out the Jenny textile machine to smash the market, and after making a fortune, he would throw it away and replace it with a new one, so that he could harvest it again, so he didn't care if he was seen, he hoped that everyone would imitate and publicize it together, anyway, it would definitely not be the time He exploded first.

Moreover, the principle of this thing is actually very simple. If Stormwind City and Lordaeron really want to imitate it, there is no way to stop it.So Li Ke didn't expect this thing to monopolize for a long time from the beginning, he was already ready to develop more advanced ones.


The secrecy measures in the workshop are very high!He specifically ordered not to let outsiders see it!VanCleef would know if he knew, he wouldn't tell, but Telesta was different.

She is an elf, not her own!

Wald, didn't you do espionage work before?What's the matter with you!
(End of this chapter)

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