Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 367 Nefarian who cares about his sister

Chapter 367 Nefarian who cares about his sister

Onyxia looked at Li Ke with a strange light in her eyes, but Nefarian on the other side was not in such a good mood as Onyxia.

Because when he was looking for his sister before, he saw her stroking a dragon egg.

This is not a big deal.

My younger sister is a mature and healthy female dragon, and she should have normal physiological reactions.

So she will naturally give birth to dragon eggs, and most of these dragon eggs will hatch some young dragons.

But how should I put it, these young dragons are still young dragons, even if they grow up, they are nothing more than waste, and they will not be regarded as their own children at all.

Because they can't even understand the characters of the Dragon Clan, and they can think independently. Although there are some special species that can have the Dragon Flame that protects the giant dragon, that is a small probability event.

There is only a very small possibility that a child born to a single female dragon can grow into a giant dragon, and it will be quite weak when it grows up.

This kind of giant dragon, Nefarian has one claw at a time, so he has no fear at all.

In the judgment of the black dragon, those who cannot be equal to his own strength are not worthy of being called family members at all.

So Nefarian thought at first that it was his sister's motherhood attack again-after all, she was a mature female dragon.

However, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

He can still think of that day now.

Thinking about it now, it was already very far away, but every time he thought about it, he would feel pain from the bottom of his heart, and it was as unforgettable as what happened yesterday.

The day before, Black Rock Mountain:
"My dear sister, guess what I invented again? Oh! A suppression device! As long as I install this thing in my lair, those fire elements will be severely suppressed after they come in. Not only that, this With a little modification, it can also become a training machine for our young dragons, as well as a machine to prevent those experimental products from escaping!"

Nefarian was very proud to show Onyxia a new machine that was similar to a wooden stake, but in the past he would ask him if this thing could be used to torture people, and if he could give her a few hundred Thousands of Onyxias yawned uninterestedly today, and kept stroking a dragon egg.

"Yes, yes, Nefarian, very powerful."

Onyxia replied perfunctorily, but Nefarian couldn't help but frowned.

Why is my sister so perfunctory to me today?
Although it was perfunctory in the first place, in the past, my sister would still ask about the cost and then mock me.

But why is it like this today, and——

"I've been paying attention since just now, my dear sister."

Nefarian swallowed, and pointed to the dragon egg in Onyxia's arms. He had just discovered that this dragon egg was different, but the main reason was that his sister was here, so he was embarrassed to ask.

And a dragon egg is not as important as a younger sister.

But now, he just reacted.

On this dragon egg.

Why is the power of the dragon so strong?
And it's so pure?

It's as clean as if they hadn't merged with the power of shadow!

This was at least 1 years ago!

This is impossible!He has studied it!He can be very sure.

this world!
does not exist!
The so-called pure black dragon!
However, Onyxia's words shattered the research and persistence he had relied on for a while.

"Oh, this is a dragon egg I laid with a lost, completely pure black dragon, but, uh..."

When Onyxia said this, her beautiful cheeks were full of helplessness and sadness, and Nefarian felt that his heart was broken, not only because Onyxia and other black dragons had eggs , because she was sad.

The sad female dragon sighed, and she felt sad when she thought of Li Ke thinking of herself as a human being.

"What's wrong? My sister! Do you need me to kill him for you!?"

Nefarian only thought of this solution.

Things had come to this, he could only reluctantly kill his brother-in-law, and then take care of his sister, an orphan and widow.

No, orphans and widows.

Thinking of the spell he had researched to control the gender of the dragon egg, Nefarian's expression became quite firm.

"...It's useless, didn't I ask you for a group of craftsmen before? Those weak and useless wastes, those idiots who even thought they were dwarves as spies, and even drank lava wine like dwarves .My darling likes them very much, but it is a pity that a black dragon as powerful as his can have the same problems as those wastes."

"Do you need to kill him?"

Nefarian asked intimately.

After all, it is only waste that has problems, so the ones that have this problem are naturally waste.

Nefarian remembered very clearly that his younger sister specially recruited some unemployed dragons, and those useless dragons chose what kind of fucking majors!
If it's herbalism, pharmacy, or even engineering that enhances the human body, he won't treat them as waste.

Finally learn what mechanical structure!What architecture to study!The only useful material science, these sons of bitches also specialize in mechanical material science and building material science!

Is he good at biological modification?

To study mechanical structure and mechanical materials, can't he get it directly from the Titan ruins? !The time you spend on researching materials that can barely be used to make some mechanical structures is enough time for him to take out the finished steel products that can be used to build flying fortresses from the Titan ruins!

Brain is sick!

And he, Heishishan, still lacks people who screw him? !Or is his Nefarian aesthetic not good enough?

And because he's been a spy for so long, he thinks of himself as a dwarf and a dwarf!
This means that the number of dragonmen is not enough these years. After all, there are fewer people in the dragon army, otherwise he will have to let these wastes understand what is the wrath of the dragon.

But there are quite a lot of such waste under his hands.

Thinking of this, he feels helpless. The Twilight Dragon project is simple and easy to develop. Although he doesn't like it, he can be sure that if he does it, it will soon produce results.

Although he is most interested in colorful dragons now, and believes that colorful dragons are the future, it does not prevent him from despising the fact that his father has a big project in his hands.

After all, although Deathwing valued technology, it wasn't Nefarian who said he was.

but true.

Deathwing's research ability is about the same as his current Righteous Heart.

Can't say no.

Can only say nothing.

Just as Nefarian fell into his own world, Onyxia spoke again.

"He seems to regard himself as a human being."

"it is good."

Nefarian nodded.

"I'm going to kill him now!"

 Um...sorry, fell asleep on the table...

  Add more tomorrow to make up for today's.

(End of this chapter)

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