Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 366 Said Cao Cao——

Chapter 366 Said Cao Cao——

Li Ke returned to his manor and spent a wonderful evening with the great magister, Ms. Telesta, and discussed more things, but correspondingly, Grayson was not very good.

When Li Ke woke up refreshed the next day, he rarely saw Grayson's slightly embarrassed smile, but Li Ke didn't care because Grayson didn't ask him for help at all.

Even Grayson was correcting him that the servants didn't put their knives and forks correctly.

Li Ke took his seat, and Grayson directly ordered the chef to serve the dishes, and put a briefing in front of Li Ke.

Breakfast was still bread and broth, and some side dishes made with tofu—although Li Ke didn't order this, it was obvious that the hostess, Jennifer, still did a lot of things.

Li Ke picked up his briefing, looked at the construction status of each building, and then asked Grayson.

"Good morning, Grayson, is there anything special you need to pay attention to today?"

"Well, it's not a big problem. The main reason is that the staff dormitories have been preliminarily built, and now there are only some decorations left, so the consumption of paint and wood has also increased, and because of the shortage of workers, now Our textile factory can only carry out small-scale production, and of the 20 machines made by Master Wald, only three of them can carry out normal production now."

The news of the lack of manpower put an end to Li Ke's good mood.

"This is really good news, what does Hesenwei say?"

"Although he can provide some prisoners, it will take a month at the earliest, but by then, you probably won't need them."

Grayson paused, then spoke in a complimenting tone.

"After all, your tax is so low, those farmers can give up their farm work and enter your textile factory."

"Yeah, but that's a month away."

Li Ke nodded, it is really useless to worry now.

"By the way, do those animal and plant experts have something that we can use directly?"

"Yes, your chicken farm can be opened directly, but the chicken farm is still in a state of semi-suspended operation. It will not be possible until the logging farm is completely built and other residential buildings and other things are built. Build."

"There's no rush for this. We'll wait until our own iron factory is expanded. Let's build a fence first, let's raise them in a free range, and let those soldiers station there to avoid being caught by vultures or something."

"Yes, my lord."

Li Ke nodded. The chicken farm is really not in a hurry now. The chickens given by the Twilight believers are enough to supply the entire Western Wilderness within a few months.

So now we just need to keep them free-range, and then close them to the farm.

After all, if there is no population, there is no place to sell his products.

"In addition, the construction of the fel power station has also begun, but because he dare not summon too many demons, Mr. Wally seems to want to borrow some construction workers from you that can be killed."

"Killable...construction workers?"

Li Ke's movements stopped.

But he could also understand, he flipped through the pamphlet that Grayson handed over, looked at Wall-E's application carefully, and then understood.

Indeed, as he thought, it was because of confidentiality reasons, but it was not entirely necessary, but it required a large number of extremely desperate emotions, which could promote the transformation of the fel energy furnace and the ability to 'split' the fel energy Further expansion, and then let the things put into it burn and dissipate heat to the maximum, and it will naturally be able to generate electricity.

This is low-end in the demon's technology, because the high-end is to turn everything, even things like stones, into evil energy, and then use the energy directly.

But because Li Ke only wants the most common electricity, that's all he can do.

"In addition, they also gave you a proposal based on the situation in this world. If you can't accept it, you can also use this thing."

Seeing Li Ke frowned, Grayson immediately opened the page in front of Li Ke, and then revealed a plan behind it.

Then, Li Ke saw a blueprint of the shaman's anger.

"Elemental power generation plan? And elemental engine?"

Li Ke slowly read out what was written on these design drawings.

That's right, elemental generators and elemental engines.

The principle is very simple, that is to imprison an element in the generator.

Catch the air elemental and let the air elemental push the turbine, catch the fire elemental and let the fire elemental push it, catch the water elemental and let the water elemental push it, and if you catch the earth elemental—

The earth element can stand, because iron is a kind of earth element, and the earth element can directly control the engine to turn.

So the treatment of the earth elements is much better.

It's the exact opposite of a dog.

But there is a premise, that is, these elements are bound and in the position of obvious slaves.

But it's tempting.

Because it is very simple, and it can be easily done with the technology of this world.

It's not like the Fel Furnace, which will be attacked by everyone, and it's not like the others, which have too high requirements for parts.

"Very tempting."

Li Ke nodded and put it aside.

"Are you interested?"

"Speaking of conscience, it's hard not to, but it's a pity that elemental lords are not so easy to deal with, and the existence of shamans also makes this kind of engine quite unstable."

Although Li Ke despised the elemental lords, he had to admit one thing.

Elements are not very easy to catch.

Take Ragnaros as an example. Although it is difficult to come to the real world, it is not too easy for it to return to the elemental world. If it is not blocked by someone who also uses the power of the world, no one can prevent an element from returning to the world. In their own elemental world.

And the elements are very vengeful, it doesn't matter if the demons use this method, because eventually all the elements will become fel elements.

But he can't, he wants to maintain the beauty of the mountains and rivers, and he can't do so when he is dominating Azeroth.

Just when Li Ke was sighing, he suddenly raised his head, because two figures suddenly appeared in the room where Onyxia appeared before.

He raised his hand and raised Grayson to continue talking, and after a while, two figures also came from that room and came to the dining room.

He looked at Onyxia who appeared in front of him, and that handsome black-haired man who suppressed a kind of displeasure in his eyes.

"Onyxia... the other one, Nefarian?"

Li Ke looked at these two people, thought for a while, and felt that it was a bit too smooth.

Just as he was about to deal with the fire elemental lord, the enemies of the fire elemental lord came over there...

Is it so smooth?

(End of this chapter)

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