Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 383 The Imminent Riot

Chapter 383 The Imminent Riot
"Impossible, Jennifer, we will definitely be hostile to all the nobles in the future."

Li Ke shook his head and comforted Jennifer.

"You just have to keep up with me."

He gently stroked Jennifer's face. Up to now, it was hard for him to say what kind of status Jennifer was by his side. He just realized that even if Jennifer betrayed him in the future, he would not put Her soul is annihilated, but she will be imprisoned forever.

Seeing the scar on Jennifer's eye, Li Ke couldn't help stroking it, and asked Jennifer.

"Do you want me to help you get rid of this scar?"

Things that were difficult in the past are now just a matter of thought for Li Ke.

But Jennifer followed Li Ke's hand and stroked the scar on her eye socket, then shook her head.

"Even if this scar is restored, my appearance will not be more beautiful than that of an elf, my dear, but this will allow me to remember how I met you."

Jennifer pulled Li Ke's hand away and looked at Li Ke seriously.

"I'm not very smart, Li Ke, I can feel that I often can't understand your plans, your thoughts, and sometimes even question you. But, I will always be the one you met in the tavern That Jennifer."

She sighed.

"So, go ahead and do what you want, after all, no matter how bad it is..."

She paused, then smiled.

"We are all just going to a small village, and then I will be my tavern proprietress, and you will go to church and be a monk."

Li Ke smiled and kissed Jennifer's lips.

Jennifer is very stupid, her vision is very narrow, and sometimes she will do some stupid things on her own. Even now, she still doesn't understand many things about Li Ke, but she has always been smart in one point.

She is indeed, never betrayed Li Ke.

This is countless times smarter than a smart person like Greyet.

"Of course, my Countess Jennifer."

Li Ke smiled and said his promise to Jennifer. Jennifer's talents and abilities are limited to being a countess who can enjoy life and carry out Li Ke's orders. This is also the position Li Ke gave her.

At this time, Jennifer's statement again was just to reiterate one thing.

She will not betray Li Ke when Li Ke is fighting the nobles.

This is very important.

As for what Jennifer said, at the end of the day, at worst, she will become a tavern owner, while Li Ke will become a monk, and let her take care of herself——


Let's not say that Li Ke will never fail, if he really fails.

He'll just be dead.

"Well, I believe you."

Jennifer knew that Li Ke would make her an earl, so she leaned into Li Ke's arms. Although Li Ke couldn't let Li Ke feel her plump and soft body through the barrier of armor, Li Ke still felt Jennifer's dependence on oneself.

However, just as the two of them looked at each other and smiled, Grayson, who had been waiting outside for a long time, finally walked in, and as he opened the balcony door, the already noisy voice suddenly became even more noisy It was: Before Li Ke got up, the soldiers, Grayson and others had already set up the venue, and gathered the people who came to pay taxes and then because of Li Ke's food supply policy.

They basically started before dawn, especially the people. In order to better gather these people, Lagertha did not distribute the morning bread, so the people who gathered five or six hours in advance caused a lot of trouble Well, Lagertha dispatched several soldiers to solve this matter, and even died because of this, an unconscious person.

But Li Ke could sleep peacefully in a room with excellent soundproofing effect, dress up tenderly with Jennifer, and only get up from the bed near noon.

The life of those in power is much better than that of ordinary people.

"Sir, everything is ready outside."

Grayson looked at Li Ke respectfully. At this moment, his respect was serious, because although the Burning Legion often let an agent face the world alone, but, like Li Ke, a person with the idea of ​​self-sufficiency, in the Without the will of any legion, he chose to face a world alone, and he had never seen it before.

Listening to the hustle and bustle outside the door, thinking of what he was going to do in the history of this world, out of his status, Li Ke couldn't help but smile.

Who doesn't want to show their holiness and foresight in front of people in high spirits?Who doesn't want to be unique?

Thinking of what he was going to do next, Li Ke even felt that his voice could not help but change, becoming impassioned, and even more serious.

"Very well, then at this moment, let the world remember this moment, and let the students of future generations recite the date of this day and what happened, and even, let them be sad, to recite I made up a speech out of nowhere."

Li Ke laughed. From today onwards, he will release a scourge with his own hands, a force that is more terrifying than the Burning Legion, Ancient God, and Holy Light.

"Come on, Jennifer, let's meet history."

Holding Jennifer's hand, Li Ke walked out of the door, and the sunlight instantly shone on his holy light armor. The golden light instantly attracted the eyes of those people who were temporarily allowed to come to the manor.

"The lord is coming!!"

"Is that Miss Jennifer?! She's so beautiful!"

"Oh my god! They are like people chosen by the Holy Light!"

These low-level people have never seen such a glamorous person, especially Li Ke's control of the holy light floating around him, which makes the appearance of him and Jennifer mixed with a sacred color in a religious sense.

Li Ke let go of Jennifer's hand, walked up to the roof that he used as a podium, looked at the excited people below, and then looked at them silently but seriously.

The number of them is not very large, and many people came to pay taxes together, so what Li Ke saw, there were only two to three thousand people standing on the lawn of the manor. In the manor, they are so out of place.

Even, when Li Ke saw those elves, those guards, when they looked at these farmers, they showed expressions of disdain.

And none of these farmers felt that there was anything wrong with it.

So he stretched out his hand, gave a knightly salute to these people, and then stood at the forefront.

The peasants and mayors below looked at him, thinking that he was about to speak, so with the help of the spears in the guards' hands, they quickly fell silent.

Then, they waited for 1 minute and 3 minutes, but everyone looked at Li Ke anxiously, not knowing what Li Ke was going to do, and even Jennifer wondered if Li Ke forgot his words because of nervousness At that moment, Li Ke finally spoke.

"Here, I only see a group of poor people, a group of poor people who keep putting in their own efforts, but still live a poor life. They can't afford a wife, they can't get their own mouths, and they can't even fill their stomachs."

He paused before continuing.

"The nobles told me that it's because you're lazy. You're a bunch of scumbags from the bottom of your heart, a bunch of maggots without a backbone, a bunch of maggots who only know how to be lazy, without their foresight and holiness."

"You are born as inferior worms, and you are meant to support them. You are hungry because you are lazy. Your parents were lazy, and your ancestors were lazy too."


Li Ke paused again.

"I read a lot of books and found a lot of interesting things, that is, the ancestors of many nobles were also commoners, and everyone knows that many nobles are not holy and noble. It's strange, isn't it? ?”

"The teachings of the Holy Light seem to have disappeared from them, but they still enjoy the blessings of the Holy Light. This is also very strange, isn't it?"

There was laughter from the audience, but Li Ke didn't laugh, he just fell silent again.

 a while

(End of this chapter)

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