"My brother, although I couldn't get you to bring your weapons, I think these weapons should be enough for you to use, after all, you like human things so much—"

Nefarian opened his hand, and the abnormally huge magic power instantly distorted the air above his head.

Space spells, which are quite difficult for human mages, are simply a handy thing for dragons, and the huge magic power of dragons far exceeds the limit that human mages can reach.

Of course, it is the limit of most mages. As long as any dragon is willing to learn magic well, then he is guaranteed to be a great magister. Although powerful, most dragons have little interest.

However, for a person like Nefarian who is obsessed with scientific research and is very thirsty for power, magic is something that must be learned.

Even in ancient times, when the relationship between the blue dragon and the black dragon was the closest, he even learned magic lessons from the blue dragon king!
Therefore, following his words, weapons appeared out of thin air above the sky.

Gorgeous two-handed sword, as well as strangely shaped two-handed swords, a metal spear several meters long, a two-handed ax and a two-handed hammer carved with two dragon heads, and a staff full of strange light, obviously made of dragon spines and The bow made of fascia, all kinds of gorgeous shields and all kinds of arrows and daggers, Nefarian summoned thousands of magic weapons on his head!

These magical weapons are full of powerful magic power, and the flickering blades prove that they are definitely not ostentatious. Li Ke even saw dozens of wild blades stacked like garbage, Let him understand that the sword he harvested earlier, which is very rare in the human empire, is only at the level of "nothing more" in Nefarian's treasure house.

Although it is precious, it is also worth grabbing a lot. It is precious to ordinary people, but to him, it is the same as the blood medicine hoarded by a hamster player. He can use it, but he can't.

These weapons were all fired in Li Ke's direction under the blessing of arcane magic, and fell on Li Ke's side like raindrops.

Nefarian didn't even intend to attack Li Ke. Instead, he managed to make these weapons fall away from Li Ke's body and surrounded Li Ke.

Those sharp blades pierced through the land directly, allowing these blades to be picked by Li Ke like goods in shopping malls and supermarkets.

"—Then use it! I'll also let you know what is the biggest difference between us and mortals!"

He raised his head proudly, he didn't need any treasures to fight Li Ke, all he needed was his sharp claws and fangs.

His scales are one of the strongest armors in the world, and his fangs and claws, as well as his magic, are his strongest weapons!

Standing in the strong wind generated by Nefarian's constantly swelling and exploding magic power, Li Ke looked at the dazzling array of magical weapons around him, and then looked at the look of "If you don't kill me today, don't even think about leaving" Nefarian, he twisted his wrist slightly.

"Sometimes I'm really curious, Nefarian."

He is really puzzled.

"tell me the story."

Nefarian chuckled lightly, and really didn't care.

"People like you, why do you always like to die?"

The next moment, the berserk flames of fel energy spread instantly under Li Ke's feet, and the space that was originally filled with the magic power of the Nefarian dragon was instantly shrouded in barrenness and dilapidated, extremely deadly fel energy.

The powerful impact even caused the sharp weapons inserted in Li Ke's body to fly backwards, and the magic of summoning was forcibly dispelled, and turned into golden light amidst waves of space fluctuations, and forcibly returned to Nefarian's treasure house .

Li Ke doesn't care about this, these weapons escape as long as they escape, and Nefarian can't escape. Countless evil energies spread out crazily around his will, and Nefarian suddenly found that under his feet, breathing Innumerable evil energies quickly poured into the air and the energies he touched, constantly producing huge energy variables, making it impossible for him to use space magic to leave this place directly!

And the ground under Li Ke's feet burned with flames of evil energy, spreading towards Nefarian.

He himself was standing in the middle of the flames, with the green fel fire wrapped in his hands, looking at Nefarian who opened his eyes with a silent look.

"Why do you think you can fight me?"

Nefarian instinctively felt something was wrong, the strength of this evil energy had surpassed the power that the demon lord could show in this world!Even in the era of the War of the Ancients, a demon lord of this strength is not an idler!



Nefarian gave up his plan to play with Li Ke in human form, so he completely released his magic power, and his voice became thicker and hoarse.

"Then let you see the power of the dragon clan in advance!"

A huge dragon appeared in front of Li Ke in an instant, and the powerful wind pressure mixed with magic power collided with Li Ke's fel fire, but Li Ke just laughed lightly.

"is it?"

Every breath that Nefarian takes now contains particles of evil energy that he cannot dissipate, but the amount is not large enough to defeat Nefarian in an instant, so Li Ke doesn't mind that before he really uses this trump card, Fight Nefarian.

Countless evil energy flew into the sky in an instant, and under Li Ke's will, countless evil energy spears were formed, moving towards Nefarian who had moved his four legs and charged towards Li Ke like a chariot.

And chains and flames also appeared, wrapping around Nefarian's mouth, feet, and tail like poisonous snakes.

"Tips for carving insects!"

But the scales of the dragon clan made the evil energy helpless. Nefarian roared, and the shadow dragon flames spewed out from his mouth, collided and annihilated Li Ke's evil energy chains and spears, and the next moment, a group approached The 30-meter-wide and 20-meter-high flame ball pressed towards Li Ke.

And Li Ke also clearly sensed that what was wrapped in the flames was Nefarian's rushing body and huge claws!
Without thinking about it, Li Ke wrapped the chains of evil energy around his arms, and let the chains of evil energy pull him to fly out.

The next moment, the place where he was standing suddenly collapsed, and half of the rocks on the cliff were ruthlessly blown away, and when the smoke and dust were blown away by the strong wind blown by a pair of huge wings, Li Ke saw that the already melted For the top of the magma mountain, and Nefarian who was lying in the magma pool and looking at him kindly.

Obviously, Nefarian's power should not be underestimated.

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