Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 372 Nefarian's Defeat

Chapter 372 Nefarian's Defeat

Li Ke has never underestimated the power of the dragon clan, because obviously, in the game, you cannot let those monsters destroy the scene on a large scale.

And those game designers back then probably couldn't think of this.

But obviously, the real world doesn't pay attention to this truth.

Just like the teleportation and space technology, which is still an absolute high-end technology for human beings today, is not a problem at all for these dragons who have mastered the world for thousands of years.

Dragons are very powerful.

Unless, they met the Dianka God of War—I mean the elite of human beings.

Although I don't know why Nefarian didn't escape from a bay window as big as Black Rock Mountain at that time, but there is no doubt that the space on Black Rock Mountain is extremely small compared to the Dragon Clan, which is definitely for Nefarian. Strength has had a certain impact.

Because one of the greatest abilities of dragons is mobility.

"My brother, it seems that you are not good at using the power of the dragon clan."

Nefarian's mouth spewed flames that could melt stones. The real temperature was not that high, but in fact the power of the dragon flames was not that simple. They seemed to be able to transmit heat easily. There is no such thing as conduction of heat with you.

Heat conduction is very important.

Just like some aviation materials, it was still thousands of degrees high before, but as long as it stays at room temperature for a while, it will quickly become a level that can be touched by humans with bare hands. This is the effect of heat conduction.

The flames of the dragon clan have similar power, they are more efficient in the ability to conduct heat, and can quickly transfer the temperature to the target being sprayed.

This can be understood as the dragon's flame has a certain proportion of true damage.

This is also the reason why some fighters will be burned to death by the flames even though they have already put on fire-resistant cloaks and the like.

"The reason why you were able to easily control my sister was because she was carelessly controlled by you in human form. It was still the same the second time. She thought that with my help, she could directly mock her. You bastard."

Nefarian's tone became more and more low.

"So, I'm curious, how sure are you when facing the true power of the Dragon Clan."

He is very serious, he knows that his sister must be calling him a fool now, but there is no doubt that he must show his strength.

She always thinks that she can read people's hearts, but she doesn't know that people's hearts are the most unreliable thing in this world. A random accident can directly destroy her self-righteous plan.

So the moment he saw Li Ke, Nefarian knew that he and Li Ke had to fight.

"I'm actually curious about this question too."

The radiance of evil energy shone in Li Ke's hands.

Nefarian was right about one thing, he really wanted to know where his true strength should be in this world!

Fighting Thrall, fighting Kel'Thuzad, all with the help of the Holy Light.

Although they are very generous and can even be said to be responsive to themselves, the power of the Holy Light is undoubtedly bestowed by them, and it is precisely because the power of the Holy Light is given by Naaru. Be very careful.

Don't look at the fact that there has never been anything wrong with facing demons or undead, but once Li Ke does something that does not conform to Shengguang's view, then those naru's refusal of confession will happen in an instant.

Other powers also have these problems, so Li Ke has always wanted to know, aside from those external powers, be it holy light, shadows, or those elements, he only relies on evil energy What kind of ecological position in this world is the power he owns!
The use of evil energy is still so simple and rude. Under Li Ke's restraint, the violent evil energy turned into spears and pierced towards Nefarian, and Nefarian roared out violently, a mass of A huge dragon's breath spewed out from his mouth in an instant, covering the rushing spears.

Li Ke quickly changed his position relying on the pull of the fel energy chains, and lightly grasped his palm, the arcane power in his body also poured out crazily, forming magic circles one by one around Nefarian's breath. .

This is the ice magic he learned from Jaina but now he only keeps the magic that lowers the temperature.

However, Nefarian stopped breathing, and clusters of shadow power surged out of his body in an instant, forming a shield on his body, blocking the fel spears that broke through his dragon breath.

However, at the same time, his laughter also sounded.

"Small tricks! Didn't your mage teacher tell you not to play magic in front of people who are better at magic than you?"

Li Ke instantly discovered that the magic power from Nefarian formed in front of his magic circle, and the cold air created by his magic circle was instantly restrained by Nefarian's magic circle.

Not only that, he also launched a magic circle to summon water elements!
As the water element rushed into the cold magic circle, countless ice spears rushed towards Li Ke like a tsunami, blocking all of Li Ke's escape routes.

But Li Ke just held his palm, and the next moment, the arcane energy of the magic circle formed by Li Ke rushed into the magic circle built by Nefarian instantly.

Although he can't understand it, the more sophisticated something is, the easier it is to be destroyed!
A strong explosion resounded through the valley immediately, and the ice spear, which was already frenzied, became even more frenzied.

And Li Ke didn't stay idle either, a three-color shield constructed by evil energy, holy light, and shadow power suddenly appeared in front of him, not only that, but he also launched a series of magic circles again——

It was the magic circle used by Nefarian to condense cold air, the magic circle to summon water elements, and the magic circle used by Li Ke to condense ice!

The next moment, a glacier of the same size slammed into the chest and abdomen of Nefarian, who was able to see clearly just now. He staggered. Not only was Long Yan, who was already ready to go, interrupted, but his huge body was also broken. He staggered for a while, but was unable to rush directly in Li Ke's direction.

But Li Ke's arcane energy is not too much, so he can't deploy more magic circles again. However, when Nefarian is about to adjust his posture and cast spells again, Li Ke can cast spells without any singing advantages are evident.

As the ice mist dissipated, Nefarian was surprised to find that, at some point, there were more fel spears around him, tightly wrapping them that had just adjusted their posture.

And the chains connecting these fel spears are a kind of pale, warm, and strangely contradictory holy light!
"Really, incredible!"

Nefarian couldn't understand!

(End of this chapter)

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